Obama Team Gives Black Panthers A Pass

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Old Goat

New member
May 5, 2008
This makes me SO angry. If the KKK had been outside the polls with Billy clubs - they would have been put UNDER the jail. But Obama's BLACK Attorney General Eric Holder, has quietly decided NOT to prosecute these Black Panthers. HHmmmm? HOW did this country put these people in power?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4LyozelGDY]YouTube - Black Panthers patrol polling places in Philly[/ame]

You can see for yourself they were clearly intimidating voters - just the way they were dressed did that. Witnesses report them shouting racial slurs at people such as, "Now you will see what it feels like to be ruled by the Black Man - Cracker!" Yet... Holder has decided NOT to prosecute them even though he has numerous witnesses and video - a SLAM DUNK case.
We ALL know what would happen if this had been the KKK or a bunch of Skin HEads, but the Panthers get a pass.

Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept. - Political News - FOXNews.com

For those of you who have some aversion to Fox news, the info is out there on a FEW other outlets - but the Obama Media is, of course, not getting this out there the way it should be reported. ALL Americans should be outraged at this blatant hypocrisy.:glowingeyes_sml:


Soon enough the Black Panthers will become "tax collectors".
"The DOJ filed a lawsuit under the Voting Rights Act against the NBPPSD and three of its members alleging the defendants intimidated Philadelphia voters during the Nov. 4, 2008 general election. The action was filed in January before President George W. Bush left office."

Subigo, I understand you have some liberal leanings, but this is NOT right under ANY circumstances.

Read this:
Dept. Of Justice Drops New Black Panthers Case - The Philadelphia Bulletin
The title of this thread is "Obama Team Gives Black Panthers A Pass"

I didn't see Obama in the video. I didn't read anything about Obama telling these guys they can stand there or giving any sort of permission nor walk by and high five 'em. Obama is black and so are the two guys in the video so you thought you had some kind of fuckin permission to make some bullshit title just to grab attention and waste everyones time. It's as if you thought this video needed some sleezy damn lie to sell it to us because normally we'd just skip over your dipshit no brained threads, OR possibly you think we're so stupid that we're going to post a bunch of replies along the lines of OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE OBAMA WOULD ENCOURAGE THIS! You sir are the worst kind of retard. You're the kind of retard that holds up the short bus getting on and makes all the other retards late for special ed. So knock it the fuck off! You're not being cute. You are annoying us.

^Sorry that just irritates me. Where's that pet peeves thread?
"The DOJ filed a lawsuit under the Voting Rights Act against the NBPPSD and three of its members alleging the defendants intimidated Philadelphia voters during the Nov. 4, 2008 general election. The action was filed in January before President George W. Bush left office."

Subigo, I understand you have some liberal leanings, but this is NOT right under ANY circumstances.

Read this:
Dept. Of Justice Drops New Black Panthers Case - The Philadelphia Bulletin

Yeah, I agree that it's pretty obvious that they were out there trying to intimidate people. But one of the main problems (and I saw this on the news a few months ago but can't find it again) was the fact that they couldn't find anyone willing to testify. Without at least one witness willing to testify, there's really not much anyone can do.
This makes me SO angry. If the KKK had been outside the polls with Billy clubs - they would have been put UNDER the jail. But Obama's BLACK Attorney General Eric Holder, has quietly decided NOT to prosecute these Black Panthers. HHmmmm? HOW did this country put these people in power?

YouTube - Black Panthers patrol polling places in Philly

You can see for yourself they were clearly intimidating voters - just the way they were dressed did that. Witnesses report them shouting racial slurs at people such as, "Now you will see what it feels like to be ruled by the Black Man - Cracker!" Yet... Holder has decided NOT to prosecute them even though he has numerous witnesses and video - a SLAM DUNK case.
We ALL know what would happen if this had been the KKK or a bunch of Skin HEads, but the Panthers get a pass.

Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept. - Political News - FOXNews.com

For those of you who have some aversion to Fox news, the info is out there on a FEW other outlets - but the Obama Media is, of course, not getting this out there the way it should be reported. ALL Americans should be outraged at this blatant hypocrisy.:glowingeyes_sml:


You're quoting FOX NEW'S about an Obama story. Outside of the foam-at-the mouth far right extremists in the midst, this is not anything people in the main stream are interested in.

