Obama Team Gives Black Panthers A Pass

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Black Panther Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

please do yourself a favor and read something.. I would suggest a book, but let's take this in baby steps and start with wikipedia


The Black Panther Party (originally the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense) was an African-American organization established to promote Black Power and self-defense....

Then we click on the "Black Power" link:

Black Power is a political slogan and a name for various associated ideologies.[1] It is used in the movement among African American people throughout the world, primarily those in the United States.[2] Most prominent in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the movement emphasized racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural institutions to nurture and promote black collective interests,[3] advance black values,[4] and secure black autonomy.[citation needed]
"Black Power" expresses a range of political goals, from defense against racial oppression, to the establishment of separate social institutions and a self-sufficient economy (separatism). Not only did this "Black Power" movement encourage separatism, but it helped usher in black radical thought, and action against what was considered to be an elusive, yet visible higher power, also known as white supremacy. The earliest known usage of the term is found in a 1954 book by Richard Wright titled Black Power.[5] The first use of the term in a political sense may have been by Robert F. Williams, an NAACP chapter president, writer, and publisher of the 1950s and 1960s.[citation needed] New York politician Adam Clayton Powell Jr. used the term on May 29, 1966 during a baccalaureate address at Howard University: "To demand these God-given rights is to seek black power."[6]

And course separatism would be similar to the now-illegal act of segregation. So, you say they're not a racist group... you must not be able to read very deep. Next you're tell me that White Power is racist, but Black Power isn't when if you compare the goal of either in radical groups for either, they're mirror-fucking-images of each other it's just a wee-bit-easier for a lynch mob to walk the street if they're a member of the minory color. I prefer not to say race, as biologically, homo sapiens are a single race.
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lol really? get banned for sharing my views and pointing out your ignorance?

My ignorance? You think the Black Panthers aren't a racially charged hate group. You also think that any white person descendent of someone who MIGHT have owned slaves 150-200 years ago is guilty by just being related. You're funny.

Get the fuck out
What's funny though is you all are talking as if oppression against black people has ceased to exist. While the fact is that it is actually still quite common. Programs like affirmative action exist for a reason. The oppression against blacks has gone on well past slavery, I think that is pretty apparent.

I think rich people have been oppressed by poor people for years. I demand restitution from those money sucking, homeless, gang banging mothers of 8 and all their baby's daddys.

Wait, what?

The government is supposed to take care of minorities ... right? There is no single group smaller than the upper 1%

You'll never get to equal when one side is given handouts and free passes in the legal system.
My ignorance? You think the Black Panthers aren't a racially charged hate group. You also think that any white person descendent of someone who MIGHT have owned slaves 150-200 years ago is guilty by just being related. You're funny.

Get the fuck out

Seriously, if anyone wants to bring up the "who might have owned slaves" issue, consider this... back in the ancestor country of Africa, Africans have owned slaves, either buying them, or thru tribal conquest.

Pot calling Kettle Black?

Also I find american racism to be pretty mild when you compare it to a nation that raped and slaughtered children openly simply cuz they were of a slightly different tone of brown.

So we out of the woods yet? No way in hell, but we won't get out til fucktards like Russ drop their associative mentality.
Seriously, if anyone wants to bring up the "who might have owned slaves" issue, consider this... back in the ancestor country of Africa, Africans have owned slaves, either buying them, or thru tribal conquest.

Pot calling Kettle Black?

You said black. Racist.

Then we click on the "Black Power" link:

And course separatism would be similar to the now-illegal act of segregation. So, you say they're not a racist group... you must not be able to read very deep. Next you're tell me that White Power is racist, but Black Power isn't when if you compare the goal of either in radical groups for either, they're mirror-fucking-images of each other.

I knew someone would try to leverage on the word "black power" having a negative connotation, it's a good thing that people can actually read though isn't it.

"Black Power" expresses a range of political goals, from defense against racial oppression, to the establishment of separate social institutions and a self-sufficient economy (separatism).

Hmmm, defense against racial oppressions.. and they basically promoted being seperated from white people who spit on them at sight... those devils.

Most prominent in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the movement emphasized racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural institutions to nurture and promote black collective interests

Most prominent during a period where oppression was ramped, hate crimes were common, segregation was a norm, they tried to establish pride in their race that was viewed by most people as lesser humans... Oh let's not forget they wanted to promote black interests.... you are right, these guys are just like the KKK.

It was a good try on your part, but I expected it. The fact is, the reason 'black power' has a negative connotation is because of when we hear the words 'white power' we know exactly what it stands for, which is a big reason why... to the uneducated, black power could be misunderstood.
I don't think I need to argue anything you just said, the fact that you called the black panthers a racist group and compared them to the KKK proves your ignorance.

The Black Panthers most certainly are a racist group - I have no idea how you missed that important point.

They want the US government to provide everything (housing, free health care, 40 acres & mule, the right to shoot police ....) here, read for yourself:

to black folks, sounds like forever...... AND they want all black people to be let out of jail.... This group IS NOT THE GIRL SCOUTS!

The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League list the New Black Panthers as a hate group. It says, "while the New Black Panther Party still attracts some followers under the guise of championing the causes of black empowerment and civil rights, its record of racism and anti-Semitism has overshadowed any of its efforts to promote black pride and consciousness."

