Order delivered faster then promised 5/5
Over delivered with report - more links then promised, only found 1 profile link to be of a porn forum, not huge deal for me so still 5/5
Communication is all very fast to pm/email/thread. 5/5
I should have asked to have some text thrown in to the sig so it's not just a standalone link but I did not specify so I''m still satisfied. 5/5
Overall 5/5 Bompa gets my recommendation
Over delivered with report - more links then promised, only found 1 profile link to be of a porn forum, not huge deal for me so still 5/5
Communication is all very fast to pm/email/thread. 5/5
I should have asked to have some text thrown in to the sig so it's not just a standalone link but I did not specify so I''m still satisfied. 5/5
Overall 5/5 Bompa gets my recommendation