n00bie Challenge

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Bam bam - at the moment I'm testing out my autoblogs by spending a few mins setting up each WP installation on the seperate sub domains myself. Do you think it's better to go the WPMU thing, cos if it is I might be interested in being the 2nd guinea pig.
for the record, on my lameass attempt at voting -> zip submit, I'm down $35 in ppc costs at approx 30 cents a click,
paid for 125 visitors
4 people clicked through the banners on the page
0 people completed an offer.

Since I know I did nothing right, going to go with "never doing that again." :S

Throwing in the towel on that one.

Since I know I did nothing right, going to go with "never doing that again." :S

Throwing in the towel on that one.

That's the way I feel about zip submits as a whole. Plus, I know this is CRAZY TALK but I don't like trying to get people to do shitty offers. And those zip sumits suck, they're spammy and you have to click no no no no no no no... forever. It's no wonder people don't complete them. I know I'm probably in the minority around here (which I'm actually pretty used to ;) ) but If I'm doing ppc, I would rather offer people things that people want or need.
for the record, on my lameass attempt at voting -> zip submit, I'm down $35 in ppc costs at approx 30 cents a click,
paid for 125 visitors
4 people clicked through the banners on the page
0 people completed an offer.

Since I know I did nothing right, going to go with "never doing that again." :S

Throwing in the towel on that one.

.30 cents per click is way too much to pay for your zip-submits, just do a bit of math lets say that your completed zip submits make you an even $2 bucks and your paying .30 cents per click for each visitor.

Lets say you've got a good solid 20% CTR to the offer and a solid 50% of those actually complete the offer (Which can be a bit high to calculate with). Now lets say that you send 100 people to your site through PPC.

So 100 people would cost you $30 bucks and out of those 100 people 20 of them wen't through to the offer and 10 of them completed it which means you just made $20 bucks from those submits but you spent $30 bucks which means you are at a loss of $10 for every 100 people sent to your site.

However if you were only paying say .15 cents per click you would have made $5 profit for every 100 people sent to your site.

When doing your zip-submits ect... its always good to keep an eye on the math.
Bam bam - at the moment I'm testing out my autoblogs by spending a few mins setting up each WP installation on the seperate sub domains myself. Do you think it's better to go the WPMU thing, cos if it is I might be interested in being the 2nd guinea pig.

The reason WPMU is being utilized is because it saves you a hell lot of trouble. It creates subdomains, plugins can be uploaded just once. And similar stuff! Going with seperate subdomain would basically mean the same, but it would be hectic.

for the record, on my lameass attempt at voting -> zip submit, I'm down $35 in ppc costs at approx 30 cents a click,
paid for 125 visitors
4 people clicked through the banners on the page
0 people completed an offer.

Since I know I did nothing right, going to go with "never doing that again." :S

Throwing in the towel on that one.

QS my friend. QS, is what you've to look for. You spent $35 on something that never converted. You should've stopped at halfway of your budget.
Try going through two of these posts to see if you're getting there ... also search around for ways to increase google QS.
- http://www.wickedfire.com/affiliate...rating-high-converting-zip-email-submits.html
- http://www.wickedfire.com/affiliate-marketing/17603-here-how-i-got-rich.html
Had my first $10 day in AdSense. Look at this PHENOMENAL CTR!

Impressions Clicks Page CTR Page eCPM Earnings
502 68 13.55% $20.68 $10.38

Then I must be doing something terribly wrong :D :D :D
with 500 impressions daily ---> 1 click daily ---> $0.01 daily :error:
Don't look, turbo :) I think I'm being clear to the reader that this is an email submission thing.

I'm giving this stupid thing one more try. However, I'm not sure if my offer is incentivized. It's not allowed to be. I asked my AM and she said "I love that page!" which didn't really answer the question, now did it? Prat.

So ... is this an incentivized offer?

Help the Hungry with a Free Turkey | Thanksgiving Recipes

I'm not expecting to make buckets of cash from it. I was inspired by the freerice controversy. I'm just trying to see a positive value in my copeac account. :)

I've pingomatted it, google adwordsed it, dugg it, stumbled it, facebooked it, what else would you suggest, assuming it doesn't count as incentivized?
I love that page! heh. No, it's cute. Yeah it's still zip/email submits crap-ola but I give you props for giving my finger a twitch on the keyboard with the whole feed the hungry bit. (all you got was a twitch though ;) )
I agree with your AM, argh. It's a very nice landing page. It's probably a toss up on the incentive, since you're not paying someone to do anything. Since you've already run it past your AM and she didn't say no... I'd let it run. If you had the convo in IM, I hope you saved it, incase there's a dispute.

