Obama bends over to suck on the Japanese Emperor's Zamboni

This would be like walking into someone's house and refusing to take your shoes off because you don't at your own.

"I don't take my fucking shoes off in my house, I refuse to do it in yours!"

I bet you're a real nice guest......

This analogy doesn't work in this case. It's not about respect, it's a show of power. Every person in power displays some sort of body language to project this. For instance, most of the time the President will try to be the last one in the door, as this shows he's dominant. Many of the Presidents would also tap one's back to show that person is weaker.

This analogy doesn't work in this case. It's not about respect, it's a show of power. Every person in power displays some sort of body language to project this. For instance, most of the time the President will try to be the last one in the door, as this shows he's dominant. Many of the Presidents would also tap one's back to show that person is weaker.

Body Language differs in a variety of cultures, for example showing the sole of your shoes in a meeting in Germany would be an insult. To bow in Japan is definitely a sign of respect, where as in the arabic countries it could be seen as a sign of submission.

This is what I'm afraid the truth is. I have to admit it. It's just so fucking sad.

What the fuck does he think he is doing?!

Why Obama, why?!?!

America!!!!!!!!! and he just continues to bow too, over and over and over.......:crying:

This analogy doesn't work in this case. It's not about respect, it's a show of power. Every person in power displays some sort of body language to project this. For instance, most of the time the President will try to be the last one in the door, as this shows he's dominant. Many of the Presidents would also tap one's back to show that person is weaker.

Agreed. It makes me sad.

I'll just lie to myself though and say Obama is super culturally aware. :(
If it was a sign of respect, the Japanese Emperor would have bowed equally as deep in return, but he didn't. This is very submissive.
It's been a tradition for the President of the US to act like he's the fucking man.





If it was a sign of respect, the Japanese Emperor would have bowed equally as deep in return, but he didn't. This is very submissive.

.... if you watch the video, Obama was pretty quick, and if the Emperor bowed as deeply, he'd break his back ....

He bowed back, nuff said, I think it would be extremely childish to be like 'you didn't do it quite right..'
The Japanese don't see bowing down as a submission to power as we do. Showing respect for an allies or potential allies culture should be seen as a powerful trait in a leader.
I've never met someone who actually makes any real money who gives 2 shits about things like this. Yet the $40k/year whiners join militias, spend hours reading about he's a secret muslim (who cares?) etc etc etc.

Actually I just read an article about the Michigan Militia, most of them would be lucky to be making double digits an hour; and that's the ones who actually have jobs.
I heard Obama held the door open and let Angel Merkel (female Chancellor of Germany) in first. Germany is now considering a new invasion of Poland at this pathetic show of submission by Obama.
Bowing doesn't show weakness in Japan. It shows respect and humility, both of which are signs of inner strength.

You guys who think he's disgracing America by being submissive are judging the gesture by American standards. But the gesture was not for America. It was a gesture for Japan, and in Japan when a powerful person shows humility he will be loved for it. And because of that love for Obama he's going to going to be able to dictate the terms in any discussions with Japan. Disagree with is politics if you want, but he's not an idiot and he's smart enough to know that having rapport with a country's people gives him power there.
I don't care what the fuck is customary over there in Japan (or anywhere else). It's the fucking United States of fucking America. No US president should ever bow to fucking anybody. We're the fucking super power here and this mother fucker needs to show it. He acts like a little fucking pussy who got the shit kicked out of him repeatedly.

Urmmm... another one escaped from the research lab.

I fondly remember the giggling that ensued when Bush held hands with the Saudi prince. That one is worth Googling for if you have the time.
Nixon, in like fashion, was "very" diplomatic in his meetings with Mao..

This is not a display of weakness, as many of you fear-inducing hatemongers are
insinuating, only because you're too dumb to realize what this is about.

Obama will open many more doors than he will cause to close.

The rest of your tough guys have a lifelong battle to fight in all your relationships..