Police officers are now being trained how to deal with open carry activists

I like bringing awareness to an issue, but trolling for a negative reaction kills any impact or credibility.

Valid point. But then again to quote se7en

John Doe said:
Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer. And then you'll notice you've got their strict attention.

wait a second.. you have activist with automatic weapons on the street? what the fuck??
The funniest thing about that video is the way the guy was all puffed up to see the officer off by spouting his constitutional rights, and when the cop behaved in a way he didn't expect, he was left floundering around like an idiot.

^^^^ THIS.

Big ole' bag of douche.
Dickhead walking down the st with a machine gun lol

Go murica.

What a fucked up place.

Inb4 it's mai rite to bear armz
Aside from the camera guy spouting off random court cases like some kind of random facts robot, he isn't doing anything wrong.

If you aren't American, don't even comment on the video because chances are you spineless faggots don't even have the freedom to say what you want without getting put in jail for "hate speech" or whatever the fuck it's called in your pathetic country.

The cop was indeed cool as fuck, he didn't even have the usual "oh it's one of THESE idiot activists again" attitude. He just did his job and bounced, guy is a boss. Unfortunately, most cops aren't like him. In fact, his fat sidekick was probably itching to put the court case bot in jail for something.

If you don't support what the idiot camera guy is doing, then you don't support the constitution. It's this dipshits RIGHT to carry his gun around and film with his camera, he doesn't need permission. Just because nobody exercises this right and people get their fucking panties in a bunch when they see someone doing it and call the cops doesn't make what he's doing a bad thing.

It's the cops RESPONSIBILITY to respond to the call and make sure all is well and it's the cameramans RIGHT to do what he's doing, the same way it's your right to get in your car and drive to the fucking titty bar or whatever.

Awesome cop / obnoxious, but fully within his right, citizen just living the dream

Good for both of them. Need more Americans like both of them and maybe this place wouldn't be such a fucking cesspool.
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Dickhead walking down the st with a machine gun lol

Go murica.

What a fucked up place.

Inb4 it's mai rite to bear armz

What country do you live in?

Just asking because America is a way fucked up country but the chances of you living someplace better are slim to none. Probably one of the political correctness kingdoms where you're hauled off to jail if you speak bad about someone you don't like.
Hai guyz the uk rocks!

Unless for some fucking retarded reason I want to walk Down the street with a machine gun.

Damn, I feel so oppressed lol
So this retard was deliberately baiting cops by carrying a video camera and a gun down the street?

I'm dissapointed he didn't get shot in the fucking face.
Hai guyz the uk rocks!

Unless for some fucking retarded reason I want to walk Down the street with a machine gun.

Damn, I feel so oppressed lol

Oh, the same country that will detain you if you don't look to be enjoying yourself while at an Olympic sporting event?
I told you man we are oppressed, I tried to walk down the street with an RPG and I got stopped by the police - I couldn't believe why they pulled me over wtf?!!!?!?
Trying doing that in New York or any major US city. Five cops would've emptied their clips on him before he had a chance to press record.
Why? You live in the land of the free.

Or wait... Has common sense arrived in this thread? Oh my.

TIL that doing something perfectly legal is called baiting the cops and deserves public execution.

The cunt was baiting, he was not just carrying in a normal fashion, he was looking for a confrontation. He was carrying a gun that looked like an MP5, for fucks sake. He wanted to act like a complete douchebag and spout off court cases and humiliate a police officer. He's lucky the cops didn't blast his ass for being a tool box.