Obama to Propose Buffet Tax on Monday

I have a start of a solution to the governments financial problems. Instead of trying to raise taxes on wealthy or not wealthy, how about they stop spending all the damn time. No country rushes to our aide, so why do they have to always spend millions and billions on other countries! We're still in other countries with our troops dying for other peoples citizens. Enough is enough.

You'll find most universal healthcare systems contract private companies anyway, so it's hardly conscription or forced labor. It's not like the government is building MRI machines and manufacturing syringes themselves.

We have a single payer system here in Australia and a private option IS allowed and encouraged if you can afford it. We have public hospitals and private hospitals, once you earn over a certain threshold it becomes beneficial to purchase health insurance to take the pressure off medicare (ours is called medicare too, but covers everybody), otherwise there's a surcharge on your tax bill.

Doctors are free to choose whether they want to run a private practice or be a part of medicare. It's not the draconian system you make it out to be...

It's not single payer. It's monopoly payer. Obongocare is not voluntary. In Australia, I'm guessing you're still forced under threat of imprisonment to support the monopoly payer system, even if you opt for private care, no? If you think you're incapable of making your own healthcare decisions and need the government to make them for you, maybe you should stay in the high-tax, nanny state of Australia. There are still some American individualists around!
I pay 51% in personal taxes between state and federal. Then I"m taxed more via sales and property tax. I also pay corporate taxes. Not sure how much more there is to take.

I hear people complain about 50% taxes in other countries but I probably pay 60% taxes between everything right in the US.

I hear that, if they try to tax me anymore I'm moving to Panama, or maybe I'll buy citizenship to St Kitts through their Citizenship by Investment program (payback is pretty quick with a 0% income tax). Obama wants to keep preaching about taxing the "rich" but the people that hit are going to get hit the hardest are those that make $200-500k/yr, which would be the upper middle class and lower upper class......not the " super rich." I'm right in that range I pay a hell of a lot higher rate than Buffet's secretary or Buffet.....and the rate I pay will go up more than either of theirs with Obama's crazy ideas. Luckily the Republican house isn't going to let any tax increases through and my mom would probably outpoll Obama right now so I would be shocked (and terrified) if he's around for a 2nd term.
It's not single payer. It's monopoly payer. Obongocare is not voluntary. In Australia, I'm guessing you're still forced under threat of imprisonment to support the monopoly payer system, even if you opt for private care, no? If you think you're incapable of making your own healthcare decisions and need the government to make them for you, maybe you should stay in the high-tax, nanny state of Australia. There are still some American individualists around!
I dunno about Australia, but over here, as a country that also has healthcare for everyone - penalty for tax evasion is double the tax you owe. No jailtime, provided you can afford to pay that.

Not to mention, if we move to a different country, we don't get double taxed.... :smokin:
my mom would probably outpoll Obama right now so I would be shocked (and terrified) if he's around for a 2nd term.

The moment Obama won the primaries against Clinton, I thought, "I guess that means we're in for President McCain."

I was certain nobody could be dull-brained enough to vote for Obama (despite McCain being awful). I was, of course, mistaken. The lesson: never underestimate the absurdity of Boobus Americanus. Obama could very well see a second term.
Not to mention, if we move to a different country, we don't get double taxed.... :smokin:

It is pretty amazing that even if you live and work in a different country, as a United States citizen you still have to file a tax return and pay income taxes to a country you're not even in. Only way around that is to give up your citizenship.
The moment Obama won the primaries against Clinton, I thought, "I guess that means we're in for President McCain."

I was certain nobody could be dull-brained enough to vote for that man. I was, of course, mistaken. The lesson: never underestimate the absurdity of Boobus Americanus. Obama could very well see a second term.

But he had all these people excited about some sort of change.....and he's done nothing to support or energize that base again so I don't see that grassroots movement showing up for him again. Of course if he ran against Sarah Palin somehow he'd most likely win.
It's not single payer. It's monopoly payer. Obongocare is not voluntary. In Australia, I'm guessing you're still forced under threat of imprisonment to support the monopoly payer system, even if you opt for private care, no? If you think you're incapable of making your own healthcare decisions and need the government to make them for you, maybe you should stay in the high-tax, nanny state of Australia. There are still some American individualists around!

This is how it works...

Medicare in Australia is funded by a 1.5% tax which generally works out to be less than what you would pay for private health insurance, given that basic private cover is around $100 a month. People on low incomes get a full exception.

If you earn over $70,000 there is an additional 1% surcharge if you don't have private health insurance.

The annual budget for Medicare is $900 million (a drop in the bucket), and that covers the entire population of 20 million. We don't get little kids resorting to selling monster drawings over the internet to pay for their cancer treatment, families going bankrupt and selling their house to pay for a heart transplant because their insurance provider wouldn't cover them etc, it's quite nice.
This is how it works...

Medicare in Australia is funded by a 1.5% tax which generally works out to be less than what you would pay for private health insurance, given that basic private cover is around $100 a month. People on low incomes get a full exception.

If you earn over $70,000 there is an additional 1% surcharge if you don't have private health insurance.

