Petition to Remove Petition to Remove NickyCakes Mod Status

Should he be allowed to keep zapping idiots at will?

  • Yes, this is long overdue. The wanksters and perverts need to get a grip.

    Votes: 38 55.1%
  • No, the racial slurs and scat images make me feel fuzzy inside (in a good way)

    Votes: 31 44.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
who cares about censorship on a fucking internet forum? i'm glad nickycakes is at least attempting to clean this shit hole. if you care about freedom so much, go practice your free speech in downtown manhattan

The amount of crying on this issue lately is fucking rediculous.

It's shooting the shit. I know, i know, "Anything Goes".... but its a portion of an IM forum that if you post something serious, no-one will take seriously. If you post something for a joke, everyone will take it seriously.

STS is a fucking non entity on what (at times) is a great resource for the IM community. If you're worried about censorship and your 'liberty' being taken away from you then i suggest you start petitioning and taking action against your government rather than crying about a bunch of text thats held on an online database....because thats all STS amounts to.

Seriously, if some of the other sections of WF were being censored / deleted then i'd be annoyed, and probably just move on. But crying about a couple of threads being closed on a section of the forum where pretty much ANY amount of discussion on ANY topic won't change a fucking thing IRL, just proves where your priorities lie.

I like STS for the lulz but i couldn't really give a fuck about any thread being deleted in it because at the end of the day, this section of the forum doesnt mean that much to me. If you want to talk about racism then just hit up any video on youtube. Your discussion on here, just like Youtube, wont change jack fucking shit.

Hate censorship? Then go after the people who have the ability to affect your life via censorship, eg: Your government.

Otherwise grow the fuck up and realise where you're priorities lie..... which shouldn't be on a section of a forum over-populated by fucking retards posting retarded shit and being replied to by retards applauding the retardedness of each other.

Censorship.... LOL .... it's a privately owned forum. Go do something useful.. Cakes will probably get bored of it soon and disappear for a few months anyway.
what happened to all the other mods anyway? it used to be that every other poster would be a mod in some threads lol.
Seriously. Do you people realize that we're really only deleting threads that are SHIT THREADS? WF has the lowest shit threshold of any forum I've ever seen and yet people are still bitching.

The mods let alot of shit fly, probably too much. But that's part of what makes WF awesome. The downside, though, is that the quality slips sometimes. It's definitely a balancing act. But usually wf mods err waaaaaaaaay on the side of leniency. Still, it's laughable that when we actually do decide something goes too far, people scream about censorship.

If you really are confused, here's a good wf rule of thumb: If it's truly thought provoking or funny, post it. If, however, you're just trolling or throwing out the linguistic faux pauxs like a freakin 12 yearold coping a first feel, then don't cry when you get bitch slapped. K?
I would vote for his Mod status to stay, but I was just so disappointed in LP Lockdown that I just can't give him the vote :/
Seriously. Do you people realize that we're really only deleting threads that are SHIT THREADS? WF has the lowest shit threshold of any forum I've ever seen and yet people are still bitching.
One word for you dear: Yuckystuff.

Nicky's anti-racial censorship is annoying but I personally don't need to spout that shit off every 5 minutes like some ppl around here....

Meanwhile the trend of other posts have gone missing that I ACTUALLY MISS. There is a trend of too much damn censorship around here of late and I for one would be happy to see it stop.
Oh please more censorship.

Sometimes I'm embarrassed as a white man to come here. And then I have to slap myself in the head for clicking on some of the threads here (lately).

Maybe my memory is going, but a couple of years, I do remember whenever some unfunny dickhead started a 2 or 3 stupid threads two days running, the group hive would jump on his ass and tell him to fuck off.

Long overdue to start deleting the shit threads. Clap, clap.
wat. You do realize that's just a joke right? Yuckystuff is still around.
Last Activity: 03-21-2012 01:47 AM

He was GONE gone. There was a candlight vigil and everything...

And his posts still are gone-gone now... Last post jan 31st, but all content in them missing.

So... damn... fishy... You say it's a joke? On whom?
Seriously. Do you people realize that we're really only deleting threads that are SHIT THREADS? WF has the lowest shit threshold of any forum I've ever seen and yet people are still bitching.

The mods let alot of shit fly, probably too much. But that's part of what makes WF awesome. The downside, though, is that the quality slips sometimes. It's definitely a balancing act. But usually wf mods err waaaaaaaaay on the side of leniency. Still, it's laughable that when we actually do decide something goes too far, people scream about censorship.

If you really are confused, here's a good wf rule of thumb: If it's truly thought provoking or funny, post it. If, however, you're just trolling or throwing out the linguistic faux pauxs like a freakin 12 yearold coping a first feel, then don't cry when you get bitch slapped. K?

The "quality" of the place doesn't suck because there's racial trolling in STS. The quality sucks because nobody's enforcing the minimum quality standard that should be in force everywhere BUT STS, like at the very least a thread be on-topic for the board and newb shit be in the newb board, so to me it's sad and self-serving for the Troll Patrol to show up and start modding STS to taste when it's supposed to be the open sewer that keeps the other boards hygienic.
The son-of-a-gun that put the "canuck" tag should look at your own country's censorship initiatives. American movies on Canadian television are no differnet than the dvd version other than the commercial. Can't say the same for most American programs.

Yeah... I'm butt-hurt!!! :p
The "quality" of the place doesn't suck because there's racial trolling in STS. The quality sucks because nobody's enforcing the minimum quality standard that should be in force everywhere BUT STS, like at the very least a thread be on-topic for the board and newb shit be in the newb board, so to me it's sad and self-serving for the Troll Patrol to show up and start modding STS to taste when it's supposed to be the open sewer that keeps the other boards hygienic.

Ditto, STS is the last place that needs moderation.