Question for the Amateur WF Nutritionists Around Here


Are you eating more lean meat than before?

Oh yeah. My natural preference is carbs over meat, so before I would have chosen pasta or cereal over meat. Now it's lean meat for lunch and dinner and eggs in the morning. And then, while I didn't eat red meat everyday, it would def be about 2 or 3 times a week.
Oh yeah. My natural preference is carbs over meat, so before I would have chosen pasta or cereal over meat. Now it's lean meat for lunch and dinner and eggs in the morning. And then, while I didn't eat red meat everyday, it would def be about 2 or 3 times a week.

So this could possibly be the reason behind the reduction of your pain. Now that you are eating lean read meat and eggs, you have increased the supply of a certain amino acid called L-Carnosine (not to be confused with L-Carnitine). This amino acid is found in protein rich foods and one of the best sources is lean beef. You should look up L-Carnosine, its has lots of beneficial properties and those that could have helped you are anti inflammatory, wound healing and fat metabolizing benefits. Since when you were on a liquid diet, you still had this pain/soreness, the lean meat could be the significant variable here.

Infact, the more you research into L-Carnosine the more amazed you'd be. I supplement myself with 1000mg of it a day. Those that are on a vegetarian diet are missing this and should supplement. It could be the reason why life long vegetarians don't age as well as they should.
You've both reduced inflammation and stopped pummeling your immune systems with a horrible diet. People don't think of eating as more than adding net positives, but the truth seems to be that the digestive process is very demanding, and is your first line of defense against disease and the removal of waste.

There are other diets which restrict inflammatory foods, which are explicitly not paleo that get the same result.

My mom's arthritis was so bad, she could barely clench her hand sometimes, and now it's almost completely gone, with just a few tweaks to her diet.

Via negativa (by subtraction).

Congrats Turbo.

Nailed it. Glucose triggers an inflammation response. The body loves to throw water at the problem because it usually works - inflammation means more friction though and friction leads to pressure and joint pain.

The other comment about weight loss being a reason is another reason - reduction of AB fat leads to less antagonistic stress on lower back, thus fewer strains.

Paleo lifestyle just feels great, especially when combined with fasting that allows your body to deal with excessive inflammation...and it doesn't take long, maybe a couple weeks before seeing noticeable differences.

Now if I could trick my body into letting me sleep I'd be set.
If you want to track your calories day to day I used this site and found it amazing the calories in the food I ate. I chug gallons of Dunkins coffee, I was drinking 1200 calories a day in just cream and sugar :)

Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople

P90X wanted me to eat about 3800 calories a day, removing the useless calories I had a hard time eating that much to be honest.

But the site was very handy for me to keep track of what I ate.
Here's something to compare that I just thought about: I've done 10 day juicing fasts before. As before, I lost some weight and slept better BUT there was not any change in my pain status.

So what is the difference?

Meat? (proteins? some saturated fats?)
Fiber? (Juicing removes most, although not all, of the fiber)

.... ?

It's the protein and fats. Juicing diets are by default are extreme low calorie diets, because whole fruits and vegetables are not calorie dense.

Your body needs those amino acids from protein to rebuild your muscles. No juice diet could supply them. The fats are essential because certain vitamins are fat soluble only, among other things.
Now if I could trick my body into letting me sleep I'd be set.

Same boat bro. I will be getting a new mattress soon. I goto bed dog tired, but toss and turn a while before falling asleep. Is there a such thing as sleep anxiety. :laughing-smiley-007
Is there a such thing as sleep anxiety. :laughing-smiley-007

Very much so. It's the reason you're supposed to turn off your clock light or hide it so you never see what time it is. That way you're not constantly staring at it going "I can't believe it's 2 am and I'm still not asleep" Or "Crap it's just 3 am, I woke up to early! SLEEP! SLEEP! SLEEP!"

We turn our clock light off about 6 weeks ago and it's helped tremendously.
Very much so. It's the reason you're supposed to turn off your clock light or hide it so you never see what time it is. That way you're not constantly staring at it going "I can't believe it's 2 am and I'm still not asleep" Or "Crap it's just 3 am, I woke up to early! SLEEP! SLEEP! SLEEP!"

We turn our clock light off about 6 weeks ago and it's helped tremendously.

We placed the alarm clock on my wifes side of the bed and on the floor (she gets up early and hits the gym) and I place a towel over it so it emits 0 light. I have bought blackout curtains so when I goto bed there is 0 light. Room is pitch black. I just cant shut my brain off :(

Damnit, I wanted to add a tag and you guys filled it up.
I just cant shut my brain off :(

The only thing after that that has helped me (and it take some discipline) is a sort of looping meditation. Basically, I picture something repetitive on a loop. And for me, for some reason, it has be from nature. Spiraling is the best. So: I might picture a leaf the size of my palm eternally spiraling downward. Or spiraling snowflakes...or clouds (like those animated clouds on a movie sped up and metamorphism).

Weird, but I swear it works within minutes (It's just getting myself to do it that takes discipline, when sometimes I just really want to think about ALL THE THINGS).

The other thing I realize when I try to sleep is that my muscles, particularly in my neck and back, are tense. When I focus enough to be able to relax them, I go to sleep easier.
Would eating eggs be considered a meat?

No. Vegans avoid such things though. Vegetarians simply don't eat meat or slaughter derived products.

Pewep is confusing Pescetarian with Vegetarian.

I'm a vegetabletarian myself.