Ron Paul Pres. Announcmnet

Bring some facts to the table, bro.

Envy won't cut it.

Envious of what?

Social Mobility in America is among the worst in the Developed World so your theory of "Deprivation breeds success" is flawed, as very few people climb the social ladder compared to other nations.


Regardless, Paul is a 50-1 dog = wasted vote.
Envious of what?

Social Mobility in America is among the worst in the Developed World so your theory of "Deprivation breeds success" is flawed, as very few people climb the social ladder compared to other nations.


Regardless, Paul is a 50-1 dog = wasted vote.
I'm going to have to agree with Scococo on this one, even if that means jack shit b/c he's a britfag.

The corporations have clearly given every last poor person in America the self-image that they are NOT fat, do NOT have problems worse than their products can solve, and that every thing shitty around them is normal; so they can keep buying as usual.

THIS is why people aren't enraged enough to vote RP.
I dont believe in voting, but ron paul has an excellent theory on immigration. I hope he does win. I wish Jan Brewer would run for president (Gov. of Arizona). It's sad to see her have the balls to do the things men cannot and will not do for this government.
I'm going to have to agree with Scococo on this one

Of course you would, trolls band together; if neither of you are trolls, then the mentally challenged tend to band together as well.


but to entertain the rest of your post..

The corporations have clearly given every last poor person in America the self-image that they are NOT fat, do NOT have problems worse than their products can solve, and that every thing shitty around them is normal; so they can keep buying as usual.

THIS is why people aren't enraged enough to vote RP.

It's a growing number certainly. The answer however isn't to vote in favor of government control (like Obama / democratic fanatics that seem to believe government = the answer to everything), because in case you missed the memo, corporations own the government.

I'd much rather "waste" my vote on RP (someone seemingly not controlled by corp's) than to either not vote, or vote someone who's "in the middle".
Of course you would, trolls band together; if neither of you are trolls, then the mentally challenged tend to band together as well.


but to entertain the rest of your post..

It's a growing number certainly. The answer however isn't to vote in favor of government control (like Obama / democratic fanatics that seem to believe government = the answer to everything), because in case you missed the memo, corporations own the government.

I'd much rather "waste" my vote on RP (someone seemingly not controlled by corp's) than to either not vote, or vote someone who's "in the middle".

You're the most biased poster on this site.

No troll.

I've seen you make countless far right wing posts because you're some egotistical pipsqueak I'd KTFO if I had the misfortune to meet in real life.
You're the most biased poster on this site.

Only a few user names pop in my head (one has "hell" in it), but I don't know if dreamache would even make the top 10 most biased on here.

Back on topic.. I noticed the front page of digg yesterday had the Ron Paul "I wouldn't have voted for the civil rights act" sound bite. Unfortunately, a lot of the public forms their opinions based on sound bites like this and they don't bother to look at the person's overall explanation in context. It wouldn't be too hard to convince many voters that Paul wants to do things like let their grandparents die and make all the teachers lose their jobs.

It will be very interesting if it comes down to someone like Romney and Paul. The republican establishment, fox news and all, would push for Romney. Yet to do this, they would actually have to push how Romney is more like Obama than Paul is, though they wouldn't come right out and state it that way.
Why do the majority of Americans no know what's good for them?

Close to the worst social mobility in the world yet they seem to want the rich to get richer and the poor to die in a ditch.

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." - John Steinbeck

Broke ass ITT
You're the most biased poster on this site.

No troll.

I've seen you make countless far right wing posts because you're some egotistical pipsqueak I'd KTFO if I had the misfortune to meet in real life.

It's a growing number certainly. The answer however isn't to vote in favor of government control (like Obama / democratic fanatics that seem to believe government = the answer to everything), because in case you missed the memo, corporations own the government.
Of course not. I don't believe voting has any affect at all as long as corporations are still allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on campaigns.

And even if it did, corporate Lobbying could take a good guy like Ron and run him through the grinder until he talked, voted, and acted just like Bush, Obama, et all do.

It's pointless, but I do hope RP wins so America can watch him turn from what he is now int GWB the 3rd.

I'd much rather "waste" my vote on RP (someone seemingly not controlled by corp's) than to either not vote, or vote someone who's "in the middle".
I'm cool with that. Good luck.

Now, why are you guys picking on Scococo for basically saying the same thing? He may be Bad at math, but can't you see what he means with his Steinbeck quote? He's basically saying the system here has been too fucked by the corporations or media for your vote to matter. Sounds familiar.

AR Scion said:
The mindset most conducive to success is the mindset of a temporarily embarrassed millionaire.
Not even close. In fact it's VERY MUCH the opposite.

When a person, say, all middle and lower class americans, truly believe like they do that they are only temporarily broke, and one day they'll be rich, skinny, and famous like the magic box tells them they will be, they develop a feeling of ENTITLEMENT.

I remember it well, it was very seductive. When you feel entitled to sit in a lazy boy all day long and let the government or our "land of the free" in general pay for your entertainment and future millions of dollars, why would you ever need to work for it?

This is who you're selling Acai pills to. Without that entitlement you'd never have even heard of acai nor any other product for stupid americans.

Ron Paul has TWO major fucking hurdles in his way, and if you guys don't start addressing them both then you are wasting every keystroke on him and others like him...

1. Americans are DUMB, Entitled, lazy bastards. They might want "Change we can believe in," but only if that change isn't specific enough to tell them about the price you have to pay for that change.

They aren't smart enough to vote for Paul because they aren't smart enough to see the problems (AT ALL) that he wants to fix.

2. The corporations see him as a threat. Paul has outwardly spoken out about many things that will take their profits away.

I won't harp on this one again and talk about the amendment needed this time but WTF do you guys think you can do about this at all? Anything? Besides sticking your head in the sand?
We're picking on Soccococo because he makes short inciting and poorly thought out comments with no reasoning or backing thus making him appear like a troll whether he is one or not. Had he come actually trying to have a discussion things may be different. Either way this is the internets and such is it's way.
We're picking on Soccococo because he makes short inciting and poorly thought out comments with no reasoning or backing thus making him appear like a troll whether he is one or not. Had he come actually trying to have a discussion things may be different. Either way this is the internets and such is it's way.

And your contribution to this thread has been what? Copy & pasting some stupid internet meme?

Wow. Congratulations you fucking nimwit.
I'm going to have to agree with Scococo on this one, even if that means jack shit b/c he's a britfag.

The corporations have clearly given every last poor person in America the self-image that they are NOT fat, do NOT have problems worse than their products can solve, and that every thing shitty around them is normal; so they can keep buying as usual.

THIS is why people aren't enraged enough to vote RP.

That's not even the point.

There's a welfare-industry-complex out there that thrives on keeping people poor and helpless, then giving them a false way out (vote for me, I'll give you welfare).

Europe loves this system because it makes people feel good about themselves (look at me, I'm a great person, my taxes go for your welfare), but it doesn't actually solve anything, it keeps people poor.

Pain is an all-natural, biological and psychological motivator. It gives people a reason to get out of their situation. By numbing the pain you hinder their motivation to get out of poverty and dependence.
Short and simple.
Poor people in America live better then 90% of the world population. Fuck socialism.
If you cant survive is style here, you fucked up.