Police Arrest Person For Recording Them Then Shoot His Dog

not gonna comment about the man, but no matter who you are.. if a dog is coming up on you barking and mad, u telling me you aint gonna shoot it if it seems like it will attack you?

You're a pussy if you get scared of a dog walking over to you. Only a coward pulls out a weapon that quickly when a dog is sniffing around. He was NOT showing any threatening movements when he approached those officers.

If you're scared of a 100 pound dog walking near you (like too many cops), then you SHOULD NOT be wearing a shield that claims you're there to "protect and serve."

The scum's name is Jeffery Salmon. Not only does he shoot dogs, but he and his buddies like to beat up people who are handcuffed, high five each other, and then try to cover it up with bogus charges.

Hawthorne Police Department Pays $1,000,000 To Settle Police Brutality & Corruption Lawsuit

"The Hawthorne Police Department paid One Million Dollars to a Settle Lawsuit in which it was alleged a man was kicked in the face while handcuffed and then falsely prosecuted along with his wife to cover up the brutality. Evidence the plaintiffs were prepared to present at trial included a photograph of an officer appearing to kick the handcuffed plaintiff in the face and a surveillance video allegedly depicting officers high-fiving each other as the injured plaintiff suffered from a broken jaw."
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtIR_jUhIc8"]Owner Of Dog Killed By CA Police Speaks Out! - YouTube[/ame]
So im going to be hitting the bullet proof vests for dogs market. Thanks.
So if recording police officers on a public sidewalk is justification for arrest, can we arrest the NSA for recording us? Hmmm!

anyhow, the situation could have been avoided. he was recording them on his phone.. jesus. fucking cops just love confrontation.. and you know their decision to approach him was one based out of emotion.. they saw him recording for a couple minutes before they did anything, they got all mad and arrested the guy.

this is how many cops operate.. sister in law is a cop, she was just telling us today at breakfast how "I was so anxious to pull someone over, just waiting and finally blah blah blah"..

I have a little different take on "The Video".

DISCLAIMER: I have no love for the SYSTEM and those that help it profit. This is just a FACE VALUE assessment of what "MIGHT" have been going down.

OK, it looked to me like the two Humpty Dumpty Cops had detained two people who were sitting on the curb by the cars.

If these persons were under the age of 18 they are considered minors. The Cops would have to do what they could to "Protect" the minor's identity.

The guy recording them with his phone was not a problem for them until they got to their detainees. It was at this point that they said something to him after he came around the end of the line of cars to where he could be recording the detainees along with the Cops.

When he did not move from an angle that could capture the faces of the detainees the cop came towards him. Once the guy recording turned around and stopped the Humpty Dumpty Cop returned to his partner and the detainees.

Now, the guy recording decided to start recording again at an angle that would show the detainees. This is when the Cops came over to him.

"HE" knew they were going to detain/restrain him since he did not comply to their initial request/order, so he tried to get his dog somewhere away from the approaching situation.

It looked like the Cops just wanted to keep the guy from recording the MINORS they had detained.

I'm pretty sure that at this time the guy was NOT under arrest. (Had the Dog incident not taken place they would have let him go on his way once the MAIN situation they were dealing with was over.)

Remember, the guy recording decided to YELL something back at them in defiance of their 1st request/order which led them to believe that since he started recording again after be asked/told to stop once that he was most likely going to continue.

They go to get him in check, the dog goes to check on his owner's welfare and the two cops who were there from the beginning see that the owner is attempting to calm the dog so THEY have NO concern as of yet, hence THEIR weapons not being drawn.

Now to DUMBASS, I saw like 4 to 6 squad cars in the street and NO COPS in sight other than the Humpty Dumpty guys. I have no clue as to where he was prior.

I'm "assuming" that he saw the man in handcuffs was NOT kneeling to the ground as the two cops were instructing him to do AND even after they tried to PHYSICALLY get his knees bent the guy SEEMED to be resisting them.