Before making the kind of accusations and false analogies like you've stated in your post


Civil Rights Division Home Page

Plaintiff, v. CIVIL ACTION NO.: 09-0065
unincorporated association, MALIK ZULU
Defendants. ____________________________________

The United States of America, Plaintiff, alleges:
1. The Attorney General files this action seeking injunctive and declaratory relief pursuant to Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § § 1973, 1973i(b) (2000).
2. This Court has jurisdiction of this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1345 and 42 U.S.C. § 1973j(f).
3. The Attorney General of the United States has standing to bring this action on behalf of the United States pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1973(j)(d).
4. Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense is an unincorporated association with operations and members throughout the United States, including in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
4. Defendant Malik Zulu Shabazz is an individual residing in Washington, D.C. He is the self-styled "Attorney at War" of the Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, and exercises organizational control as head, or chairman, of the Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense.
5. Defendant Minister King Samir Shabazz a.k.a. Maurice Heath is a resident of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is leader of the Philadelphia chapter of the Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. 6. Defendant Jerry Jackson is a resident of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Philadelphia chapter of the Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense.

(PART 1)
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7. Defendants New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, Malik Zulu Shabazz, Samir Shabazz, and Jerry Jackson have engaged in coercion, threats, and intimidation, and attempted coercion, threats, and intimidation of voters, and those aiding voters, in violation of Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, 42 U.S.C. § 1973i(b).
8. On November 4, 2008, during the federal general election, the Defendants Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson deployed at the entrance of a polling location at 1221 Fairmount Street in the City of Philadelphia. The Defendants wore military style uniforms associated with the Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. These uniforms included black berets, combat boots, bloused battle dress pants, rank insignia, Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense insignia, and black jackets.
9. During his deployment at the polls on November 4, 2008, at the entrance to the polling location at 1221 Fairmount Street, and in the presence of voters, Defendant Samir Shabazz brandished a deadly weapon. The weapon deployed was a nightstick, or baton. The baton included a contoured grip and wrist lanyard. Throughout the course of this deployment at the polling location, and while the polls were open for voting, Defendant Samir Shabazz pointed the weapon at individuals, menacingly tapped it his other hand, or menacingly tapped it elsewhere. This activity occurred approximately eight to fifteen feet from the entrance to the polling location. Defendant Samir Shabazz was accompanied by Defendant Jerry Jackson during this activity, and the two men stood side by side, in apparent formation, throughout most of this deployment.
10. Defendants Samir Shabazz and Jackson made statements containing racial threats and racial insults at both black and white individuals at 1221 Fairmount Street on November 4, 2008, while the polls were open for voting.
11. At the polling place at 1221 Fairmount Street on November 4, 2008, Defendants Samir Shabazz and Jackson made menacing and intimidating gestures, statements and movements directed at individuals who were present to aid voters.
12. Defendants New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and Malik Zulu Shabazz managed, directed, and endorsed the behavior, actions and statements of Defendants Samir Shabazz and Jackson at 1221 Fairmount Street on November 4, 2008, alleged in this Complaint. Prior to the election, Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense made statements and posted notice that over 300 members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense would be deployed at polling locations during voting on November 4, 2008, throughout the United States. After the election, Defendant Malik Zulu Shabazz made statements adopting and endorsing the deployment, behavior, and statements of Defendants Samir Shabazz and Jackson at 1221 Fairmount Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
13. Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and Defendant Samir Shabazz avowedly endorse and support racially-motived violence. Defendant Samir Shabazz has made statements attributed to him in various newspapers supporting violence against non-black individuals and violence directed toward non-blacks and Jews. Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense is a black-supremacist organization which uses military-style uniforms, has auxiliary groups such as the "Panther Youth," and is explicitly hostile toward non-black and Jewish individuals in both rhetoric and practice. Defendant New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense has an active presence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in part through the efforts of Defendant Samir Shabazz.

14. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference ¶¶ 1 - 13 above.
15. Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act provides that: "No person,. . . shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce . . . any person for voting or attempting to vote." § 1973i(b).
16. Defendants have violated Section 11(b) by the deployment of armed and uniformed personnel at the entrance to the polling location at 1221 Fairmount Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on November 4, 2008. The loud and open use of racial slurs and insults at this polling location, directed at both black and white individuals, enhanced the intimidating and threatening presence at the polling location. The behavior and statements of the Defendants intimidated and threatened voters and potential voters, in violation of Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act.
17. Unless enjoined by this Court, Defendants and those acting in concert with them, will continue to violate Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act by continuing to direct intimidation, threats, and coercion at voters and potential voters, by again deploying uniformed and armed members at the entrance to polling locations in future elections, both in Philadelphia, and throughout the United States.
18. "Whenever any person has engaged" in a violation of Section 11(b) by intimidating or threatening voters, the Attorney General may seek "an action for preventive relief." § 1973j(d).
19. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference ¶¶ 1 - 18 above.
20. Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act provides that: "No person . . . shall . . . attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce" any voter. § 1973i(b). Attempts to intimidate, threaten or coerce voters, violate Section 11(b), even if such attempts are unsuccessful.
21. Defendants have violated Section 11(b) by attempting to intimidate, threaten, or coerce voters by the deployment of armed and uniformed personnel at the entrance to the polling location at 1221 Fairmount Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on November 4, 2008. The deployment, and the accompanying behavior, was an attempt to intimidate, threaten, and coerce voters. The brandishing of a weapon at the very entrance of a polling location on November 4, 2008, demonstrates that the Defendants' reliance on the potential use of force was an attempt to have an effect of certain voters. The behavior and statements of the Defendants intimidated and threatened voters and potential voters, in violation of Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act. The deployment of armed and uniformed individuals at the entrance to a polling location represents an attempt to have an intimidating and threatening effect on certain voters.
22. Unless enjoined by this Court, Defendants and those acting in concert with them, will continue to violate Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act by continuing to attempt to intimidate, threaten and coerce voters and potential voters, by again deploying uniformed and armed members at the entrance to polling locations in future elections, both in Philadelphia, and throughout the United States.
23. "Whenever any person has engaged" in a violation of Section 11(b) by attempting to intimidate or threaten voters, the Attorney General may seek "an action for preventive relief."
24. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference ¶¶ 1 - 23 above.
25. Section 11(b) also protects those who aid voters or urge them to vote. Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act provides that: "No person . . . shall . . . intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for urging or aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote." § 1973i(b).
26. The Defendants intimidated and threatened those urging or aiding persons to vote at 1221 Fairmount Street on November 4, 2008 and thereby violated § 1973i(b). These efforts included, but were not limited to, doing the following to protected individuals: brandishing a deadly weapon toward them, directing racial slurs and insults at them, and attempting to prevent their authorized ingress and egress at the polling location through blockage of the entrance and the threat of force.
27. Unless enjoined by this Court, Defendants and those acting in concert with them, will continue to violate Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act by continuing to intimidate, threaten, and coerce individuals urging and aiding voters, by again deploying uniformed and armed members at the entrance to polling locations in future elections, both in Philadelphia, and throughout the United States.
28. "Whenever any person has engaged” in a violation of Section 11(b) by intimidating or threatening those urging and aiding voters, the Attorney General may seek "an action for preventive relief." § 1973j(d).


29. Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference ¶¶ 1 - 28 above.
30. Section 11(b) protects those who aid voters or urge them to vote. Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act provides that: "No person . . . shall . . . attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for urging or aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote." § 1973i(b).
31. The Defendants attempted to intimidate and threaten those urging or aiding persons to vote at 1221 Fairmount Street on November 4, 2008 and violated § 1973i(b). These efforts included, but were not limited to, doing the following to protected individuals: brandishing a deadly weapon toward them, directing racial slurs and insults at them, and attempting to prevent their authorized ingress and egress at the polling location through blockage of the entrance and the threat of force. These statements and actions evidence an attempt to intimidate or threaten those who were present at the polling place to aid voters.
32. Unless enjoined by this Court, Defendants and those acting in concert with them, will continue to violate Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act by again attempting to intimidate, threaten, and coerce individuals urging and aiding voters, and by again deploying uniformed and armed members at the entrance to polling locations in future elections, both in Philadelphia, and throughout the United States.
33. "Whenever person has engaged" in a violation of Section 11(b) by attempting to intimidate or threaten those urging and aiding voters, the Attorney General may seek "an action for preventive relief." § 1973j(d).
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, United States of America, prays for an order that:
(a) Declares that Defendants have violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1973i(b), by coercing, threatening, and intimidating voters;
(b) Declares that Defendants have violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1973i(b), by attempting to coerce, threaten, and intimidate voters;
(c) Declares that Defendants have violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1973i(b), by coercing, threatening, and intimidating those urging or aiding voters to vote;
(d) Declares that Defendants have violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1973i(b), by attempting to coerce, threaten, and intimidate those urging or aiding voters to vote;
(e) Permanently enjoins Defendants, their agents and successors in office, and all persons acting in concert with them, from deploying athwart the entrance to polling locations either with weapons or in the uniform of the Defendant New Black Panther Party, or both, and from otherwise engaging in coercing, threatening, or intimidating, behavior at polling locations during elections.
(f) Plaintiff further requests that this Court:
(1) Award Plaintiff the costs and disbursements associated with the filing and maintenance of this action;
(2) Award such other equitable and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.
Respectfully Submitted, MICHAEL B. MUKASEY
Attorney General of the United States
Acting Assistant Attorney General
Civil Rights Division
Chief, Voting Section
Deputy Chief,
Voting Section
Attorney, Voting Section
South Carolina Bar #: 7146
Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Voting Section
950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Room 7124 - NWB
Washington, D.C. 20530
(202) 616-4227
This is the kind of shit that makes my blood boil

