Question for the Amateur WF Nutritionists Around Here

My daughter was diagnosed with Celiac disease last year. Both my back and my wifes back always ache, especially just walking through the mall.

Interesting. Ive been wanting to give the diet Bill Clinton is on a try. With some fish and maybe small amounts of organic white meat chicken.

This is becoming a re-occurring theme. Our foods are poisoning us.
Listen to poop, he is an idiot.

Try 100% grass fed pastured meats & butter. I eat about the same, minus the "lean protein". Huge amount of energy, no more knee or lower leg pain. I have added sweet potatoes and rice back to my mix with no problems. Try adding the rice back for a few days and see how you feel.
I find it funny how people start eating fruit then come rocking around saying how much energy they have and how great they feel. Sure, it's because you just ate 200 grams of sugar.
No problem, I included "vegetarian" in that. You said you're eating lean meat, I assumed fish because it's the leanest possible.

Trust me, you'll feel a LOT better if you switch to an 80/10/10 diet. No meat, 80 percent carbs from fruits + veggies, 10% fats from veggies and 10% proteins. Your digestive tract will also send you christmas cards - all year long :). At least try a 60/20/20 diet.

I find it funny how people start eating fruit then come rocking around saying how much energy they have and how great they feel. Sure, it's because you just ate 200 grams of sugar.

Lets completely ignore the fact of fiber and 100s of other micro- and macro- nutrients fruit provides to balance the sugar.
If you are vegetarian, you don't eat fish, it's an animal.
You can eat eggs, it isn't an animal.
Rule of thumb, if it breathes, don't eat it.

inb4 omgee plants breathe.
Haven't read the previous replies and I'm not sure if I can find the study done on this but...

I believe consumption of protein was proven to reduce muscle pain and help recovery.
back pain is directly proportional your weight (not the kind of weight you gain lifting weights though). So maybe it is because you have lost weight?

So you aren't eating any carbs at all except form veggies and fruits?

I just can't seem to do away with Carbs. I need carbs even for dinner, otherwise I can't progress on my lifts. Rice, Beans and Oats for pre-workout breakfast..

But I really do want to a slightly Carb independent diet later..

So you are eating just Chicken/Turkey/Fish and veggies?

I tried beef and veggies for 3 weeks. I suffered my lifts. Added back Carbs and I am back to Normal.

How does your diet look like on a typical day? This is something I may have to try thought with a bit of Carbs.

Also why cut back on Diaries?

PS: I eat a lot of fruits.. and drink fuck tons of Orange juice
Which is why I wanted to know what has been linked most to inflammation issues.

GMOs are a big, big source of inflammation these days, for what it's worth.

BlokBlok nailed it, you've reduced or eliminated something or somethings. I'd make a list of all the foods that you were eating before the switch and look for ingredients that are potential culprits for inflammation and soreness.
Health boils down to calorie intake and exercise. I've been eating roughly 1lb of beef or chicken every day for the last 8 years and every single one of my tests are in the excellent range. I got high protein, high fat, moderate carbohydrate.

Americans are fat because they eat 5k calories a day and sit on their asses. It isn't gluten or transfats or whatever new devil the health industry makes up.
Why is this happening? I'm assuming it's either the reduction in refine sugar or the lack of gluten. or maybe lack of Dairy? I'd like to know before we slowly add back in stuff like whole grains and Dairy...
You've both reduced inflammation and stopped pummeling your immune systems with a horrible diet. People don't think of eating as more than adding net positives, but the truth seems to be that the digestive process is very demanding, and is your first line of defense against disease and the removal of waste.

There are other diets which restrict inflammatory foods, which are explicitly not paleo that get the same result.

My mom's arthritis was so bad, she could barely clench her hand sometimes, and now it's almost completely gone, with just a few tweaks to her diet.

Via negativa (by subtraction).

Congrats Turbo.
Since I have started eating more fruit, my penis size has gone from 5 inches to 8 inches within 6 months, all thanks to that, but you don't see me posting about it.


Just kidding, I am having eating more fruits lately, I have more energy lately too, shit just got real.
Honestly, I would like to add back in Quinoa and brown Rice, at some point. At least occasionally. But if that's the stuff that's causing the back pain, then I guess I can do without.

Which is why I wanted to know what has been linked most to inflammation issues. My gut (I know there's a pun in here somewhere) feeling is that it may be tied to gluten.

I've had the same thing happened to me, where random pains subsided (including my plantar fasciitis, which is actually now gone) after having switched my diet around a bit, and it sounds like we're practically eating the same thing. My best guess would be that you have minimized your intake of inflammatory foods and / or increased the consumption of anti-inflammatory foods.

You and your husband should try a little experiment. Try including sweet potatoes into your diet. Check out the anti-inflammatory rating on it. Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Sweet potato, cooked, baked in skin, without salt [Sweetpotato]

You might gain a little water weight at first, especially if he had been going extremely low carb, but that's really nothing to worry about.