Now the Dog has come out of the car as he is on his way over and he instinctively draws his gun while closing the distance since he sees the dog leap out of the car and run over towards his Brothers in Blue.

When the Dog stops moving quickly over to the Humpty Dumpty brothers the DUMBASS "does" reach out to try and keep the dog in check with his free hand.

Before he did this though, he SHOULD have gotten MORE INFORMATION before taking any further action. But, alas he did not.

Now we have a mess.

I use to kick box and it is SO EASY to sit OUTSIDE the Ring or watch the video play back and decide what to do or what SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE.

But while in the ring with the gloves cutting down your field of vision and being in the POV of incoming punches and kicks you are doing what you can ATM. You don't see the same openings or incoming blows that others with a different vantage point do. They are NOT in the heat of the fight either, so their BRAIN is FREE to do all that analyzing in the comfort of their seat.

So, the shoot was tragic for ALL involved. (The Cop was NOT smiling, he was GRIMACING as he squeezed the round off in that still pic posted above.)

I have owned and raised Pit Bulls, German Sheppard's, and Rottweilers since I was a child and I'm almost 50 now. (My heart PHYSICALLY HURT here in my chair as I watched that dog go down. So, I only watched the video ONCE and some of what I "think" I saw in it may be incorrect.)

Mistakes were made and punctuated by the third cop arriving late and without knowing all the details.

I call FOUL on "both" sides in this video if I'm interpreting what I saw correctly.

NOW....if those two people I saw on the video detained on the curb were NOT MINORS, then everything I said above.... I RETRACT and will GLADLY grab MY Pitchfork and Torch to eliminate the MONSTER who let that dog SUFFER instead of finishing him off cleanly RIGHT AWAY.

Once the SECOND torso shot was fired his INTENT was to KILL and no longer just keep the dog away. So a HUGE EMPHATIC YES to he NEEDED TO PUT IT DOWN FAST!!

I'd even be part of seeing Humpty and Dumpty take a GREAT FALL for harassing and detaining the guy for recording them.

I figured I should steer clear of this thread, but I can't stand it when Cops do STUPID shit that causes people and/or animals to suffer for it!!

DreamScape, I sympathize with your OUTRAGE and hatred of our Police state.

I myself am no stranger to being Incarcerated on several occasions throughout my life and the way I was treated by Thug Police, even though I was compliant and not mouthy with them at anytime.
I was wrong. Apparently the police saved this man from his own dog.

Hawthorne police Lt. Scott Swain said. "And I know it's the dog's master, and more than likely not going to attack him, (but) we've got a guy handcuffed that's kind of defenseless. We have a duty to defend him, too."
I was wrong. Apparently the police saved this man from his own dog.

Hawthorne police Lt. Scott Swain said. "And I know it's the dog's master, and more than likely not going to attack him, (but) we've got a guy handcuffed that's kind of defenseless. We have a duty to defend him, too."

The plot thickens.

Steps to take before slipping into a police state:

Step 1 - Prime people to be obedient and do as they are told.

Step 2 - Clearly overstep your bounds, breaking the very laws you enforce and show the people that you are the incontestable authority and what you say goes; trample on citizens rights.

Step 3 - Silence the critics.

Step 4 - Claim that you acted within the law and prevented some unseen, unprovable threat to somebody, somewhere's safety. Tell the same lie enough that citizens eventually believe it, convince them it's for the greater good (bring up the children as much as you can).

Step 5 - Smoke and mirrors to slowly diffuse and confuse. The mindless herd of sheep will nontheless go back to their dull, mundane lives.

I'm watching in horror as this thing continues to play out exactly as I had imagined it to. It's like watching someone kick and struggle for their life in quicksand as you stand and watch with no real power to do anything unless enough people decide that they are not going to watch this person die in front of them.
i don't live in the US nor am i american but how the fuck are you people not on the streets over this.

As long as you sheep keep bending over, they will keep getting stronger.