RIP Robin Williams

[ame=""][Great Movie Scenes] Good Will Hunting - Park Scene - YouTube[/ame]

A true icon. RIP

Depression is nothing to mess with. Such a brilliant man so often hiding behind his comedy, he gave this world so much of himself through unforgettable characters. He may be gone, but he is not forgotten.
That makes it even worse. Because you think all those things will make you happy, but when you actually achieve them and realise you feel no different, it actually worsens the depression because you think 'if none of this makes living bearable, nothing will'.

Anxiety =/= depression. I've been through both, they're a different experience. With anxiety there is panic and dread and worry - at its root there is an underlying fear of death. With depression the best I can explain is a complete absence of emotion, you just feel numb and empty and hopeless. Not happy, not sad, just nothing. For something to have extreme depression I can't imagine how utterly hopeless they would feel.

1st part- Right on.

2nd- They are different, but very often "comorbid." Severe anxiety (I guess I'm thinking of more general or social anxiety, rather than a specific situational one) can make functioning so difficult that depression is pretty much a given. It's common to go through both- sometimes filled with worry and other times just numb. Regardless, your point stands- severe depression feels hopeless. It's not just being sad or unhappy about something.

wow my first dislike vote :) sorry to offend you.. I guess I should have disliked you also when you took my money for your software and left us hanging in the wind to dry. :)

thats ok.. I learn to stay away from vendors like yourself.

everyone has an opinion.. :)

we all have issues.. some worse.. some not so worse... my point is.. taking ones life is a cowards path.. pure and simple..

again to be so self absorbed in oneself.. would be the same as george reeves ( the original TV superman) to kill himself because he was typecast..

anyway.. good luck in your software ventures

A lot of suicidal people think they would be doing the world a favor. Even those with resources- they still feel they take an emotional toll on their loved ones. When the guy's sleeping 20 hours a day, avoiding family, having them constantly worry about him, etc, it's easy to feel like "Hey maybe these people don't deserve to be all torn up over me, and I don't feel like being a burden." And it's probably not really any more comfortable going through that in the bedroom closet of a mansion instead of a small apt or seedy hotel.
This is why I <3 comedians.

They transmute darkness/insecurity/depression into happy-happy-joy-joy for all.

Doug Stanhope has publicly stated he'll commit suicide as soon as he finds a hilarious and creative way of doing in front of a live audience.

These motherfuckers are like Jesus.

Only more useful.

Doug Stanhope said:
Jesus died for your sins. I'm doing it for your mere entertainment dollar.
anyone see the crazy robin williams suicide episode of family guy?

[ame=""]Peters Suicide attempts on Family Guy - Robin Williams Episode - YouTube[/ame]

which coincidentally aired on the bbc minutes before the announcement of his untimely death.