Shoemoney calls out barman to fight at ASW

Backstory Summary.

A year ago he and Barman got into spat over who the fuck cares what.

Shoemoney didn't get any recognition from Barman regarding said spat.

Now, 12 months later, Shoemoney still hasn't let this go and want's to have some half ass, fatty, wannabe UFC fight at ASW.

I think Shoemoney will train with those UFC fighters he knows and kick ass.

I think Jeremy will do what he has every other time he has challenged Barman to a fight: not follow through because he only does this to get extra traffic to his blog so he can maintain his advertising space rates.

The closest thing you're going to get to a fight there is them hiring proxies to fill in for them, because we all know that noone but Shoe will enjoy seeing two guys groping each other.

So, here's what needs to happen: hire two hot chicks to fight.

you gonna take that shit FTC-Hater?

Lol, whatever.

I guess since I didn't go to the last ASW I didn't know there was actual drama here. I thought this was a mutual for charity (for fun) thing.

I met Shoe a few years ago at a network party and think he's a great guy. I haven't even met Barman. If this is going to turn into some typical Wickedfire drama (barman vs. shoemoney vs. Wickedfire) thread where everyone gets all hot and bothered over internet drama I'm out. I have enough stress in my life without getting involved in this unintentionally.

If this is a for charity fight and both mutually agree to it then I'll bet Shoe 10k if he wants to (if Barman wins Shoe donates 10k to St. Judes, if he wins I'll donate to whatever his charity is).

Or if Shoe wants to fight some guru (like Kern, etc, which would be funnier I think) I'll do the same. I don't care. I thought this was going to be all for charity first and foremost and I bet a few hundred grand could easily be raised, if done right, for various charities. But looks more like this is all over some petty internet drama.

Which is a shame. This would be a great fundraiser if someone organized it and everything was just for laughs. Anyway I'm out of this thread because knowing Wickedfire this will turn into some 10 page drama thread... I believe Shoe has me on AIM or he can PM me if he ends up organizing something mutual, for fun, for charity and wants help getting guys to raise money or anything.
Aren't there threats for fights for every year of ASW? How many actually happen? Not that I condone violence because I don't, but it's always alot of big talk goin on before and then :party-smiley-004:
I thought this was him?


nah that's me :D

I see one problem with the outcome of this fight, if Shoe loses oh well he lost some money to charity... if Barman loses... bwahahahahahahahah.

In reality though it would be so fucking entertaining and for a good cause so my vote is yes!
im pretty sure shoemoney doesn't expect barman to accept because he knows barman 'isnt baller enough' to just throw out 10k, even if it is for charity. although it would be great publicity for if he did accept.
You're kidding me right?

I don't know Barman, but I consider WickedFire my home.

Point Blank: Who the fuck cares about this shoemoney guy? Is he a GOD or something?

I just don't understand why we give this guy the time of day to even be mentioned. He's just like us, and probably grinded his way to the top just like we all are doing.

Personally, he puts his big ass pants on just like any of us do, and I feel that he shouldn't even get the respect of this thread, period.

Anyone can grind to the top if you put in the hard work. This is just a publicity stunt by Shoemoney - just as if I called out the Hoth guys to a foot race. Or a boxing match. Or an eating contest. See where I'm going with this? Who the fuck cares, it's about the publicity.
Anyone can grind to the top if you put in the hard work. This is just a publicity stunt by Shoemoney - just as if I called out the Hoth guys to a foot race. Or a boxing match. Or an eating contest. See where I'm going with this? Who the fuck cares, it's about the publicity.
Foot race would be boring. I'd want to see a fight or a butter eating contest, though.
[ame=]YouTube - Mike Tyson's "I 'll fuck you till you love me,faggot!!"[/ame]
wow i really don't know why he has a stick up his ass about me. do i really make fun of him that much? i think the last time i gave shoemoney a thought was a year ago when he asked me to debate him on shit or something. maybe it was those memes? i wonder if he thinks about me all the time or something... it seems close to obsession.

i am strongly considering doing it though because a) what a fucking cunt move to call me out like that without asking me first (he did bring it up a while ago as an april fools prank but i said no) and b) it will be so fucking glorious to bash his fucking skull in
wow i really don't know why he has a stick up his ass about me. do i really make fun of him that much? i think the last time i gave shoemoney a thought was a year ago when he asked me to debate him on shit or something. maybe it was those memes? i wonder if he thinks about me all the time or something... it seems close to obsession.

i am strongly considering doing it though because a) what a fucking cunt move to call me out like that without asking me first (he did bring it up a while ago as an april fools prank but i said no) and b) it will be so fucking glorious to bash his fucking skull in

Do it.