Take a gander at this article:
New Black Panthers' racism was ignored - VIEWS

Here's a little more info about the group;
On November 29, 1993, then-chairman Khalid Abdul Muhammad spoke at New Jersey's Kean College saying that all whites in South Africa should be killed, and God should give blacks the power to kill "everything white."

"We kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies," Muhammad said. "We kill the blind, we kill the crippled, we kill 'em all. We kill the faggot, we kill the lesbian, we kill 'em all."

The members of the original Black Panther Party have condemned the New Black Panther Party for their racist and anti-Semitic tactics. Bobby Seale, co-founder of the original Black Panthers, states the NBPP has "hijacked our name and are hijacking our history." Chairman Shabazz claims the original Panthers "are really working with the Zionists."

Shabazz? Isn't he one of the defendants in the case I have been talking about? perhaps?????

Do you really want to continue to stick up for this guy and this group?
Oh and by the way, while you guys are at it, go look up some statistics on hate crimes, poverty, oppression, race in education. It's 2009 and blacks are still dealing with this shit.
The Black Panthers most certainly are a racist group - I have no idea how you missed that important point.

They want the US government to provide everything (housing, free health care, 40 acres & mule, the right to shoot police ....) here, read for yourself:

to black folks, sounds like forever...... AND they want all black people to be let out of jail.... This group IS NOT THE GIRL SCOUTS!

The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League list the New Black Panthers as a hate group. It says, "while the New Black Panther Party still attracts some followers under the guise of championing the causes of black empowerment and civil rights, its record of racism and anti-Semitism has overshadowed any of its efforts to promote black pride and consciousness."

Take a gander at this article:
New Black Panthers' racism was ignored - VIEWS

Here's a little more info about the group;
On November 29, 1993, then-chairman Khalid Abdul Muhammad spoke at New Jersey's Kean College saying that all whites in South Africa should be killed, and God should give blacks the power to kill "everything white."

"We kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies," Muhammad said. "We kill the blind, we kill the crippled, we kill 'em all. We kill the faggot, we kill the lesbian, we kill 'em all."

The members of the original Black Panther Party have condemned the New Black Panther Party for their racist and anti-Semitic tactics. Bobby Seale, co-founder of the original Black Panthers, states the NBPP has "hijacked our name and are hijacking our history." Chairman Shabazz claims the original Panthers "are really working with the Zionists."

Shabazz? Isn't he one of the defendants in the case I have been talking about? perhaps?????

Do you really want to continue to stick up for this guy and this group?

It's easy to find articles from opposite sides of the spectrum. And also I hope people actually go read the link you posted from the actual panther website. Sadly, I think most will just take your word for it.
I knew someone would try to leverage on the word "black power" having a negative connotation, it's a good thing that people can actually read though isn't it.

Hmmm, defense against racial oppressions.. and they basically promoted being seperated from white people who spit on them at sight... those devils.

Most prominent during a period where oppression was ramped, hate crimes were common, segregation was a norm, they tried to establish pride in their race that was viewed by most people as lesser humans... Oh let's not forget they wanted to promote black interests.... you are right, these guys are just like the KKK.

It was a good try on your part, but I expected it. The fact is, the reason 'black power' has a negative connotation is because of when we hear the words 'white power' we know exactly what it stands for, which is a big reason why... to the uneducated, black power could be misunderstood.

So you continue to talk down to me? Want some Wikipedia links? Okay.

New Black Panther Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suYvVyqvzAs]YouTube - Khallid Muhammad's Kill the White Man speech[/ame]

Khalid Abdul Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The New Black Panther Party (NBPP), whose formal name is the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, is a U.S.-based black supremacist organization founded in Dallas, Texas in 1989. Despite its name, the NBPP's founding was independent and it is not an official successor organization to the Black Panther Party.[2] Members of the original Black Panther Party have insisted that this party is illegitimate and have vociferously objected that there "is no new Black Panther Party".[2]" -Wiki

You done yet :)
"The New Black Panther Party (NBPP), whose formal name is the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, is a U.S.-based black supremacist organization founded in Dallas, Texas in 1989. Despite its name, the NBPP's founding was independent and it is not an official successor organization to the Black Panther Party.[2] Members of the original Black Panther Party have insisted that this party is illegitimate and have vociferously objected that there "is no new Black Panther Party".[2]" -Wiki

You done yet :)

The NBPP is the group that the Obama Justice Dept. gave a pass to - THEY are the group you are defending - don't you want stop yet?
The NBPP is the group that the Obama Justice Dept. gave a pass to - THEY are the group you are defending - don't you want stop yet?

He didn't read the original post - he just wanted to bitch about Fox without reading the article, and never saw that it was the NBPP. Now that he's been proven wrong, he won't return to the thread; watch.
Actually my argument, if you read my original post, was that sometimes a free pass is warranted based on the fact that blacks were enslaved and still remain discriminated upon today... and this was relevant to the topic of the thread because the members that were standing there with clubs in their hands didn't actually inflict any violence on anyone.. they didn't kill anyone, NBPP or not a free pass is, imo, was warranted.

Then someone compared The Black Panther party to the KKK and called them a racist group. If you were paying attention, the NBPP is COMPLETELY different from the Black Panther Party. The original black panther party is still active in small sects around the country. The NBPP is a group of racist morons, giving the real black panthers a bad name.


seriously though, this is entertaining, but i need sleep :)
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