Police Arrest Person For Recording Them Then Shoot His Dog


Pedaling Down The Road
Dec 21, 2012
Capac, MI
Disturbing video...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0isxv2jnIo"]Hawthorne police kill dog while arresting dog's owner for video recording them - YouTube[/ame]

Tell me this fucking pig isn't smiling...

He shouldn't have been arrested/detained in the first place, but can you really blame them for shooting the dog? Not in this case.
That dude is a fucking idiot, LAPD don't fuck around, they will shoot down anyone without hesitation. You don't fuck with the LAPD, he tried too, now his going to jail, I care less about that fool, sucks that the dog took the bullet.
What the hell did he get arrested for though? Not seeing much there that would be considered illegal.
not gonna comment about the man, but no matter who you are.. if a dog is coming up on you barking and mad, u telling me you aint gonna shoot it if it seems like it will attack you?
not gonna comment about the man, but no matter who you are.. if a dog is coming up on you barking and mad, u telling me you aint gonna shoot it if it seems like it will attack you?

sentiment as well. Got some major hat for that opinion on Twitter, especially from Michael Gray.
He shouldn't have been arrested/detained in the first place, but can you really blame them for shooting the dog?

Yes, if by "blame him," you mean hold him responsible for an act of aggression.

The cop was the first aggressor (physical violence). He detained the dog owner with force. If a common thug detained the dog owner, and shot the dog on its attempt to help its owner, would you blame the thug?

I would (again, assuming that means holding him responsible for an act of aggression). He would be the first aggressor. Same with the cop. A shiny badge, dark uniform, and commanding voice mean nothing. A thug is a thug, regardless of whether his job is to enforce arbitrary and immoral laws.

Disclaimer: I would go to great lengths to save a dog's life. I would walk around a cop bleeding out. So, take what I'm saying with a grain of salt.
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not gonna comment about the man, but no matter who you are.. if a dog is coming up on you barking and mad, u telling me you aint gonna shoot it if it seems like it will attack you?

Re-watch the video.

The dog wasn't coming at them barking and mad. He seemed to be calm until that one cop came at him.

No way can you lay an argument for killing that dog in that situation (and leaving him in agony).
Yes, if by "blame him," you mean hold him responsible for an act of aggression.

The cop was the first aggressor (physical violence). He detained the dog owner with force. If a common thug detained the dog owner, and shot the dog on its attempt to help its owner, would you blame the thug?

I would (again, assuming that means holding him responsible for an act of aggression). He would be the first aggressor. Same with the cop. A shiny badge, dark uniform, and commanding voice mean nothing. A thug is a thug, regardless of whether his job is to enforce arbitrary and immoral laws.

Disclaimer: I would go to great lengths to save a dog's life. I would walk around a cop bleeding out. So, take what I'm saying with a grain of salt.

or not, it's within their SoW. Never should have come to that, though.
Re-watch the video.

The dog wasn't coming at them barking and mad. He seemed to be calm until that one cop came at him.

No way can you lay an argument for killing that dog in that situation (and leaving him in agony).

Um. The dog tried biting them. Twice.
Someone should post that cops name all over the Internet.

Chicks don't date dog killers.
Clearly see the dog is just sniffing his collar on the floor at the 3.16 mark. The cops then proceeds into the dogs space. Aggravating the dog, pig already had his gun ready and loaded.

Easily some premeditated shit. Guys life was never in danger.

What a horrible peace of shit, and all of those pigs involved and the people who argue for them for that matter.