Obama Team Gives Black Panthers A Pass

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1. Obama appointed Eric Holder to be his Attorney General, therefore, the buck stops with the President.

2. The video was not shot or posted on YouTube by Fox News ( they just played it) - it was shot by a college student.

3. The Justice Dept. did all that nifty stuff against these thugs BEFORE Obama took office - this was a slam dunk case, but the new Justice Dept. under Eric Holder ( Obama) has decided not to pursue it. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG.

4. I listed a source from the Philadelphia Paper
Dept. Of Justice Drops New Black Panthers Case - The Philadelphia Bulletin

this is from the Washington Times
EDITORIAL: Protecting Black Panthers - Washington Times

Both, you will notice, are NOT FOX NEWS.

The people on Fox News said that if anyone DARES to say ANYTHING against Obama or his regime, they WILL BE RUTHLESSLY ATTACKED.

This, sadly, seems to be the case

I thought on here there would be some discussion, but I never expected to be attacked like this. I have always tried to be respectful of other people - no name calling. But, I fear ... this is dying with my generation. God help us all.
I have always tried to be respectful of other people - no name calling. But, I fear ... this is dying with my generation. God help us all.

The people on Fox News said that if anyone DARES to say ANYTHING against Obama or his regime, they WILL BE RUTHLESSLY ATTACKED.

This, sadly, seems to be the case

When you say "Obama regime", that sounds so wrong. How about we just use the not-so-tainted term "dictatorship" from now on, agreed?
1. Obama appointed Eric Holder to be his Attorney General, therefore, the buck stops with the President.

2. The video was not shot or posted on YouTube by Fox News ( they just played it) - it was shot by a college student.

3. The Justice Dept. did all that nifty stuff against these thugs BEFORE Obama took office - this was a slam dunk case, but the new Justice Dept. under Eric Holder ( Obama) has decided not to pursue it. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG.

4. I listed a source from the Philadelphia Paper
Dept. Of Justice Drops New Black Panthers Case - The Philadelphia Bulletin

this is from the Washington Times
EDITORIAL: Protecting Black Panthers - Washington Times

Both, you will notice, are NOT FOX NEWS.

The people on Fox News said that if anyone DARES to say ANYTHING against Obama or his regime, they WILL BE RUTHLESSLY ATTACKED.

This, sadly, seems to be the case

I thought on here there would be some discussion, but I never expected to be attacked like this. I have always tried to be respectful of other people - no name calling. But, I fear ... this is dying with my generation. God help us all.

Get used to it. The Obamabots have nothing left to stand on. Their savior is failing and bringing the country down with him. They turn to personal insult because they have no other ground to stand on.

The progresive Obmabots have found out and put to practice their only weapon: Personally attack ANYONE that doesn't agree. Call them racist, hate mongers, scare tacticians. Yell this loud enough and frequent enough and usually the non obamabot will tire and shut up.
i would have attacked you personally anyways. It is just who I am.
you are gay and like to viddy da spinnin' dick without reprise.
but I would like to know how he is failing and bringing the country down.
saying he is isn't really a good way to convince me.
Like my statement about your sexuality above it doesn't do anything.
Unless I where to back it up with a video of you just drooling at a dickroll for 15 mins, its just like some homeless guy on the street yelling HEY MAN! FUCK YOU! HEY YOU FUCKKKK
so next time you want people to agree with you relate to them and give supporting evidence that will help promote THEIR causes, not yours. Sure you may think we are fucked because... that taxes went up? no, that didn't happen... well shit... uh because gas is cheaper? who knows, but your causing is probably monetary. I would rather have health care for people who can't afford it
EXCUSE ME for caring about my fellow man.
if YOU where poor, which you probably make monies all damn day, but if you where, wouldn't you enjoy some health care? I bet that shit is like, the best shit.
America looks pretty ok to me. I haven't seen any cars on fire recently, so to me, things are looking up.

summary for tldr assholes
and then something along the lines of
support your shit or your tits will sag and make you look like an asshole.
Ok guys stop it

Most of you already know that I'm a middle of the road type of guy and don't really care for political labels, but from my past experiences I know exactly where this thread is going and it can't end well. People on both sides of the isle really need to stop all this stupid and pointless bickering every time the other side does/says something that they don't agree with. I know it must be fun and all to push your agenda on a affiliate forum but I don't think you guys realize the consequences that your words have. Let me tell you guys a little story that will make you think twice, a few years ago the Dallas morning news had a forum type section where people could post stuff and of course the issue of politics came up during the 2004 election. Some republican guy nearly creamed his pants when those swiftboat vets for truth ads started airing, he used it as an excuse to point out how democrats hate America and want the terrorists to win. I called him out on it because he knew it was total bullshit and was just trying to scare the uninformed into his way of thinking.

