Question for the Amateur WF Nutritionists Around Here


New member
Aug 10, 2007
So 8 days ago, My husband and I changed our eating to: Lean proteins, veggies, fruits and nut fats. (No dairy except greek yogurt)

I knew we would lose weight and I knew we would sleep better, but what has been the most surprising thing so far is the drastic reduction in back pain (we're both sufferers). Over the years mine has been improved greatly through a variety of methods but there was always still the dull pain every morning after sleeping, starting usually around 4am. Manageable soreness, but still sore. Now there's nothing. As if there were never problems to begin with. My husband still has some, but he says it's quite a noticeable difference and he isn't having to get up to go to the couch anymore in the middle of the night (which always gave me a sad :( ).


Why is this happening? I'm assuming it's either the reduction in refine sugar or the lack of gluten. or maybe lack of Dairy? I'd like to know before we slowly add back in stuff like whole grains and Dairy...

So 8 days ago, My husband and I changed our eating to: Lean proteins, veggies, fruits and nut fats. (No dairy except greek yogurt)

I knew we would lose weight and I knew we would sleep better, but what has been the most surprising thing so far is the drastic reduction in back pain (we're both sufferers). Over the years mine has been improved greatly through a variety of methods but there was always still the dull pain every morning after sleeping, starting usually around 4am. Manageable soreness, but still sore. Now there's nothing. As if there were never problems to begin with. My husband still has some, but he says it's quite a noticeable difference and he isn't having to get up to go to the couch anymore in the middle of the night (which always gave me a sad :( ).


Why is this happening? I'm assuming it's either the reduction in refine sugar or the lack of gluten. or maybe lack of Dairy? I'd like to know before we slowly add back in stuff like whole grains and Dairy...
My, my what a fucking surprise. Another person switches to a vegetarian/vegan diet and has:

1. A burst in energy
2. Overall improvement in health
3. Enhanced sex life

When will people learn? Eating meat, refined sugars and preservatives is THE root cause for 90% of the diseases that occur in this country. It's not natural - at all. Unless you're eating organic or on a vegan diet, expect to have problems down the road. Turbo, I seriously congratulate you guys on making the change. I can't wait to hear on your progress! Love you!

Side note: Look up oil pulling. It will change your life.
My, my what a fucking surprise. Another person switches to a vegetarian/vegan diet and has:

1. A burst in energy
2. Overall improvement in health
3. Enhanced sex life

When will people learn? Eating meat, refined sugars and preservatives is THE root cause for 90% of the diseases that occur in this country. Unless you're eating organic or on a vegan diet, expect to have problem. Turbo, I seriously congratulate you guys on making the change. I can't wait to hear on your progress! Love you!

Sorry if I wasn't clear but I'm eating meat. A shit ton of it. Just all lean. Lots of Fish, chicken and turkey. I'll never give up meat, at least for the long term, especially fish.
I'm eating meat. I'll never give up meat.

Sorry if I wasn't clear but I'm eating meat. A shit ton of it. Just all lean. Lots of Fish, chicken and turkey. I'll never give up meat, at least for the long term, especially fish.
No problem, I included "vegetarian" in that. You said you're eating lean meat, I assumed fish because it's the leanest possible.

Trust me, you'll feel a LOT better if you switch to an 80/10/10 diet. No meat, 80 percent carbs from fruits + veggies, 10% fats from veggies and 10% proteins. Your digestive tract will also send you christmas cards - all year long :). At least try a 60/20/20 diet.
I don't see why grains get such a bad rap. There are so many grains beyond enriched, bleached wheat....I usually mix a combo of organic whole: spelt, graham, and semolina the most.

Stupid people always compare a fast food burger bun as the "carb" when they rant and rave about grains and bad carbs...Of course that shit (enriched, bleached wheat bun) isn't any more healthy than chewing cardboard.

The amount of micronutrients you get from plants, fruits, veggies cut my cravings for sugars and candy immediately. Now I love fresh/steamed beets, arugula, parsnips, and shit I never ate prior to cutting out processed food, dairy, and daily meat. Monthly migraines went away too, felt noticeably calmer and more clear headed and energetic.

Living in the city I get a weekly box from a farm with local organic produce to supplement my shopping. Got turned on to all kinds of shit from the box, fennel, various kales/greens, squashes, etc
Let me elucidate you, my dear confused friend. That definition is referring to vegans, NOT vegetarians. There's a distinct difference:

Vegetarian: May consume fish, eggs and dairy.

Vegan: Only plants

Types of Vegetarians
Btw where did she say anything about her sex life?

I guarantee you her sex life is better right now. Turbo, talk to these fuck boys for me and speak our gospel.
I don't see why grains get such a bad rap. There are so many grains beyond enriched, bleached wheat....

Honestly, I would like to add back in Quinoa and brown Rice, at some point. At least occasionally. But if that's the stuff that's causing the back pain, then I guess I can do without.

Which is why I wanted to know what has been linked most to inflammation issues. My gut (I know there's a pun in here somewhere) feeling is that it may be tied to gluten.
Honestly, I would like to add back in Quinoa and brown Rice, at some point. At least occasionally. But if that's the stuff that's causing the back pain, then I guess I can do without.

Which is why I wanted to know what has been linked most to inflammation issues. My gut (I know there's a pun in here somewhere) feeling is that it may be tied to gluten.
Sorghum, quinoa, corn meal, and rice are gluten free and taste good. Amaranth is too but it tastes like shit honestly.

I usually substitute eggs/oil with applesauce when baking, it makes shit moist and tasty.

Just about anything you buy "processed" and packaged will use wheat as the grain, it's cheap and overused, different people have different tolerances to gluten.
Honestly, I would like to add back in Quinoa and brown Rice, at some point. At least occasionally. But if that's the stuff that's causing the back pain, then I guess I can do without.

Which is why I wanted to know what has been linked most to inflammation issues. My gut (I know there's a pun in here somewhere) feeling is that it may be tied to gluten.
It's more than that. I'm not going to bother stating sources since this is a public forum, but the information is freely available online. It's a combination of several factors.

1. Meat fats contain triglycerides chains such cerotic acid that have NO CH=CH kinks within them (saturated fats) and are a leading cause of obesity and clogged arteries. Depending on their source, they may contain trans fats. I don't even want to get into how damaging those can be for your arteries.

2. Preservatives are abundant within the meat industry. Apart from that, they often have to add coloring agents that give the meat pink or slightly tan discolorations that would otherwise not be present. Think about that. That hamburger meat you see in the grocery store is probably a faint pink color in nature, but because it's been dyed, you think it's normal beef.

3. Humans are natural herbivores, simply looking at our physiological structure as well as our closest relatives like the chimpanzee.

Has your gut gotten noticeably smaller? No more weight to lug you one way or the other too far might have something to do with it. Anyways i always recommend you do strengthening exercises even if you do have back problems it can only help. I dont want to use anecdotal evidence but one of the strongest powerlifters had deformities in his back and that didnt stop him from being well a top competitor (see lamar grant). Its almost always better to strengthen your back and find a range of motion you can use rather than having your entire back atrophy.

You removed everything that causes inflammation, simple.
No problem, I included "vegetarian" in that. You said you're eating lean meat, I assumed fish because it's the leanest possible.

Trust me, you'll feel a LOT better if you switch to an 80/10/10 diet. No meat, 80 percent carbs from fruits + veggies, 10% fats from veggies and 10% proteins. Your digestive tract will also send you christmas cards - all year long :). At least try a 60/20/20 diet.

Are you saying to eat only 10% of our food as a protien?