I didn't fill in my email 'cause I've already got a houseful of turkeys but, when I clicked the back button from the submit page, it took me to the silver offers. Is it supposed to do that? Does that count as something you won't get paid for? I'd ask if I were you. Folks might go look at that before coming back to your page to click the other link you have to the food bank.

Just another sneaky way for the advertisers to get theirs without giving the publishers anything. Sleep tight, after I gave you something else to worry about. LOL
I agree with your AM, argh. It's a very nice landing page. It's probably a toss up on the incentive, since you're not paying someone to do anything. Since you've already run it past your AM and she didn't say no... I'd let it run. If you had the convo in IM, I hope you saved it, incase there's a dispute.

I didn't fill in my email 'cause I've already got a houseful of turkeys but, when I clicked the back button from the submit page, it took me to the silver offers. Is it supposed to do that? Does that count as something you won't get paid for? I'd ask if I were you. Folks might go look at that before coming back to your page to click the other link you have to the food bank.

Just another sneaky way for the advertisers to get theirs without giving the publishers anything. Sleep tight, after I gave you something else to worry about. LOL

It's an email. It's saved. I was worried about that too.

Regarding the silver options: I hate doing zip submits exactly because of that. I don't know if I won't get paid for it. I'm just testing crap out, and willing to roll with whatever happens there.

I'll have the zip submit link open in a new window so they can come back and click on the food bank link. Thanks.
How do you guys feel about this script? Is it worth it?

What is does is pull content from yahoo answers and generates 1,000's of pages of niche pages. So basically with link building you can rank for hundereds of long tail keywords in google. It's a MFA site script that won't get you banned from adsense.

I think this would work nice with rss xploiter.
It's a MFA site script that won't get you banned from adsense.

Really? Is that what Google told you? Don't believe it unless you hear it straight from Google's mouth.

It may be unlikely that it will get your Adsense account banned, but that doesn't mean it won't. Anyhow, that's splitting hairs, but I'm grumpy and wanted to get that out of the way.

Next, after looking at it and viewing the demo script I like it. IMHO, it is worth $47 (the price on their spammy-looking website) if you can not code something like this yourself. Just be aware that it does have a distinct footprint, and that is something you would want to address particularly if you plan on doing a little BH link building or traffic gen for it.
Really? Is that what Google told you? Don't believe it unless you hear it straight from Google's mouth.

It may be unlikely that it will get your Adsense account banned, but that doesn't mean it won't. Anyhow, that's splitting hairs, but I'm grumpy and wanted to get that out of the way.

Next, after looking at it and viewing the demo script I like it. IMHO, it is worth $47 (the price on their spammy-looking website) if you can not code something like this yourself. Just be aware that it does have a distinct footprint, and that is something you would want to address particularly if you plan on doing a little BH link building or traffic gen for it.

Ok, thanks. I'm not going to go completely crazy with the blackhat links, but how would I go about hiding the footprint. Using a new google webmaster account or none, using a proxy when logging in, fake or private whois, different server? Would google ever use adsense to check?
Ummm... Can we stay on topic guys ?

Back to the topic, just adding to my tutorial above ... when you make changes to your httpd.conf, donot forget to restart Apache.

I get a lot of emails from people working with WPMU about how they get blank subdomains with an "Index of /" page... and many of them tend to forget the important part of restarting apache

Also, if you're giving FTP access to someone... please give it to someone trustworthy and check for unknown files on your folder. I am writing a script that will let you scan your server for modified/changed WPMU files and/or files unknown to WPMU. Should be done by tomorrow. Cheers :)

On another note, I tried the Shinoda.mike guy on DP, pretty quick fella. Paid him like 40 minutes ago, and I already see the WPMU installation up and ready with 8 subdomains. Pretty Satisfied as of now...
(Disclaimer: I apologize for all spelling mistakes I'll make tonight but I'm exhausted and ready for bed)

Well I should probably give you guys a bit of an update of just what the fuck is going on with my end, don't worry I haven't been making thousands from the site haha. I've actually been slacking off like a mother fucker, well not really here is what I've been working on.

