I am having serious internet problems here and all my work will be delayed
at least 24 hours. Atm I am across town at my wife's friends house using
her connection.
sorry for any inconvenience this may cause,
That sucks...well, let me know whenever you're back. I need PLENTY of linkwheels done![]()
Any update? Sent you payment on the 19th and have received no report.
Please send me more info
whats are the prices?
Payment sent. Order Id 55517822
Transaction id:54J76762A40506327
Payment sent for 2 linkwheels
Transaction id:1KN96659J85551919
I am emailing you the info right now.
Placed an order: ID:7KN96391S3892084V
Just placed an order for 2 linkwheels: 6NY33770HY700905A
Please PM me the best pricing
Another order: 2BG49375RC250192A
PM me your pricing and payment details for this service, Thanks![]()