Obama Team Gives Black Panthers A Pass

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I didn't read the whole story or find out the truth on this for myself simply because I don't need to. Because the fact of the matter is, black people have were oppressed and enslaved for so many years, seriously sometimes a free pass is just warranted.

I didn't read the whole story or find out the truth on this for myself simply because I don't need to. Because the fact of the matter is, black people have were oppressed and enslaved for so many years, seriously sometimes a free pass is just warranted.

In that case everyone should get a free pass because least one person in anyone's ancestry has been given a hard time or were least persecuted for what they were or what they believed. Hell, I should get a free pass cuz for decades even into present time as "my people" are being slaughtered for being white in some African nations. Or perhaps I should get a free pass cuz somewhere in my lineage were the Native Americans forced from their lands.
In that case everyone should get a free pass because least one person in anyone's ancestry has been given a hard time or were least persecuted for what they were or what they believed. Hell, I should get a free pass cuz for decades even into present time as "my people" are being slaughtered for being white in some African nations. Or perhaps I should get a free pass cuz somewhere in my lineage were the Native Americans forced from their lands.

Right, but the fact is.. whites are the majority here and we have the power to hand out free passes to those we have oppressed in the past.. So there is really no reason not to, we are helping to right our wrongs. We can sit here and whine about how some of our ancestors were repressed and boo hoo it just is not fair, or we can just take the higher more noble ground and do what we can to help. Make sense?
Right, but the fact is.. whites are the majority here and we have the power to hand out free passes to those we have oppressed in the past.. So there is really no reason not to, we are helping to right our wrongs. We can sit here and whine about how some of our ancestors were repressed and boo hoo it just is not fair, or we can just take the higher more noble ground and do what we can to help. Make sense?

righting my wrong? Sorry but I can't recall the last time I enslaved or oppressed someone. And most of the people who would actually deserve some sort of reparation have been long since buried. Most of us (americans) are dragging on a soured past for our own selfish benefits.
I didn't read the whole story or find out the truth on this for myself simply because I don't need to. Because the fact of the matter is, black people have were oppressed and enslaved for so many years, seriously sometimes a free pass is just warranted.

You self-loathing piece of shit. You must have some serious guilt.

Find me a someone that was a slave - and you can give THAT person a pass. The black pathers are a racist group. The KKK is a racist group. Both are welcome at the voting booth, but neither is permitted to loiter for the purpose of intimidating passers by.

That being said - color won't mean as much to all these ignorant mother fuckers when common financial chains enslave us all.

Irony right... first black president spends the country into 100 years of econimic slavery.

Affirmative action and excessive social programs are the result of self-loathers like you trying to "make-up" for shit you have nothing to do with.
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Right, but the fact is.. whites are the majority here and we have the power to hand out free passes to those we have oppressed in the past.. So there is really no reason not to, we are helping to right our wrongs. We can sit here and whine about how some of our ancestors were repressed and boo hoo it just is not fair, or we can just take the higher more noble ground and do what we can to help. Make sense?

Right our wrongs? What wrongs were those? I'm Irish, and my first ancestors (grandparents on both sides) got to this country in the 1930's. Why the fuck should I have to right any wrongs? In fact, very few people in this country are actually descended from slave owners, so speak for yourself.
The whole situation doesn't really sit well. Days following his nomination for attorney general and in one of his first press conferences, instead of graciously accepting his position or addressing traditional attorney general talking points, he basically delivered a racially charged thesis where he called America a "nation of cowards".

Some weeks later, he was quoted as saying he wants to restart the Civil Rights Division at the DOJ, which has as its primary mission to protection of rights of minorities and institution of affirmative action measures.

Now, we find out he let Black Panthers off the hook when their crime is on multiple videotapes.

Just the facts folks, just the facts.
What a bunch of noobs! LOL

Voter intimidation, voter fraud etc. has been going on forever. Their skills are lacking. You cant do it like that anymore. You gotta be under the radar and tread the gray/blue area. Someone needs to make an ebook for these guys.

Im sure if those guys got prosecuted, they 'might' make some regulations and enforcement or somthing to prevent this. Then we would have the problem of enforcing. And of course it wouldn't work, cuz EVERYBODY is doing it. The guys are just dumb noobs who didn't do their homework.
Right, but the fact is.. whites are the majority here and we have the power to hand out free passes to those we have oppressed in the past.. So there is really no reason not to, we are helping to right our wrongs. We can sit here and whine about how some of our ancestors were repressed and boo hoo it just is not fair, or we can just take the higher more noble ground and do what we can to help. Make sense?
Popeye's acting like an idiot, but so are you.
Here is why you're wrong:

  • Everyone's been oppressed at some point
  • No one alive today was for slavery.
  • Many people's families weren't even here for slavery.
  • This point isn't worth another bulletpoint to refute. Suffice it to say anyone supporting a policy that elevates the rights of one race over another is racist as all hell no matter which politically correct angle you put on it.
Here's why popeye is wrong

  • They are not the only ones to get a pass
    • There are polling locations that are located in Churches.
    • I guarantee you "Right to Life" people wouldn't face charges either.
  • We've never aggressively gone after people intimidating at polls. Ever. There's a few "we'll make an example of you" cases, but that's it.
  • It has nothing to do with Obama. He doesn't oversee everything. Get used to it.
  • It runs into a lot of nasty issues about free speech/right to assemble.
  • Seriously, it's just not a good use of resources to go after this. I'd be seriously pissed if they spent a bunch of tax money to go after a few random fucks whose behavior wouldn't be impacted either way, did no significant damage, and would be seen as martyrs by the community.
Pretty much yeah, they should've been charged. But it's not a race thing/travesty of justice. It's someone sliding through the cracks which happens every damn day.
Pretty much yeah, they should've been charged. But it's not a race thing/travesty of justice. It's someone sliding through the cracks which happens every damn day.

