SERPWoo BETA - Destory Niches And Rule ORM Today @ $19.95

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Special Feature Request:
So what makes you guys hungry for more data?

We are already releasing UK and Canada and other search engines, but what data are you specifically looking for?

Charts to show you parasite movement? Charts to show you what other KWs those URLs you are watching rank for?

How about volatility in the SERPs?

What data are you looking for that we can provide you..

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2 days left before thread closes and the end of Beta accounts for $19.​
We have nailed down UK and CAN rollout for early adopters in the next 48 hours. Scraping tests came back fine, and now you will be able to select and update yourself.​

If anyone has a prior BST mailing list and would like to be an early Beta affiliate, please PM me. I am ONLY looking for those people that have had BST's and will be mailing out to their list about SERPWoo. Early adopter affiliates will get benefits and upgrades that other affiliates will not once we roll out the program.​

We want to make a big splash coming out of Beta, so if you have blogs that we can guest posts on, mailing lists, or other related resources.. we would like to make it rain on the marketing community at large.​


Charts to show you parasite movement? Charts to show you what other KWs those URLs you are watching rank for?

How about volatility in the SERPs?

What data are you looking for that we can provide you..

All three of these features would be great.

A couple of other things I'd love to see:

1. CSV exports (been away for a couple of days so not sure if this has been added yet)

2. What changes have occurred from one data point (date) to the next. Things like links, PA, DA, Social Signals, etc. Not sure what the best way to accomplish that neatly would be. Maybe you'd need something like a start focus date and end focus date. Then lay that data out in the area below the charts.

Obviously these metrics won't be 100% accurate since there will be a delay in discovery and reporting from the third parties, but it should give a good bit of insight into what's going on with Google.

3. One or two-click URL adds. The ability to add a url from the serp report to the My Domains/URLs list by project.

4. The number of times a given URL shows up within the same project group of keywords. Say you have a "Widget X" project setup and are tracking 10 different keywords. How many times does the same url show up in the top 20 for that group of terms (maybe root domain would be better). We can do this by hand right now, which is fine, but having the software give that info would save some time. I guess what I'm getting at is something similar to the "keywords in common" report that SEMRush has, only specific to the keyword groups we have defined.

But honestly, even if nothing else was added this would still be the most exciting analytics tool to come along in a very long time.
Not sure if this has been discussed already..

Feature request: annotations. It's pretty helpful being able to know when updates happened, be that Google updates, site updates (migrations, etc), certain activity that you expect to make an impact (link building), etc, etc.
UK and Canada Update:

I've been saying it for a few days now, but it really is within reach now. It's so close I can almost smell it.



Last Days For $19 Beta Accounts:

I sent an email out to a lot of you, so I am not going to harp on this much as I have been talking about it for a few days now. The $19 Beta accounts are going:


and the SEO world will look a lot like this to you:


Was It My Links?:

Never again question if it was an algo change, SERP movement, or your links.

I got 99 problems, but apparently my rankings ain't one.


You Trolling?:

Ok, if someone is trolling me with LinkedIn requests, I have to hand it to you.. it was pretty good. If not, I guess SERPWoo is getting noticed in the real world today.


Y u outing my replica keywords tho? ;) That shit was so much fun to follow back in teh day when the Woo was in it's infancy stage. Those guys on another level. Still to this day.

For those of you waiting for these guys to add your foreign TLD, you're missing the forest for the trees. You're thinking about Woo like another rank tracker. It's not. It's a data tool. Even if I 100% focused on foreign google markets, I would 100% study the .com results. Why? Because everything rolls out on first, then spreads to other countries as they find a "happy medium" with their algo and the results. So if you were in .fr and you were studying .com, wouldn't you have a multi week heads up on what's coming? What types of sites survived, which thrived, and which got nuked. A multi week headstart to adjust to an ALGO THAT HASN'T EVEN BEEN RELEASED IN YOUR COUNTRY YET!!!!

