Ron Paul Pres. Announcmnet

the ron paul followers started the tea party movement in his 08 campaign and right as it started getting traction during the election the rnc tried to take it over and started organizing rallies and bringing in their talking heads like sarah palin and other nutcases. They basically tried to hijack the movement and make it seem it was their idea all along while turning it from a "freedom and liberty" movement to some sort of republican ideals marching band. They even held a few rallies trying to drum up support to go to war with Iran.

It didn't really work. Hopefully it goes back to supporting ron paul and all the crazy shit they did during the election doesn't hurt him.

btw lol at the history lesson above.
Stephanopoulos pulled this shit last election too, "You don't stand a chance, why even bother" hurr durr. Fuck Stephanopoulos, "journalist".
I hope Peter Schiff runs as his financial guru again, and sticks it in everyones face.
It sure did not help McCain in the 08' election.

McCain didn't get elected because he sucked. He was spouting off the exact same rhetoric as GWB, and wouldn't criticize anything GWB had done. Age was a joke with McCain, but I honestly don't think it hurt him- his policy and personality on the other hand did.

With RP I think it's different, the media will look for any reason possible to disqualify him, and will throw age up as though it's a real factor.

You could tell he was pretty nervous, definitely didn't get the points he wanted across.

I thought he nailed it because his principles are so logical that they always make sense. That being said, I couldn't imagine doing what he does, it takes a lot of balls to be the small guy always standing up for what's right.
McCain didn't get elected because he sucked. He was spouting off the exact same rhetoric as GWB, and wouldn't criticize anything GWB had done. Age was a joke with McCain, but I honestly don't think it hurt him- his policy and personality on the other hand did.

With RP I think it's different, the media will look for any reason possible to disqualify him, and will throw age up as though it's a real factor.

I thought he nailed it because his principles are so logical that they always make sense. That being said, I couldn't imagine doing what he does, it takes a lot of balls to be the small guy always standing up for what's right.
I never said it cost him the election. I simply was stating that Palin's retarded comments did not help him in the election.
Say gbye to your rep. Srsly you're not even from the US go complain about tony blair witch or something elsewhere.



Libertarian policies are fucking stupid and anyone who agrees with them is too.

Glenn Beck has shorter odds than Ron Paul, LOL.


Libertarian policies are fucking stupid and anyone who agrees with them is too.

Glenn Beck has shorter odds than Ron Paul, LOL.

Really? I never thought about it that way before!

Ron Paul would be 91 (aka dead) by the end of an 8 year term anyway.

Scococo aka british troll who has no relevance in US political discussion.

He would be 85 for those wanting to know the real answer to how old he'd be after an 8 year term.
He might actually have a shot this time. Last time he was completely shunned by the mainstream media - now he's only shunned part of the time.

I'm a Paul fan though, let's get him elected.
Why do the majority of Americans no know what's good for them?

Close to the worst social mobility in the world yet they seem to want the rich to get richer and the poor to die in a ditch.

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." - John Steinbeck
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Why do the majority of Americans no know what's good for them?

Close to the worst social mobility in the world yet they seem to want the rich to get richer and the poor to die in a ditch.

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." - John Steinbeck
The mindset most conducive to success is the mindset of a temporarily embarrassed millionaire.
The mindset most conducive to success is the mindset of a temporarily embarrassed millionaire.

The US record of social mobility suggests otherwise...

As for trolling, I'm speaking the truth and if the truth is trolling, bite me (circa 98')