Niche Tumblr Pack - High PR Niche Relevant Tumblr Blog Posts - FREE Reviews!

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hi tom. what is the content like on these. you say it is unique but is it readable. could you send a sample of the travel niche?

Apologies to all who waited to hear back from me. I've been in n out of office for past few days.

Yes, the content we use is usually Gooticles generated content. Please go to gooticles dot com and generate couple of samples to see the quality. Please note, if your niche is not available, we will write a unique article and spin with wordai.

I can send samples to everyone in next 24 hours.


hi tom. what is the content like on these. you say it is unique but is it readable. could you send a sample of the travel niche?

send some samples.

oardered - gonna try to get ur tumblr to rank my tumblr her derr

Thanks for your order.We look forward to serving you.

Open for more orders!

answer to my question above and show sample, then i will be more than happy to order.
Ordered the 20 pack.
Your transaction ID for this payment is: 5L651770BJ1926***

Got my report for the order I placed on 06/27 (10 posts)
Overall it's not a bad deal for the money.
Blogs are relevant (with occasional payday loan kind of post), content from gooticles is unique and semi-readable. Images are relevant though could use better quality.
I even got 12 posts instead of ordered 10. But out of those 12 only 1 is PR3, 1 PR4 and the rest PR2.
Most of the posts are already indexed

I've woken to an email featuring none other than.... a report from Tom4Business! So, I found this thread, cracked open the excel file, and took a look. I don't think Tom will mind if I reveal the contents of the report. You get 3 columns. The left-most is a list of the top-level domains of all the tumblr's you are getting posts on. I asked for links in a somewhat obscure niche and he even had some tumblr's that were 100% devoted to the topic. Otherwise, I received relevant posts on broader tumblrs.

I sit back and think... this guy must have an insane # of these things saved up, salvaged, reclaimed, whatever... I don't know how he's done it. But it's pretty awesome! What you are looking at is a boatload of web 2.0's that are capable of passing more signals than just juice. Oh, and they are do-follow links! Let the juice flow!

The content... well. Again, I asked for a very technical niche. As I read some of these articles, it's obvious they are spun. They read like a very poor English-as-a-2nd-Language speaker with an amazing vocabulary! Which is to say, all of the words and phrases I would need to be present to send certain LSI relevancy signals are there. But the grammar, syntax, etc, is as bad as any other spun article. I'm not a fan of spun content if I sound a little harsh. But I am impressed with the depth of jargon and technical terms that appear in the article. That was a surprise.

The next column of the report simply tells you the PR of the homepage of the Tumblrs. They are all very nice to me. I see a PR4, several PR3's, and an assload of PR2's. I received 22 posts too! That's awesome. A 10% over-delivery!

The final column on the right just gives you a link directly to your article for your convenience.

All in all, I'm very pleased with this. It's going to pass some goodness to a couple of pages of mine that both point to the money page... I used this in a tiering fashion, and I'm willing to bet that I can return soon and comment on some movement. I'm satisfied, and I give this service my seal of approval as used in the fashion I did. I wouldn't go straight to a precious authority site, but I'd definitely aim this at an MFA for sure. Good work, Tom! Thanks again!

A+ - Unique and quality service!
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