Question for the Amateur WF Nutritionists Around Here

My mom's arthritis was so bad, she could barely clench her hand sometimes, and now it's almost completely gone, with just a few tweaks to her diet.

Via negativa (by subtraction).

Congrats Turbo.

Can you please tell me more about this?
OK.. Will PM you..

Turbo, I started having bad back pain a couple of months ago because I stopped working out and I'm sitting in a chair 24/7. You know what completely took care of it for me?

I stretch for 20 minutes when I wake up and right before I go to bed too. Apparently your hamstrings being tight can directly affect your back.

/didn't pay attention in gym class
It also could be because you have less shit in your guts(no offense but shit can weight a lot). Less strain on your back.

After I started my eat only 6 hours a day plan. I noticed I stopped taking good shits. Its a bummer, but I definitely feel lighter on my feet and my stomach isnt bloated all the time.
It also could be because you have less shit in your guts(no offense but shit can weight a lot). Less strain on your back.

After I started my eat only 6 hours a day plan. I noticed I stopped taking good shits. Its a bummer, but I definitely feel lighter on my feet and my stomach isnt bloated all the time.

Try Intestinal Formula #1 here:

Occasionally, I'll take just one capsule and it will work for 2 days. The guy uses top quality herbs and good quantities. It's all wild harvested or grown organically in the US.
I find it funny how people start eating fruit then come rocking around saying how much energy they have and how great they feel. Sure, it's because you just ate 200 grams of sugar.

If you're referring to me, I only eat 2 servings of fruit ( per day right now and only in the mornings or early afternoons.

Rule of thumb, if it breathes, don't eat it.

My roommate from college is a vegetarian (yes sometimes it happens in Texas) and the reactions she got from people were don't eat meat? No. How bout chicken? No. Fish? No. OK but what about can eat shrimp right?

She used to say: Listen if it ever had a face, I don't eat it.

But this really does leave a gray spot for oysters.

back pain is directly proportional your weight (not the kind of weight you gain lifting weights though). So maybe it is because you have lost weight?

So you aren't eating any carbs at all except form veggies and fruits?

In response to your first question, I agree that reduction in fat, especially the weight around the gut, will have an impact on the lower back pain. It's only been 8 days, though, and there's been about a half an inch lost and 8lbs (which is probably mostly water weight)

Second question yes, no carbs except veggies and fruit. I can't tell you about what to do with lifting but I know there are some very dedicated vegan/vegetarian lifters out there who probably have this shit down.
Turbo, I think you're sexy and beautiful and I'd love to get to know you better. Why don't you post here more? :(
No. Just No. :eek7:

You can tell that too my labs. Clicked in at 11.75% body fat today too, hydrostatically tested. On my way to 10% or below.

Protein : Beef/Pork/Chicken

Carbs : Quinoa, Oats, Rice, Fruits, Vegetables, Potatoes (long as it's whole)

Fats : From meat or from nuts/oils

It's pretty simple. Cook it yourself, know how many calories you are eating and exercise. All this inflammation diet, gluten-free diet stuff (unless you are actually diagnosed with Celiac disease) is BS. Whole foods or bust.
You can tell that too my labs. Clicked in at 11.75% body fat today too, hydrostatically tested. On my way to 10% or below.

Protein : Beef/Pork/Chicken

Carbs : Quinoa, Oats, Rice, Fruits, Vegetables, Potatoes (long as it's whole)

Fats : From meat or from nuts/oils

It's pretty simple. Cook it yourself, know how many calories you are eating and exercise. All this inflammation diet, gluten-free diet stuff (unless you are actually diagnosed with Celiac disease) is BS. Whole foods or bust.

Um, You realized everything you listed (assuming the Oats are not cross-contaminated and are pure oats) is gluten free, right?
Um, You realized everything you listed (assuming the Oats are not cross-contaminated and are pure oats) is gluten free, right?

I eat wheat products too, it just tends to be that oats and rice are cheap as hell and easy to cook in bulk. A rice cooker will cook both rice and quinoa. I also don't have to flavor them up a lot, just slam 'em down.

I have no problem eating gluten containing products because I'm not a Celiac sufferer. Celiac sufferers are like 1% of the population so it's not prevalent. That's why this "gluten-free diet" fad is a little silly. People will eat a metric shit-ton of bread and garbage and get a little bloated and think "oh I have celiac disease" when they ate 1000 calories of food in a single sitting. I know actual Celiac sufferers and it is substantially worse then a little bloating.

I'm not sure what your diet was before but the improvement in general health is most likely because you drastically cut down your calories. People way underestimate how many calories are in the foods they eat daily. For example, when I tell people I eat 2lbs. of chicken thighs a day, and losing weight, they are pretty surprised. The fact is that 2lbs of chicken is roughly a 1000 calories, a little over half of my 1800 cal/day budget. A couple cups of Quinoa or Rice kicks it up another 500 and I will finish it off with some fruit or nuts. The caloric density of most whole foods is really low, short of nuts (pretty much all fats) and really fatty meat.

If you also switched to a lower carb/lower salt diet you are going to automatically have less bloating/water weight as well. Whole fruits/vegetables are not very calorie dense so you would have to eat a ton to really pack in the cals.

CalorieKing - Diet and weight loss. Calorie Counter and more is the tool I use to help plan out my meals, it's free and comprehensive. Take a look at some of the foods you were eating before and see if you can estimate what you previous diet looked like.
It's pretty simple. Cook it yourself, know how many calories you are eating and exercise. All this inflammation diet, gluten-free diet stuff (unless you are actually diagnosed with Celiac disease) is BS. Whole foods or bust.
A whole food diet is a low inflammation diet.

Re: grains. Many of them have very little nutritional value except raw energy and some even have anti-nutrients.

Nuts and seeds are evolved to be digested in order to spread, grains spread by wind and in some cases, are evolved NOT to be eaten (lectins, gluten, and phytates).
Stop making a fool of yourself. :ugone2far:

I have no problem eating gluten containing products because I'm not a Celiac sufferer. Celiac sufferers are like 1% of the population so it's not prevalent. That's why this "gluten-free diet" fad is a little silly. People will eat a metric shit-ton of bread and garbage and get a little bloated and think "oh I have celiac disease" when they ate 1000 calories of food in a single sitting. I know actual Celiac sufferers and it is substantially worse then a little bloating.

I'm not sure what your diet was before but the improvement in general health is most likely because you drastically cut down your calories. People way underestimate how many calories are in the foods they eat daily. For example, when I tell people I eat 2lbs. of chicken thighs a day, and losing weight, they are pretty surprised. The fact is that 2lbs of chicken is roughly a 1000 calories, a little over half of my 1800 cal/day budget. A couple cups of Quinoa or Rice kicks it up another 500 and I will finish it off with some fruit or nuts. The caloric density of most whole foods is really low, short of nuts (pretty much all fats) and really fatty meat.

If you also switched to a lower carb/lower salt diet you are going to automatically have less bloating/water weight as well. Whole fruits/vegetables are not very calorie dense so you would have to eat a ton to really pack in the cals.

Here's something to compare that I just thought about: I've done 10 day juicing fasts before. As before, I lost some weight and slept better BUT there was not any change in my pain status.

So what is the difference?

Meat? (proteins? some saturated fats?)
Fiber? (Juicing removes most, although not all, of the fiber)

.... ?