This is trying to belittle what happened. I quote the Washington Times article I mentioned earlier:

"After the 2000 Presidential election, Democrats complained about voter intimidation in Florida by pointing to a police car that had been two miles away from a polling place. The police didn't do anything to anyone, but their presence was deemed sufficient to vaguely intimidate people en route to the polls. In this case, the New Black Panther Party actually blocked access to a poll. Unlike the Florida incident, this case involving the New Black Panthers screams out for tough justice. Instead, the Obama administration looks the other way. This all but invites racial violence at future elections."

The Justice Dept. had a conviction - not one of the accused showed up in court - this was enough to convict them. (Even without the video and witness testimony)

Again from the Washington Times article:

"The explanation for moving to dismiss the case is shocking. According to the Department of Justice: "These same Defendants have made no appearance and have filed no pleadings with the Court. Nor have they otherwise raised any other defenses to this action. Therefore, the United States has the right ... to dismiss voluntarily this action against the Defendants." In other words, because the defendants haven't tried to defend themselves, the Justice Department won't punish them.

By that logic, if a murderer doesn't respond to the charges, he should be let free. That's crazy."

The Obama Justice Dept. has given no good explanation because there IS NO good explanation.
What's funny though is you all are talking as if oppression against black people has ceased to exist. While the fact is that it is actually still quite common. Programs like affirmative action exist for a reason. The oppression against blacks has gone on well past slavery, I think that is pretty apparent.

While it is true that many people's ancestors have been oppressed at one time or another. The difference is, we have a chance to repair our damages. It is the same with native americans.. Just like affirmative action, there is a reason that reservations exist and you can drive down to your local indian casino.. these aren't just my opinions they have been brought into law, so obviously a lot of people, and by a lot of people I mean majority of people, share my views.
Right our wrongs? What wrongs were those? I'm Irish, and my first ancestors (grandparents on both sides) got to this country in the 1930's. Why the fuck should I have to right any wrongs? In fact, very few people in this country are actually descended from slave owners, so speak for yourself.

Obviously the word 'our' was referring to our society as a whole. I guess if you didn't think the world revolved around you, perhaps you might have a different opinion.. Hmmmmm... just a thought.
You self-loathing piece of shit. You must have some serious guilt.

Find me a someone that was a slave - and you can give THAT person a pass. The black pathers are a racist group. The KKK is a racist group. Both are welcome at the voting booth, but neither is permitted to loiter for the purpose of intimidating passers by.

That being said - color won't mean as much to all these ignorant mother fuckers when common financial chains enslave us all.

Irony right... first black president spends the country into 100 years of econimic slavery.

Affirmative action and excessive social programs are the result of self-loathers like you trying to "make-up" for shit you have nothing to do with.

I don't think I need to argue anything you just said, the fact that you called the black panthers a racist group and compared them to the KKK proves your ignorance.

you know I might have read all that if I didn't feel like I was being talked down to in big yellow caps and a wall of text. "Faux" news, old. Stop stealing insults from digg comments. Like any other mainstream media outlet is more credible? They're all sleazebags.
I don't think I need to argue anything you just said, the fact that you called the black panthers a racist group and compared them to the KKK proves your ignorance.

uh what. the black panthers ARE a racist group, what tinted glasses are you looking through that they aren't? gtfo
righting my wrong? Sorry but I can't recall the last time I enslaved or oppressed someone. And most of the people who would actually deserve some sort of reparation have been long since buried. Most of us (americans) are dragging on a soured past for our own selfish benefits.

Of course you or anyone else didn't enslave someone.. but that doesn't necessarily mean that you or anyone else's grandfathers didn't.

Just like financial debt gets passed onto relatives, we have inherited a very large debt from our ancestors to the african americans living in this country, most of whom are descendants of slaves.
Of course you or anyone else didn't enslave someone.. but that doesn't necessarily mean that you or anyone else's grandfathers didn't.

Just like financial debt gets passed onto relatives, we have inherited a very large debt from our ancestors to the african americans living in this country, most of whom are descendants of slaves.

With a mentality like that, its no wonder why racism continues to live on.
Of course you or anyone else didn't enslave someone.. but that doesn't necessarily mean that you or anyone else's grandfathers didn't.

Just like financial debt gets passed onto relatives, we have inherited a very large debt from our ancestors to the african americans living in this country, most of whom are descendants of slaves.

yes, because guilt by association. because I was born to that family, it makes me guilty. you know, something out of my control that happened over 100 years ago, it's my fault. continue to prove how dumb you are, please.

now, how about explaining to people like me, whose families came over to the USA post 1870 how it's my fault? Especially when some of my family first got here in the early 1900's? I'm guilty because of my skin color, right?
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