Shoemoney calls out barman to fight at ASW

Is this the guy, Barman is up against? Lol... Seriously... LOL


No amonut of money can buy your way out of this kind of ugly.


My family co-owns a boxing gym in NYC called Gleason's Gym. Wickedfire will sponsor training for you there if you're up for it. They trained all of the major boxing fighter champions. We can hook you up with all of the gear too. Hit me up on aim, let's discuss.


I love the way Jon is trying to diffuse this situation.

The man sat silently as they dissected the cow. Several dirty men, covered in strange garbs began making almost random incisions on the beast, and extracting different pieces of its inner organs. He felt a tiny surge shoot down his penis. This was exciting to him. He tried to look at something else, but could not help but see the desecration of the cow in his peripheral vision. The men began laughing and hurtling the entrails at each other, their grinning faces speckled in blood. Matiphastus began to stroke his erection as subtly as he could.
The man sat silently as they dissected the cow. Several dirty men, covered in strange garbs began making almost random incisions on the beast, and extracting different pieces of its inner organs. He felt a tiny surge shoot down his penis. This was exciting to him. He tried to look at something else, but could not help but see the desecration of the cow in his peripheral vision. The men began laughing and hurtling the entrails at each other, their grinning faces speckled in blood. Matiphastus began to stroke his erection as subtly as he could.


please tell us more.
If these dudes flake, me and BB wolfe will still knock the shit out of each other for your enjoyment and then go eat pancakes with maple syrup for the hell of it.

I like your style, sir.