Ron Paul Pres. Announcmnet

Im not going to pretend to be more knowledgable or knowledgable at all (due to being a lonely canadian)...

BUT-is his selection for a VP running partner going to be incredibly important? Is his age going to play a factor? As in people will want to see an exceptional VP in case something happens to him after he is elected, if he is elected?

I think it's important, but I don't think it's make or break by any means. I mean for fuck sake, GWB had Dick Cheney who was voted the most evil man alive years ago, haha.

Age will be used against him by the media, IMO.
I think it's important, but I don't think it's make or break by any means. I mean for fuck sake, GWB had Dick Cheney who was voted the most evil man alive years ago, haha.

Age will be used against him by the media, IMO.
It sure did not help McCain in the 08' election.
i just hope they dont kill him off....they have killed off many great americans for getting rid of the FED

Sadly, I think you are right, as crazy as it might sound to most people.
We have to accept the possibility.


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Sounds like the kiss of death if he were to make it to the general election.

Wickedfire, come for the boobs, stay for the comedy.
its funny i know
these presidents were all assasinated after getting rid of the fed, or about to get rid of the fed
Andrew Jackson
chester a arthur
william mckinley

they they killed patton before he could come home and get rid of it also.
then ike

it is your history, if you use the net for more then just free porn and comedy you would be aware of this already
its funny i know
these presidents were all assasinated after getting rid of the fed, or about to get rid of the fed
Andrew Jackson
chester a arthur
william mckinley

they they killed patton before he could come home and get rid of it also.
then ike

it is your history, if you use the net for more then just free porn and comedy you would be aware of this already

I know you're trolling, but you should troll with more subtlety. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913.
I know you're trolling, but you should troll with more subtlety. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913.

The current federal reserve was, there has been multiple national banks in the past, Andrew Jackson's last words were reportedly "I killed the bank"
its funny i know
these presidents were all assasinated after getting rid of the fed, or about to get rid of the fed
Andrew Jackson
chester a arthur
william mckinley

So Andrew Jackson was assassinated with tuberculosis?

Apparently Washington got in a time machine and swapped places with Kennedy.

If you are not a registered Republican in your state, you need to do this in order to vote in the 2012 Primaries.

Not in New Hampshire. :)

Unfortunately, simple minds that attempt to group people together refer to him with foolish labels like "The Tea Party's Brain."*

His son Rand giving off the appearance of still praising everything Tea Party related doesn't help much.
inb4 Joe-"gary johnson ftw"
Looks like RP's got a lot more likelihood of getting in actually, so I'm supporting him now. Tbh, I didn't really ever mind whether RP or GJ gets in, it's just GJ seemed more likely). (although I slightly prefer GJ for not being all creationist etc, but that's only a minor fault.)
Looks like RP's got a lot more likelihood of getting in actually, so I'm supporting him now. Tbh, I didn't really ever mind whether RP or GJ gets in, it's just GJ seemed more likely). (although I slightly prefer GJ for not being all creationist etc, but that's only a minor fault.)

gtfo britfag
...they they killed patton before he could come home and get rid of it also.

then ike
Ike? Who assassinated him with congestive heart failure on March 28, 1969, 8 years after leaving the office?

Dude, your American history teacher must have been on drugs the entire year he had you...
[ame=]YouTube - Ron Paul on 'GMA': A Candidate for President (May 13, 2011)[/ame]

Huzzah! I didn't see anything on Drudge about this, shows how all news has an agenda.