The annual budget for Medicare is $900 million (a drop in the bucket), and that covers the entire population of 20 million. We don't get little kids resorting to selling monster drawings over the internet to pay for their cancer treatment, families going bankrupt and selling their house to pay for a heart transplant because their insurance provider wouldn't cover them etc, it's quite nice.

This looks like a shell game. $45 a year per person? That can't be right.

The medicare tax is low but what is the rest of the high taxes you pay for being used for? I'm guessing that the income tax is also funding the healthcare. If you make $100k US, how much are you paying in tax?

In any case, I'd rather choose for myself. I think it was Aristotle who said that some people are born to be slaves. I'd rather make my own decisions and be personally responsible for them.
I pay 51% in personal taxes between state and federal. Then I"m taxed more via sales and property tax. I also pay corporate taxes. Not sure how much more there is to take.

I hear people complain about 50% taxes in other countries but I probably pay 60% taxes between everything right in the US.

WTF??? Why soo much? I am in a high tax bracket and I'm not paying 50%, more like 35%
WTF??? Why soo much? I am in a high tax bracket and I'm not paying 50%, more like 35%

State + Federal. Federal alone is 35%, then you have state tax. He could obviously be structured better but that's the default.

Then on top of that you pay things like road tax, property tax, sales tax, gas tax, utility tax. I pay $15,000+ a year just in property tax. Then the city hits me with $900 per vehicle luxury tax, I have that on 6 of my cars. I even have to pay property tax on campers ($1,300 a year). We have impact fee's that we pay for "impacting" our city with growth.

Once you track that down the list you are paying well over %50 to these greedy robbin hood mofo's
WTF??? Why soo much? I am in a high tax bracket and I'm not paying 50%, more like 35%

35% for the high end of the federal bracket (39.6% if Obama has his way), 13.3% (eventually going back to 15.3%) of your first $106,800 in self employment tax, plus whatever your state income taxes are (I moved to Florida because it's 0%). Then you throw in local taxes like property taxes and it's higher from there.....I pay 14k a year on my house and another $26k a year on my rental properties.

I know a few folks on WF are proponents of an armed revolution, but I prefer a nonviolent approach. Less this...


... and more this...


(sans robe. I'm sexier in a suit.)

Here's my reasoning: The state is an inherently violent institution. Everything it does is done by the barrel of a gun. But fighting a violent institution with violence (i.e. armed revolution) begats a violent institution. My focus is to condemn the state as an aggressive violator of rights, and persuade others to recognize its illegitimacy.

As an extension of that idea, I consider agents of the state (politicians, TSA workers, IRS agents, etc.) to be aggressors. Moreover, I consider voters to be liable for acts of aggression committed by those they choose as authorities over my life.

Side note: I usually say "lol at voters," but there is a philosophy that informs that idea. I tend to hold those discussions irl, where there are fewer knuckleheads at the table (my table, at least).
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But he had all these people excited about some sort of change.....and he's done nothing to support or energize that base again so I don't see that grassroots movement showing up for him again.
Today's laughable announcement was meant to appeal directly to those peons. In essence he called for "their enemy" to be taxed equally to them. Of course we know that is complete and utter bullshit, but that's beside the point. This will help him with those particular people either way the vote turns out.

Speaking of the vote... On Bloomberg this morning they were pretty much making fun of obama for this stupid speech! If you've never watched bloomberg I'll forgive you for not seeing the rarity here; they are borg-like in their business mindset and have been known to fire people who make any kind of a joke... Especially when that person has any influence, like, say, the POTUS does...

But today a commentator said outright that if any stock holders believed even one word of Obama's speech today could ever come to pass, the market would have crashed within seconds... And therefore he's making a mockery out of the oval office by lying so openly & directly to the american public.

Then that same commentator went on to call Obama a Liar DIRECTLY because Obama misquoted the pledge he was representing in his speech today... He said he knows for a fact that Obama knows better but decided to lie on purpose because it's better politics that way.

Wow. Even BLOOMBERG is allowing the president to be called a liar openly here! What's it going to take for people to see what a two-faced, game-playing moron he is?

..O should at the very least stop accusing the Repugs of playing politics so often when he pulls shit like this!

I know a few folks on WF are proponents of an armed revolution, but I prefer a nonviolent approach....
I agree with every part of that, Jake! Good on you.

This is precisely why I feel that jumping ship is the better part of valor in the USA... :thumbsup:

But if one were to start up a real revolution here, all one would have to do is put together a bunch of serious hackers and marketers with some good leadership. Together they can spread DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES like torrents & bitcoin, and of course using botnets to spread their message.

They'd never have to raise a fist, but they'd likely have to abandon a few data centers as G-men repel down ropes from black helicopters onto their roofs.

Eventually it could be done though. Especially if they could find a way to really get Bitcoin off the ground, it would be the most disruptive technology of all. It could make the dollar fall, the IRS unable to collect, and basically remove control of our wallets completely from the fed...
But he had all these people excited about some sort of change.....and he's done nothing to support or energize that base again so I don't see that grassroots movement showing up for him again. Of course if he ran against Sarah Palin somehow he'd most likely win.

all that aside yous guys are also forgetting that between supreme courts, voting machines, and good old fashion chicanery, presidents aren't really elected these days, at least not in the traditional way of thinking about elections.