Obama to Propose Buffet Tax on Monday

Who pays for your firefighters, police, EMT's, roads, sewers, schools, libraries etc? oh yeah, the government. That's socialism! You're happy to use them though aren't you?

Those are mostly paid through State taxes, not federal. Raising the Corporate tax will not add one penny to firefighters or EMT's.

Reagan raised taxes 11 times after his initial huge tax cut, they still were lower than previously though. Point being he wasn't scared to raise them when it was necessary.

Who pays for your firefighters, police, EMT's, roads, sewers, schools, libraries etc? oh yeah, the government. That's socialism! You're happy to use them though aren't you?

Why do people always list the shit that isn't managed by Feds largely? Roads get federal funding but are largely state funded, and everything else you listed is state funded. States do just fine funding these things on far lower taxes than the Feds. The Feds just run the biggest entitlement programs.

On top of that, you don't know what the word socialism means. Firefighters and police are not means of production. Also many areas have volunteer fire service.

I'd be just as happy with my own fire mitigation and prevention systems and private security.
Spend less in Afghanistan, pay less military incentives to Pakistan. I think that should reduce most of the expenditure.
I love idiots throwing around the world socialist. So we should end all social programs because they're "socialist?" God forbid some poor people actually get a decent opportunity in this country.

poor people in this country have luxuries in their cars that kings didn't have in their palaces 4 generations ago.....and its not because of socialism.
you wants to bet obama's "buffet" tax will hit the $200,000 crowd and not Warren Buffet?

If Buffet wants to send more money to Washington, there is a form for that.

Much of cuts in the lost depression were made immediately after the war ended and prior to the downturn, not as a response to it. Woods should check his dates :(

Some cuts were indeed made during the time in question which likely did contribute to the recovery, but only in concert with other measures - namely the fed policy response, presidential meetings with industry leaders, committees formed to address postwar unemployment, and protective tariffs that actually did something. Tangible economic program, whatever you think of it.

Wildly slashing budgets without accompanying economic program = stupid

Realistically cutting budgets with accompanying economic program = can work
And what about the 51% of Americans who don't pay ANY income tax? I think it's about high time they start getting taxed, and pitch in too! Doesn't matter a family of four is only making $25k/year, they should be paying too! Bloody poor people, leeching off the system.
And what about the 51% of Americans who don't pay ANY income tax? I think it's about high time they start getting taxed, and pitch in too! Doesn't matter a family of four is only making $25k/year, they should be paying too! Bloody poor people, leeching off the system.

I dont want to get involved in this conversation but, they do pay taxes. Maybe you mean federal taxes?
I pay 51% in personal taxes between state and federal. Then I"m taxed more via sales and property tax. I also pay corporate taxes. Not sure how much more there is to take.

I hear people complain about 50% taxes in other countries but I probably pay 60% taxes between everything right in the US.

^^ this, fuck getting taxed more
And what about the 51% of Americans who don't pay ANY income tax? I think it's about high time they start getting taxed, and pitch in too! Doesn't matter a family of four is only making $25k/year, they should be paying too! Bloody poor people, leeching off the system.

Equality is better for an economy. If you don't have tax breaks for the poor then there is a wide gap between rich and the poor. The rich can get everything cheap and make pretty much anything but this doesn't matter because if the poor doesn't have the money to buy it then the rich won't be able to sell it you see? Russia is like that currently, huge poverty and a poor economy. Look at the development in China in the past few years, a growing economy and wow, suddenly the middle class is rapidly expanding? And look! The economy is doing better because of it.

Oh and to LukeP. Dont worry, the USA has no chance of ever being socialist let alone even centre. It's one of the most right wing countries in the world. I remember watching plenty of news footage of US reporters in 1938 + 1939 about how this chap Adolf was doing a really good job of sorting out his country. Lets not forget JFK's dad was pro-Hitler and pro-IRA (Terrorist organisation in UK responsible for thousands dead). Honestly, I like many Americans but some, especially in the Tea Party should be in mental hospitals.
For everybody that didn't read to the end of the article...

