RIP Robin Williams

Unlikely. People who commit suicide have some sort of mental illness, and it doesn't just magically appear when you get divorced.

You have no idea how bad a divorce can fuck with people. I had a friend go through a bad divorce and almost killed himself.

It was a few years ago. I dropped everything I was doing, drove half way across the country and stayed with him for a month until I was sure he wasn't going to off himself anymore.

When I was staying with him he told me shit like he would sit in his car in his garage (ex-wife's house now) when she was at work and put a gun to his head, just thinking about what she would do when she found his body when she got home.

Fucked up thing is, he's better looking than me, makes way more money and always gets hotter bitches than me. He's got it made and a lot of dudes would kill to have half of what he has. He was just going through some rough times and got seriously depressed from the divorce.
I hate people who suicide but this was an actual loss. Sucks he couldn't get help, a favorite actor.
You have no idea how bad a divorce can fuck with people. I had a friend go through a bad divorce and almost killed himself.

It was a few years ago. I dropped everything I was doing, drove half way across the country and stayed with him for a month until I was sure he wasn't going to off himself anymore.

When I was staying with him he told me shit like he would sit in his car in his garage (ex-wife's house now) when she was at work and put a gun to his head, just thinking about what she would do when she found his body when she got home.

Fucked up thing is, he's better looking than me, makes way more money and always gets hotter bitches than me. He's got it made and a lot of dudes would kill to have half of what he has. He was just going through some rough times and got seriously depressed from the divorce.

The fact that a divorce impacts you in that way indicates you have an underlying problem though. It's a reflection on something that's always existed within you, but that's never had an opportunity to surface due to circumstance.

It could have been the divorce, it could have been a parent/friend dying, etc etc.. Lots of people can have a great life up to a point, then have underlying depression triggered by a catastrophic event.

Depressed people are also very good at covering up their depression. You don't know that he hasn't suffered with depression all his life, no matter how close you think you are to him. It's also not a reflection on a good/bad life at all. It's a chemical imbalance in your brain. You just don't have a normal level of the stuff that allows most people to get through the day-to-day in a more-than-depressed state.

My brother & I saw my brother's best friend the day before he jumped in front of a train. He put on a perfectly happy act, and spent the evening before making plans for the future -- talking about trips away, etc. My brother had no idea what he was fighting, or that he probably spent all that evening thinking about what he was doing the following day. There were no signs, nothing.

It was quite clear he'd been planning that day for a long time though. He had pre-written messages, a location scoped out where no one would stop him, knew the train times and did it on a corner where there wasn't a chance of the train driver seeing him.

There's a great article on Cracked about comedians and depression actually, well worth a read:

I hate people who suicide but this was an actual loss. Sucks he couldn't get help, a favorite actor.

"I hate people who suicide" and "sucks he couldn't get help" are exactly the reason these people don't get help. Mental health is so incredibly stigmatised that depressed people don't feel like they can get help.

They're worried what other people will think. That their friends think "oh, he has it all made, what's he got to complain about". How can a millionaire comedian claim he's depressed? That's just unjust, right? When there's people out there starving, dying, etc.

It's the same issue as with drug abuse. Heroin addicts often don't get help because drug addiction is so stigmatised.

To reduce these deaths, mental health needs to be treated as seriously as physical ailments. The problem is that people can't "see" the problems, and haven't experienced them themselves. These are the people that tell a drug addict that they should "just stop taking cocaine", or tell a depressed person "well.. I dunno.. get out of bed in the morning? just do stuff and try to keep your chin up".

The large majority of people just don't understand, and it's a massive problem that gets in the way of people seeking treatment.
I can only speak from personal experience, but I've got chronic anxiety bra, I feel like I can't breathe and will die 40% of my day 5-6 days a week.

I still have a list of things I can do to eventually get myself out of the hole net year, in 3 years, in 10 if it's going to last that long. Even when I try them all I won't off myself.

People choose not to help themselves, imo. Jim Carrey's been depressed clinically for dozens of years now - as great a guy as Robin Williams, but chooses to hope for solution or cope. I can't imagine any public stigmata being worse than offing yourself - as a self preservation point of view. From a - if he was thinking what people thought of him if he got help point of view - he should've thought all the way through, they would've rather gossiped for 3 days than not get to watch any more new Robin Williams movies ever again.

Not suicide discussion thread - he seemed like a really sensitive/nice person, mebbe world got too shitty for him to deal with.
Ah shit, I'm going to miss the guy :(. He was a brilliant actor and a great stand up comedian as well, too bad he went away like this.

Fucked up thing is, he's better looking than me, makes way more money and always gets hotter bitches than me. He's got it made and a lot of dudes would kill to have half of what he has. He was just going through some rough times and got seriously depressed from the divorce.
That makes it even worse. Because you think all those things will make you happy, but when you actually achieve them and realise you feel no different, it actually worsens the depression because you think 'if none of this makes living bearable, nothing will'.

I can only speak from personal experience, but I've got chronic anxiety bra, I feel like I can't breathe and will die 40% of my day 5-6 days a week.

Anxiety =/= depression. I've been through both, they're a different experience. With anxiety there is panic and dread and worry - at its root there is an underlying fear of death. With depression the best I can explain is a complete absence of emotion, you just feel numb and empty and hopeless. Not happy, not sad, just nothing. For something to have extreme depression I can't imagine how utterly hopeless they would feel.
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I have always enjoyed Robin Williams work .. although I have no feelings for anyone that takes their own life.. if indeed this was the case.

how self absorbed to take ones own life.. with the resources he had..

how many people that have cancer or some other life threatening disease that are fighting to live..

or people that are dying around the world.. because of poverty

or people that have families and all they want to do is enjoy their familys but gets killed because of war or political bullshit.

the list could go on and on

and this guy... is talented man who made the world laugh.. winds up offing himself..

good riddance.
Unlikely. People who commit suicide have some sort of mental illness, and it doesn't just magically appear when you get divorced.

One of the dumbest things I've ever seen posted. Suicide becomes an real option when the pain of life is greater than the joy of life on a long term basis - it's as simple as that. This definitely can be done w/out chemical/mental 'illness'.. and it can happen to anyone because of many many different reasons.
I have always enjoyed Robin Williams work .. although I have no feelings for anyone that takes their own life.. if indeed this was the case.

how self absorbed to take ones own life.. with the resources he had..

how many people that have cancer or some other life threatening disease that are fighting to live..

or people that are dying around the world.. because of poverty

or people that have families and all they want to do is enjoy their familys but gets killed because of war or political bullshit.

the list could go on and on

and this guy... is talented man who made the world laugh.. winds up offing himself..

good riddance.

You didn't read what mituozo said at all did you? You've illustrated his point about stigmatizing mental illness perfectly.