Scottish Independance

Should Scotland become independent?


    Votes: 40 59.7%
  • No

    Votes: 27 40.3%

  • Total voters

As it goes I think it will be a "No" result, but if Scotland vote yes, even though I'm Welsh and don't want the Union to split, it will still be a huge LULZ moment.

I get the feeling the ordinary Scot believes they are going to be considerably better off from the Oil revenue alone, except the only revenue generated is the tax from the sale of that oil. It's claimed there's only 30 to 40 years supply left, so what then?

As an independent Country they will be saying goodbye to any control over the Pound, rUK won't want a currency union, so that means in one swoop millions of people will have bank accounts, loans and mortgages whose rates are set by a foreign Country. I doubt very much they will be able to go the Euro route as already stated by other member EU States, Scotland will have to apply for EU membership.

The new Scottish Government will have to develop a whole new infrastructure, new Governmental departments etc, Scottish citizens will no longer be issued with UK passports and the protection from UK embassies whilst abroad.

What about their security? Having declared that they want Trident off Scottish soil, it's the height of chutzpah to then request protection from NATO. They will need an Army, Air Force, Navy and Police Force. Border control would be a massive headache for them. England don't want immigrants swanning across the land border with Scotland, so they have a responsibility to ensure their borders are safe and secure.

There's plenty more to throw into the pot and it begs the question how are they going to pay for it all? I have yet to see any kind of coherent counter argument to any of the above points from The SNP, so it will be a monumental leap of faith by the Scottish people to vote "yes" with so much uncertainty.
As it goes I think it will be a "No" result, but if Scotland vote yes, even though I'm Welsh and don't want the Union to split, it will still be a huge LULZ moment.

I get the feeling the ordinary Scot believes they are going to be considerably better off from the Oil revenue alone, except the only revenue generated is the tax from the sale of that oil. It's claimed there's only 30 to 40 years supply left, so what then?

As an independent Country they will be saying goodbye to any control over the Pound, rUK won't want a currency union, so that means in one swoop millions of people will have bank accounts, loans and mortgages whose rates are set by a foreign Country. I doubt very much they will be able to go the Euro route as already stated by other member EU States, Scotland will have to apply for EU membership.

The new Scottish Government will have to develop a whole new infrastructure, new Governmental departments etc, Scottish citizens will no longer be issued with UK passports and the protection from UK embassies whilst abroad.

What about their security? Having declared that they want Trident off Scottish soil, it's the height of chutzpah to then request protection from NATO. They will need an Army, Air Force, Navy and Police Force. Border control would be a massive headache for them. England don't want immigrants swanning across the land border with Scotland, so they have a responsibility to ensure their borders are safe and secure.

There's plenty more to throw into the pot and it begs the question how are they going to pay for it all? I have yet to see any kind of coherent counter argument to any of the above points from The SNP, so it will be a monumental leap of faith by the Scottish people to vote "yes" with so much uncertainty.

SSHHHH! You're just a big bully, these things will be crafted from the heavenly clouds by the dear mighty leader Alexander.
New Official Currency

Is it racist to want to preserve your culture and heritage? It's funny how every white country in the world has to succumb to massive Third World immigration but non-white countries don't have to. Do you think Japan should be flooded with Third Worlders?

Blah blah blah your culture is dying because those people are outbreeding you. Most of the european countries are retardedly low birthrates and have to import people to supplement. Your racism blinds to you to this. If you really care so much about your culture and preserving it why don't you go have 20 kids with a pure woman of your culture. Otherwise you're just another sideliner... Bitching about those "subhumans" while doing nothing to address the real issue.
If you really care so much about your culture and preserving it why don't you go have 20 kids with a pure woman of your culture. Otherwise you're just another sideliner...

i notice you never considered his financial capacity to do so... oh snap, we may have stumbled upon some really interesting cultural differences!
It's funny how every white country in the world has to succumb to massive Third World immigration but non-white countries don't have to.

Countries like China and Malaysia are becoming bigger immigrant destinations as their economies grow.

African migrants aspire to a better life in Asia | Asia | DW.DE | 15.08.2013

"Over 70,000 Africans migrated to Malaysia in 2012."

China's Guangzhou is home to largest African community in Asia - CCTV News - English

"estimates that Guangzhou now has over 150,000 African residents, making it the largest African community in Asia. And that number is set to swell in the coming years."

[ame=""]China's Guangzhou is home to largest African community in Asia - YouTube[/ame]
i notice you never considered his financial capacity to do so... oh snap, we may have stumbled upon some really interesting cultural differences!

Biology only cares about survival and reproduction. The strongest survive and the weakest die off.