THEY KNOW the average person is going to read their twisted analysis of information and accept it as true.

I posted the case file for a reason - it's public information for one....

For another, to illustrate a point here. When the Justice Department "decides" to not evaluate a case, IT IS NOT BECAUSE SOMEONE SENDS THEM A CALL AND SAYS "UH DON'T DO THAT".

IT IS ON THE SPECIFICS OF THE LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have not actually ANALYZED each point of the case, you have ABSOLUTELY NO GROUNDS for assuming it is politically motivated.


When cases are filed, there are VERY SPECIFIC points that have to be looked at.

Your whole analogy comparing this situation to what happened to minorities years ago is flat out wrong.

First of all, have you ever been to Philly? I happen to have lived in the area for 4 years so I feel qualified to speak.

Try googling:

1221 Fairmount Avenue

This is NORTH PHILLY. This is a largely MINORITY AREA of the city. So, let's assume that these thugs actually DID INTIMIDATE voters.

You have a punch of black panthers standing around a largely minority neighborhood during a historical election. Forget the fact that those people were probably going to vote for the guy anyhow....

This is hardly similar to some Neo Nazi retards harrassing little old black church ladies not to vote is it? Yet they are careful to show a very doctored video (it's obvious if you've been to that part of the city), no doubt to make it look like a bunch of ghetto thugs are harrassing regular suburban voters instead of the largely minority voters that were likely to have been at that polling station
Map of 1221 Fairmount Ave Philadelphia, PA by MapQuest

I'm so sick of these idiot hate mongers like at Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc, trying to stir up bullshit, as if that's really going to fix the economy, health care or those crazies abroad trying to blow stuff up in Pakistan, Iran or Afghanistan...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOXHtRsTtk0]YouTube - Dogway Melody - Queenie in Trouble[/ame]
The title of this thread is "Obama Team Gives Black Panthers A Pass"

I didn't see Obama in the video. I didn't read anything about Obama telling these guys they can stand there or giving any sort of permission nor walk by and high five 'em. Obama is black and so are the two guys in the video so you thought you had some kind of fuckin permission to make some bullshit title just to grab attention and waste everyones time. It's as if you thought this video needed some sleezy damn lie to sell it to us because normally we'd just skip over your dipshit no brained threads, OR possibly you think we're so stupid that we're going to post a bunch of replies along the lines of OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE OBAMA WOULD ENCOURAGE THIS! You sir are the worst kind of retard. You're the kind of retard that holds up the short bus getting on and makes all the other retards late for special ed. So knock it the fuck off! You're not being cute. You are annoying us.

^Sorry that just irritates me. Where's that pet peeves thread?

Omg, Eli. Are you pissed? I thought you never got mad. AND AT A POLITICAL THREAD????

(I'm so proud of you.)

Edit: I just realized that this thread is closed? wft? Is it a another really gay political thread? Yes but it's in the STS section, and we have man boobs for that. So why is it closed? (UHhh unless I managed to hit the close button by accident or something. Whatever I'm reopening it either way)

Very good post. The sad part is, only few people will be comfortable reading it because the case file isn't presented as a 1:20 minute video with flashy graphics and dramatic sound effects and a hyped reporter and intimidating keynotes.
Im glad this precedent was set. Guess in 2010 I will have to pull the jack boots, hair clippers and baseball bat out and stand around the local polls yelling nigger.
Just a quick thought...

It's rash to dismiss an idea merely because of its source. FOX, MSNBC, Infowars... each source produces a constant stream of ideas. Some are sound; others are flawed. Each should be judged upon its individual merit.

Dismissing an idea simply because it comes from a Democrat, Republican, conservative, liberal, warmonger, or beatnik is dangerous.

I apologize for taking this off the rails and now surrender the conch.

On with the verbal beatings.
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