Well, I've been talking to erect for awhile about random things here and there, and eventually (a few months ago), I decided to test his KW services.
The first campaign I tested showed a lot of promise and was starting to make money, but the advertiser pulled the offer shortly thereafter so there wasn't much I could do.
List 1 = Success
Fastforward to yesterday and I am sitting here thinking: hot damn I need to get some campaigns going but really hate KWs. There's a pretty sick discount waiting for me so I might as well make use of it. Hell, worst case it's a writeoff and I can be a little lazy, right?
I order up a few lists, and he got the first one crackin'. Less than 24 hours after the order, I get an email saying my list is done! Hell ya, let's go peek at this. So I'm on CampaignSniper looking through the list I just ordered and decide I want to download the Excel file so I can mess around with it. I look at the destination URL of the download and see it looks something like this:
Looking at my other campaign, I see that the only thing changed there is the id number at the end! Hell ya, I have access to every single campaign!!!!!!!! So I go on my way and change the number to download list "70" -
You don't have access to this campaign.
Your ip, username, mother's maiden name, current address, & credit card information has been recorded and the admin has been notified.
Ur Fukd
So I laugh a little and say "cute message, let me get back to my campaign"
I go back to CampaignSniper only to find
Sorry you have been banned from using this software
Anyways, List 2 = in the works and
Security = Success
PS: I was given permission to "snoop" - I am no hacker but there are definitely measures in place. Great software, great lists.