The Buffett Tax could help energize Obama's base by highlighting a feature of the tax code that allows the super rich to pay lower rates of tax less wealthy Americans because the bulk of their income is capital gains, dividends and the 'carried interest' earnings of hedge fund managers.

Two important things here...

If this passed, it would result in far less volume of investment dollars.

It won't pass, because the House would never pass it, and that was the purpose. It wasn't a serious proposal - it was a setup for a campaign ad.

After the primaries, we'll see ads with dramatic music about how Obama tried to save the country by taking on the millionaires, but the Republicans saved them.
Oh and to LukeP. Dont worry, the USA has no chance of ever being socialist let alone even centre. It's one of the most right wing countries in the world.
You're talking in relative terms... When I call the USA Socialist, I mean it is so. It is simply FAR to the left of capitalism.

Everyone thinks (including the vast majority of Americans) that the USA is a Capitalist society, but I don't see it at all! Like another user above said, we get taxed MORE than you guys in some cases, and a quarter or so of our country sits around on their asses collecting welfare checks stolen from people like me.

I don't have a choice to pay less in taxes. I'm forced, by threat of imprisonment, to give people I don't like half of my money!

That makes us a Socialist society, the worst kind I know of in fact, no matter if your country is even more socialist somehow or not.

There's very little difference between all of us socialist countries anymore, anyway. We've all got our own Wall street where the capitalism of our country runs rampant and can hurt our economies; meanwhile we've all got corporations calling all the shots in our countries by buying our lawmakers.

Bottom line: There's no real difference. We're just told there is.
I have mixed feels about this post but...

So they need more revenue. Huh.

Any ideas on where, god only knows how many, millions of dollars are stolen from these morons every year?

Gee here's one:

You think your local mom and pop pizzeria, bar, restaurant (insert any cash business here) is reporting All their income?

No fuckin way.

Oh yeah, Obama is a fucking douchebag.
Why do people always list the shit that isn't managed by Feds largely? Roads get federal funding but are largely state funded, and everything else you listed is state funded. States do just fine funding these things on far lower taxes than the Feds. The Feds just run the biggest entitlement programs.

On top of that, you don't know what the word socialism means. Firefighters and police are not means of production. Also many areas have volunteer fire service.

Ahah, so that's not socialism. Why was Obama shot down as a socialist for bringing up universal healthcare? You would still be free to get private health insurance and go to a private hospital if you wanted to. Does that fall under the definition of socialism?
likely this

Ahah, so that's not socialism. Why was Obama shot down as a socialist for bringing up universal healthcare? You would still be free to get private health insurance and go to a private hospital if you wanted to. Does that fall under the definition of socialism?

Because socialized healthcare (single payer) requires conscription of medical personnel basically, where no private option is allowed. This is immoral, as it is *forced labor*, in other words, a form of slavery. Police have private security options, and firemen can be volunteer firefighters or in private fire prevention companies.

As for requiring insurance, mandating a purchase just for being alive is immoral and a violation of your rights.
Because socialized healthcare (single payer) requires conscription of medical personnel basically, where no private option is allowed. This is immoral, as it is *forced labor*, in other words, a form of slavery. Police have private security options, and firemen can be volunteer firefighters or in private fire prevention companies.

You'll find most universal healthcare systems contract private companies anyway, so it's hardly conscription or forced labor. It's not like the government is building MRI machines and manufacturing syringes themselves.

We have a single payer system here in Australia and a private option IS allowed and encouraged if you can afford it. We have public hospitals and private hospitals, once you earn over a certain threshold it becomes beneficial to purchase health insurance to take the pressure off medicare (ours is called medicare too, but covers everybody), otherwise there's a surcharge on your tax bill.

Doctors are free to choose whether they want to run a private practice or be a part of medicare. It's not the draconian system you make it out to be...