First off I have always realized a serious problem with all video sites I set up, that problem is simply I don't host any of the videos on my site, the reason for this is to simply save me bandwidth and I don't have to wait around for people to upload the videos. The problem lies with the embed codes but more importantly the flash players which play the files, see almost all of them have a share option in which they can spread the video with, good idea simple nice, but then some also have features where at the end of the movie they give the users the ability to select another video which brings them back to there site and away from mine.

Basically there is a big ass traffic gap where I'm loosing a lot of visitors and my brandability is pretty shitty, well thats until now you see I've always planned to fix that but haven't got around to it until well this past week.

See I don't know fuck all about Actionscript and Creating your own flash players but I am a very quick learner and with a strong programming background I was able to do one up this past week.

I made it from scratch without knowing any Actionscript and trust me it was a fucking headache and a half and its still not 100% done I've just got to do up the last features tomorrow and then begin converting the CuteSexyWomen.com site over to the new players.

Unfortunately the site already has about 140 posts on it and I've wasted the last 2 and a half days trying to figure out an automated method to have everything transfered over but unfortunately with security issues in flash its just going to be easier to do it by hand, shouldn't take me longer then 2 days to do up the transfer but still.

Anyway at the end of this post I'll give you a screenshot of what the player is going to look like and now I'll tell you how powerful it is and why I didn't just go out and simply buy one for the site.

Player Features

#1) The player increases the sites brandability like crazy because of the nice design (Design works perfect with the site and well brandability) You know how it goes.

#2) It completely eliminates that huge fucking traffic hole problem I've had on other sites as well as this one. Now the user no longer leaves the site once the video is done playing.

#3) Ever watch an online video? Fuck of course you have but notice at the end of the video there are other videos to click on and watch, well my player also has that which is a feature that should increase visit length on my site. This simply means longer visitor length more time to notice and click on my affiliate banners.

#4) I was saving this feature for the end and that is VERY viral backlinks, brandability, and Traffic all bundled up into one hands off experince for myself. How it works is simple, like all other popular video sites, you see all popular video sites enable you to embed any video on another site and once its embeded on another site it plays through there player, there player has there logo and most people don't remove the backlink it generates.

This increases brandability like crazy because now every time the video gets embeded on another site there visitors are looking directly at my player which has my nice logo on it. This obviously increases traffic if people like the videos.

The embed codes like most popular sites have a small bit of text with there backlink which will display under the video, my embed codes employ this as well however mine employ something differently then the other sites do, you see I don't want a ton of sites linking back to me with the same anchor text so I made the anchor text dynamic but not completely dynamic, see when the user clicks the embed button the embed code gets inserted into there clipboard along with the link back to my site, however that link gets dynamically generated from a list of 30 keywords that I want the site to rank for so person A might give me a backlink with the anchor text "Sexy Women", while person B will give me a link with the anchor text "Cam Girls", simple stuff well not really not knowing Actionscript required a lot of learning.

Basically the backlink stuff just tosses in variety which I have the ability to change around so after like 3 months I'll change the anchor text re-upload the new player and it won't change anything but now the new anchor text can be used.

Also once the video is embeded on another site once its done playing it'll display the other videos on my site so I gain more traffic.

That basically covers a lot of the important aspects of generating my own player, ohh I forgot that the best part is I made the player pretty dynamic so I can use it on my other sites and future sites to reap the benefit all I'll have to do is change a few small lines of code and create a new design and boom done.

I'm also thinking about starting up a service related to flash, site traffic, brandability, and backlinks but we will see about that I've still got to do some research.

Ok enough chit chat for tonight other then to say below is the screenshot of the player I'll let you know when its operational on the site so you can play with it and watch some hotties while doing so. Shit I can't stop typing I need to mention that I did fuck up with my affiliate offers, see I want to promote the offers which pay me for signing up a free visitor and not a paid visitor while I fucked up and ended up using the code to promote the pay to sign up deal which isn't a big deal cause the paid to signup generates a ton more then the paid to free join members but I already managed to get 6 free signups which would have resulted in about $24 bucks, not lots but thats really good shit if you consider the conversion rate is 1:44 that means I make one conversion for every 44 people which click through to the affiliate sites. Not bad in my mind considering I haven't pushed any traffic to it, the site only gets traffic from 3 other videos I've uplaoded accross the net which has averaged me about 60 unique each and every day.

Ok sorry for the uber long post I'll shut the fuck up, post the screenshot, and passout until the morning so feel free to ask about something I wrote I'll be better able to respond in the morning.


P.S. The video player will not have the rewind, or stop buttons and may look slightly different by the end of these next few days.
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