Well he really didn't appreciate that and of course lashed back with the assumption that I'm a liberal (I'm not) who is going to vote for Kerry so he can surrender the country to Osama Bin Laden and kill all the christians. At that point I was pretty sure he was just another troll looking to stir shit up so I just let it go and put him on my ignore/blacklist and that was pretty much the end of it for about a week or so but then the phone calls started coming in. Back then I was doing web design and I had my website in my sig, the guy went to the website, looked up the number and then just started calling at all hours of the day, one time he actually made my assistant cry from frustration but that was probably due to her hormone changes from pregnancy more than anything else. Then using my name he looked me up and started calling my house with all sorts of nonsense and bullshit, I filed a complaint against him with the Dallas police department but they were pretty much useless and did nothing.

After a few days of all this he finally stopped and I thought I'd finally get some peace and quiet, well I did for a few days but fast forward to Sunday me and my family are in the front yard taking pictures of my niece and nephew when I see a truck come down the street and it ends up stopping in front of my house. I really didn't think much of it at first since my house is on a couldesac it happens all the time, I figured they were lost and looking at their map or something. So I turn back around to snap a few pictures and then all of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn around thinking it was my brother but it wasn't, it was actually 3 guys and I immediately recognized the one in front from the avatar of that guy on the Dallas morning news forum. I asked him just what the hell they were doing here and he just said "you already know why we're here", then one of the guys behind him hands him a bat and that's when I realized they were up to no good, started making trouble in my neighborhood i got in one little fight and my mom got scared she said your moving with your auntie and uncle in bel air i whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and had dice in the mirror if anything i could say that this cab was rare but i thought nah, forget it yo home to bel-air! ipulled- up to a house about seven or eight i yelled to the cabbie yo home, smell you later looked at my kingdom i was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of bel air.
i would have attacked you personally anyways. It is just who I am.

Well, I am a gentleman and will not - THAT is who I am.

This thread is about Attorney General Eric Holder dismissing a slam dunk case of racist, voter intimidation by the Black Panthers - caught on film by a college student, and verified by witnesses.

If you would care to enter into discussion about the topic, please... do.

Dude, you're not supposed to yank the anal beads out like you're starting a lawnmower. One by one, slow and steady.

The title is clickbait, surely you know this method well enough ... and it's not THAT much of a stretch.

Reader's digest that stuff then post a link ... nobody enjoys reading lawyer talk.

... I would like to know how he is failing and bringing the country down.
saying he is isn't really a good way to convince me ...

You can't expect people to point out every flaw in every thread. Check out popeye's history to get more facts.

This thread is about Attorney General Eric Holder dismissing a slam dunk case of racist, voter intimidation by the Black Panthers - caught on film by a college student, and verified by witnesses.

If you would care to enter into discussion about the topic, please... do.

Agreed but reverse racism is just part of every day life thanks to our ancestors. I think after Obama's 4 years are over, we'll see some progress here and hopefully minority only groups will be a thing of the past.

At least that's good I've been telling myself will come out of this presidency.
I think after Obama's 4 years are over, we'll see some progress here and hopefully minority only groups will be a thing of the past.

At least that's good I've been telling myself will come out of this presidency.

Race will always be an issue in the U.S. (at least until the value of our currency disintegrates and we implode). As long as those discussing it are emotional about the issue, there will be a problem. The existence of minority groups are a result.
Progressive idiots dont realize that Bush's admin was more racial diverse than even King Obama's. Yet, it dont count because those nigers were uncle toms....right?.

Fuck the ignorant left. Fuck the stupid fools trying to use race to push thier agenda. Fuck the Cobert idiots still jacking off to bush policy. Fuck all the stupid left wing fucks that make me embarassed to be American.
nah. just fuck you, popeye. just fuck you.

Your the weakest left arguemnt on this board. There are plenty that give somewhat a cohernet response. You...It is always fuck you popeye..your stupid popeye...etc...etc.....

Fuck me because why?.....I don't believe in your internet pseudo ideology??

So fuck me becaue I don't believe in what you believe?????

I find it funny that guys like this attack me personally for my beliefs. Trust me.. I don't take it personally. I pay ten times more in taxes than this kid nets in a year. I was once like him...so I will let him stew in his hate for anything besides his personal beliefs.
Your the weakest left arguemnt on this board.

it's not a left argument you fuck tard. you're exactly what you spout that you hate of others. locked in ideology and blinded by it. i just think you suck. period. so fuck you.

left argument... jesus christ. continuing the ad hominem attacks: you're a cunt. oh noes!

now here's a left and right argument for you.


and another


fair and balanced.
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