Obama to Propose Buffet Tax on Monday


I think he's right on that point, M4M.

Sadly the technological progression we are in the middle of is GOING TO, not 'might' or 'could' or 'is possible', but Already IS and will continue to, replace jobs at an unsustainable rate.

Nothing in the world can save these jobs, and no matter how hard Socialist presidents try, they'll keep watching their approval records sink lower and lower because more and more jobs are being lost every day.

We're around 10% unemployment now. It could be 20% in a few years, and even 50% by the end of the decade. (!) I know that's unthinkable but it's going to happen. People need to get ready for it.

No matter what, O IS going to cop shit for losing millions of jobs. All he can do to attempt to save his job next year is to minimize damages.
I love idiots throwing around the world socialist. So we should end all social programs because they're "socialist?" God forbid some poor people actually get a decent opportunity in this country.
Anybody saw the I want your money documentary yet.
Clip on taxes. Perfect for this thread.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBXQhs6kwYc"]Reagan Schools Obama in "I Want Your Money" - YouTube[/ame]


Hey why don't you point out a couple historical examples where slashing budgets during an economic depression has directly contributed to an economic recovery and an improvement in the overall standard of living in the society in question.

Oh right. You can't.

Well it just so happens that Heinrich Bruning in the Weimar Republic and the Nazi Govenator in California and the douchebag Papandreou in Greece among others have all tried this and they will all tell you that this strategy is full of more fail than your crackpot criticisms, even more so without concrete antidepression economic strategy in place alongside it. It lowers tax receipts in out months, further depresses economic productivity, creates zero stimulus, and by itself contains zero economic strategy.

gtfo and take obama with you

jada stevens walking into my room right now drunk is more likely than this bill passing
Anybody saw the I want your money documentary yet.
Clip on taxes. Perfect for this thread.
Reagan Schools Obama in "I Want Your Money" - YouTube

Reagan raised taxes 11 times after his initial huge tax cut, they still were lower than previously though. Point being he wasn't scared to raise them when it was necessary.

Be generous with your money. Not mine. Jackass.

Who pays for your firefighters, police, EMT's, roads, sewers, schools, libraries etc? oh yeah, the government. That's socialism! You're happy to use them though aren't you?
Yeah, the problem with cutting all the spending is all the job losses that will result. If Obama pulled off all the spending cuts like RP talks about, he'd cop shit for losing millions of jobs.

A major problem is that the people, media and especially the politicians who want to get re-elected only focus on the short term. Eliminating 10% of government jobs tomorrow would cause immediate issues, but it would likely cause more overall efficiency down the line.

When people pay taxes today, they don't realise that part of it might be going to pay off debt that was accrued for the Vietnam War.

Anybody saw the I want your money documentary yet.
Clip on taxes. Perfect for this thread.
Reagan Schools Obama in "I Want Your Money" - YouTube

Neat video, especially the voices, but if Obama is socialist, then so is Reagan. Among other things he expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit and ran the debt up to the highest it had ever been.

The Myths of Reaganomics - Murray N. Rothbard - Mises Daily

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POPkV-bX8w0"]Ronald Reagan's Socialist Program - YouTube[/ame]
anyone have a better idea? tax the poor any more and they won't have any money left to purchase anything which would be more of a drag on the economy than taxing the rich. the poor are the consumers and confidence is already declining.

I'm really thiking we are going to go back into recession real soon.

and you think the poor who already don't have money to buy things will buy more if they are further taxed in a deeper depression?
anyone have a better idea?

Yes. Reduce government spending drastically to match the reduced taxes that come from a poor economy. Leave the taxes alone, so that the money stays in the hands of the consumer and the employers instead of the government (this will help the economy).

Unfortunately, the government does not have the balls or the intelligence to make hard decisions. So instead we will have high inflation to devalue the debt, and high interest rates due to the size of the debt. The people will suffer, and the wealthy will do what they can to shelter their assets and benefit from the rising prices.
I'll say it again, your taxes are the lowest they've been since 1950!

What kind of an argument is this? So what?

Spending has never been higher. And the proposed tax will "save" $3 trillion over ten years. The government brings in approximately $2 trillion per year in taxes and spends $4.

This is not going to help our cause. The answer is to cut spending.

EDIT: Isn't it grand how fucking politicians equate taxes to "savings". It's as if all of our money belongs to them and they're graciously letting us keep some of it in the form of spending... ASSFUCKS.
Who pays for your firefighters, police, EMT's, roads, sewers, schools, libraries etc? oh yeah, the government. That's socialism! You're happy to use them though aren't you?

The government doesn't pay for anything. It has no money without first stealing it from us.

As for the rest of your argument, Bastiat puts it better than I can:

Bastiat said:
Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.
I pay 51% in personal taxes between state and federal. Then I"m taxed more via sales and property tax. I also pay corporate taxes. Not sure how much more there is to take.

I hear people complain about 50% taxes in other countries but I probably pay 60% taxes between everything right in the US.
I thought the 'loophole' they wanted to close was the corporate ones. Where B of A and all those giant corporations are somehow able to avoid paying any taxes.

@ncmedia, great post. that example really puts it into perspective for me.