The point is, this is a sales thread. And there's of course an obvious bias with other hosters posting. The point is, he doens't know what's going on, all he's doing is stopping short of libel and poisoning the sales thread with assumptions.
Oh yeah, I'm quite aware of that. But I wonder whether telling him to fuck off helps your matters. As this rival of yours has correctly pointed out, everything leaves marks nowadays. And with Google EVERYTHING can be found and traced back. Even libelous content is that is forced to be removed from sites (it remains in Google's cache). You see I'm sure you could deduce even my nationality with a little bit of googling. Maybe even my country of origin. Despite the fact that I haven't put them here.
The thing is, this is almost like the typical reaction even multi-national corporations have when someone say something unkind about them. Then they threat the person with a lawsuit thinking that that'll make him shut up. And what happens? A HUGE public outlash against the company, bad press and everything that goes with it. Then the company has to back off, apologize etc. This is what happened with Creative for instance (you know when a guy made some Creative cards work on Windows Vista too). Sure, you can go this way, thinking that even bad publicity is publicity. Not sure whether that works well with established companies though.
But the opposite way can be more rewarding. Let me give you a somewhat obscure example: a guy in Hungary has written a REALLY unkind book about Tesco (UK's Wal-Mart

) and the fishy operations going on in there, titled "Tesco secret - what nobody has dared to tell". It contained a lot of nasty and embarrassing facts about the supermarket chain, especially for the ones in Hungary e.g. the way employees have smuggled out (read: stolen) cartloads of various goods (mostly consumer electronics). Or the way security dealt with beggars: "discharged" the worse-looking ones, while asked some bribe from the ones they've allowed to stay (including black marketeers selling counterfeit perfume, cheap knives, watches etc.). Or the way suppliers bribed the Tesco store managers who then ordered the suppliers' junk (some REALLY crappy chinese radios, CD players that they had to bundle later with some other products as they couldn't sell them alone, they were that crappy). In short, the book was full of some pretty NASTY shit. And what did they do? A Tesco spokesperson has told something like "that book's a piece of shit, but we don't intend to deal with it". Later they've filed a suit for copyright infringement (the book's cover looks like a "Tesco value" product), but later they've dropped the case as well. So what happened you might ask? Well, NOTHING. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Actually one thing did: Tesco keeps expanding further. Untouched by the whole "scandal". Kinda unbelievable, isn't it?
Ok, for the ones who are frustrated by long texts: if you have to choose between throwing shit at someone/flaming/trolling or making him go away (even by ignoring him, if you have to

), you might sometimes get better results with the second option.* And this applies to both parties.
*though your mileage may vary
P.S. sorry for the OT, but I really think that sometimes less is more