But no, hang out and wait for them to include your country so you can use it like a ranktracker. That's like buying an Aventador and using it to haul gravel in the passenger seat.

Tardz is right... /rant
Massive Success:
I'm talking more than just me and CCarter

UK and Canada rollout and a huge swarm of you that converted over to the paid plan at the last minute. Things got just turned up to 11 in here.



Next Steps:
This thread is closing down anyways

But I will still keep you in the loop

Rollout of more English speaking countries like AU and then hitting up the more popular countries request like France, etc. This is still going to be a slow rollout.

Affiliate program rollout. This hinges on our new pricing and a couple of other factors, but should be soon.

New pricing tiers and data options.

Billing panel upgrade ( so you can change plans, cards, etc )

New tools/reports for data. Think Moz Weather report type stuff per SERP and top domains tracking, etc

Me and CCarter have to work on a few things upfront to make this happen. Just hang in there.​

A Few Questions Answered:

If you were getting a bonus, it will rollout to you. Keep your panties on.

We are still watching how the UK and Canada SERPs are doing for a few of you guys

Many of you guys converted at the last possible minute to secure the $19 pricing so this thread and it's closing was a:

New pricing tiers will be rolling out soon, me and CCarter have nailed down our thoughts and ideas on it, as well as affiliate payouts.

ordering more servers b/c of the increase in demand from paid users and also b/c we are planning a nice upgrade for you as well in the near future.

we are still planning to give you last minute people your bonus, so please calm down. many of you are still signing up last minute so we want to rollout to everyone at the same time.


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i for one welcome our new overlords...

Q - i'm looking at hrefs for link profile, and can't find all links..because most likely some hidden private network. Anyway to route these out quickly?
Bump for bonuses. YAY!

Damn. Just got the email for another upgrade notification. Wasn't expecting another upgrade after the 4th of July bonus. So thanks fellas.

I just want to let you two know that you fucking rock. For real, bee's knees and all that.

I don't know if they still have beta open (it sounds like it may be, but it isn't for long), but those of you who didn't sign up 3 weeks ago were already being foolish. If you haven't signed up yet, now is the time to do so. The data is awesome and the guys running this are even better. I honestly don't think I've ever encountered better customer service, and I definitely haven't encountered better bonuses as a beta user.

Ok, that's enough ass kissing for today. But seriously folks, if you haven't handed over your money yet, it's time to get in where you fit in. In this case I'm happy to fit in as a grandfather. You will be too.
Never too early to be a granddaddy ... only too late... looks like a good service so far, excited to see what else rolls out.
The bonuses...DAMN. I don't know if these guys are revealing it publicly or not but it is a LOT more than I expected or even hoped for.
What is the exact definition of "SERP sightings"?

We're refining that with a graph, so you'll be able to see exactly what that means to reduce confusion. It's basically how many times we've seen that domain or url in the SERPs. At the moment doesn't make sense until we get to the next level of showcasing the exposure of a domain/url with a chart.


What are we working on for the next 30 days?

1. Affiliate program - beta testing it now.

2. Billing panel - for upgrades and downgrades, etc.

3. Domain SERP Sighting Charts - Hopefully we'll have a better name once we roll it out.

4. Special characters for keywords - 3rd party data feeds are the biggest hold up, but we are almost there. Once that is complete, international will be flooded wide open.

5. Country Schedule - A list of countries we are entering and when we'll be arriving.

6. Notification system - Currently in a re-haul mode as we redo the way notifications are done, including editing and updating. We need to re-fit them according to users rather than the a.i. bots. 60% complete.

7. Annotations - Was put on pause while we were internationalizing the operation. We're back on grinding away at creating an easy to use system that integrates well.

8 to 20. [ Classified ]


The End is near for beta, don't get left behind - And yes upgrades have gone out for ALL accounts - Super Betas and Early Adopters as well. :)

When the $19.95 price is gone... it's gone FOREVER.


You'll have to get the higher pricing tiered plans to get the same level of features Super Betas are getting - Get in now or forever hold your peace.​

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