Scottish Independance

Should Scotland become independent?


    Votes: 40 59.7%
  • No

    Votes: 27 40.3%

  • Total voters

Voting Yes in 90 mins. Looks it's going to be close, the last 8 polls point to a 52% No vs. 48% Yes.

I'm not particularly optimistic, I'd give a yes about a 5-1 shot. About 10% Of Scottish Residents are English, another 10% Have strong ties to England, the a outskirts of Scotland are all No and OAP's are stubborn as fuck with about 66% voting no.

Even though a "Yes" vote makes sense Economically AND Socially (we will determine our own future)... people either have too many ties with England or they're frightened of change.

I honestly think a no vote will divide the nation with the result being political apathy.

Myself? If it's a No, I'm going to rage quit Scotland for a year or two then come back fighting for change.
Oh, sidenote: I was brought up thinking the BBC could do no wrong and it's totally impartial. And when an American would slate them for being biased, I would roll my eyes...

Oh how my eyes have been opened. The coverage for the referendum last week was point blank scandalous, the No bias was a total joke.
Doesn't matter, the women and English living here will see it doesn't happen. Fear is winning over common sense.

When the Country votes no, I'm moving to Thailand.

100% serious.

I hope everyone who loses to the no vote, fucks off. Take Salmond and the whole SNP with you.
This is troubling:

Along with generous welfare, socialist Scotland would pride itself on “anti-racism.” As the Scottish Nationalist party website explains, “An independent Scotland will have an inclusive approach to citizenship and a humane approach to asylum seekers and refugees.” That means welcoming swarms of Syrian refugees and Senegalese street Arabs in the fatal delusion that their arrival was somehow an affirmation of Scottish genius.

How long before Scotland turns into a Third World country?
charlesmartel, your blatant racism is really boring, like conspiratard levels of boring.

Is it racist to want to preserve your culture and heritage? It's funny how every white country in the world has to succumb to massive Third World immigration but non-white countries don't have to. Do you think Japan should be flooded with Third Worlders?
Is it racist to want to preserve your culture and heritage? It's funny how every white country in the world has to succumb to massive Third World immigration but non-white countries don't have to. Do you think Japan should be flooded with Third Worlders?

Borders are inherently statist, you thug.
Borders are inherently statist, you thug.

In an anarcho-capitalist society there is no government and, accordingly, no clear-cut distinction between inlanders (domestic citizens) and foreigners. This distinction comes into existence only with the establishment of a government, i.e., an institution which possesses a territorial monopoly of aggression (taxation). The territory over which a government’s taxing power extends becomes "inland," and everyone residing outside of this territory becomes a foreigner. State borders (and passports), are an "unnatural" (coercive) institution. Indeed, their existence (and that of a domestic government) implies a two-fold distortion with respect to peoples’ natural inclination to associate with others. First, inlanders cannot exclude the government (the taxman) from their own property, but are subject to what one might call "forced integration" by government agents. Second, in order to be able to intrude on its subjects’ private property so as to tax them, a government must invariably take control of existing roads, and it will employ its tax revenue to produce even more roads to gain even better access to all private property, as a potential tax source. Thus, this over-production of roads does not involve merely an innocent facilitation of interregional trade – a lowering of transaction costs – as starry-eyed economists would have us believe, but it involves forced domestic integration (artificial desegregation of separate localities).

Moreover, with the establishment of a government and state borders, immigration takes on an entirely new meaning. Immigration becomes immigration by foreigners across state borders, and the decision as to whether or not a person should be admitted no longer rests with private property owners or associations of such owners but with the government as the ultimate sovereign of all domestic residents and the ultimate super-owner of all their properties. Now, if the government excludes a person while even one domestic resident wants to admit this very person onto his property, the result is forced exclusion (a phenomenon that does not exist under private property anarchism). Furthermore, if the government admits a person while there is not even one domestic resident who wants to have this person on his property, the result is forced integration (also non-existent under private property anarchism).

On Free Immigration and Forced Integration
As an outsider looking in I'd vote for independence if i were them just on past grievances alone. There are plenty of modern grievances as well but looking at how many of their ancestors died fighting off the English it's just like a slap in the face to them if they don't vote yes.

Who gives a shit if they end up in a rough situation for a while. It's not like they're one of these countries that is entirely desert. I'm pretty sure Scotland can feed itself, cloth itself, etc. If they have to go camping for a while sounds like fun to me.

I'll tell you one thing though.. if they don't vote fucking YES I don't want to see another Scottish movie whining about the English again in my life and I'll burn my fucking Braveheart and Rob Roy movies!

A vote for NO is a vote saying that the ends do justify the means here.. and the Scots would be saying that they are better off for what the English did to them.
I hope everyone who loses to the no vote, fucks off. Take Salmond and the whole SNP with you.

Sounds like a Yes voter raped your mum.

This is troubling:

How long before Scotland turns into a Third World country?

Scotland is currently 98% White. We already have open borders with the EU and England but this seems to have had little noticeable effect on the number of 3rd worlders coming to stay.

The SNP propose the people who come to study in Scotland will be able to stay and work here.

But you have to remember this is a vote for independence, not a vote for the SNP. We can elected whomever we choose after separation.

I wonder what a yes vote would do to the labour party...

Labour has taken a serious hammering in recent years following Tony Blairs fall from grace. A majority SNP govt was totally unthinkable even 10 years ago. They will be the main rival to the SNP come separation, but I don't expect them to get back in power (in Scotland) for at least the next 6 years.
It seems quite short sighted to me, from Scotland's perspective. We just have to make sure that independence *is* independence, rather than creating a half way house that means that the rest of the UK keeps paying their bills.

Beyond the North Sea oil, on an ongoing basis -- what, exactly, do Scotland have? Their GDP per capita when you remove North Sea oil pales in comparison to the rest of the UK.

The best thing is reading the comments on news websites. I've seen people wanting to split off the north of England and join Scotland -- seemingly with a complete lack of understanding that London and the South East subsidises their entire existence.

Scotland pays more per head in Tax than the rUK. Have a look at the GERS figures and you'll see that what you just said is bullshit.
Oh, sidenote: I was brought up thinking the BBC could do no wrong and it's totally impartial. And when an American would slate them for being biased, I would roll my eyes...

Oh how my eyes have been opened. The coverage for the referendum last week was point blank scandalous, the No bias was a total joke.

Didn't you know the synonym for BBC is British Brainwashing Company?

Feel free not to pay their shitty tv licenses too. I've not paid for 9 years and proud of it.