n00bie Challenge

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So are you now hosting your own vids or are they still from other sites but wrapped in your player? Nice design btw.

My cousin is trying to start a niche video site (not sex/women related) and would love to get his hands on what you've made, Aequitas.

Very nice!
P.S. The video player will not have the rewind, or stop buttons and may look slightly different by the end of these next few days.

Aequitas, I love ya man, you're brilliant at this stuff. But, is this one more thing you're going to make, sell, then lose interest in and abandon?

Slogpress was brilliant and I love it, but you haven't done anything with it for a long time.

ViScript was another brilliant idea but I got fluffed on that one when I bought it. I thought I was buying it from you but didn't find out until after I bought it that you had sold the whole thing and the new owners don't know shit about what they have and, since it's not being updated, it's worth shit.

I really like the concept of this new idea but I'll be pretty apprehensive about buying it unless I know it's something you'll actually pay attention to for more than a few minutes. Shit changes too often to buy something that's going to need future attention, only to find you have to hire outside help to keep it working.
So are you now hosting your own vids or are they still from other sites but wrapped in your player? Nice design btw.

For now I'm continuing to use the videos hosted on other sites and wrap them in my own video player, this will still give me all the power, except for maybe the videos in which will have URLs inside of them but you can't exactly fix those.

Once the traffic builds up I will begin to allow my users to upload there own videos or just use the URL of where a good video may be hosted but I don't want to do that until the traffic level hits over 200 unique per day.

Supergeek said:
My cousin is trying to start a niche video site (not sex/women related) and would love to get his hands on what you've made, Aequitas.

Very nice!

I know a couple different people who could use some real use out of something like this but read below.

Aequitas, I love ya man, you're brilliant at this stuff. But, is this one more thing you're going to make, sell, then lose interest in and abandon?

Slogpress was brilliant and I love it, but you haven't done anything with it for a long time.

ViScript was another brilliant idea but I got fluffed on that one when I bought it. I thought I was buying it from you but didn't find out until after I bought it that you had sold the whole thing and the new owners don't know shit about what they have and, since it's not being updated, it's worth shit.

I really like the concept of this new idea but I'll be pretty apprehensive about buying it unless I know it's something you'll actually pay attention to for more than a few minutes. Shit changes too often to buy something that's going to need future attention, only to find you have to hire outside help to keep it working.

springer, Thanks for the comments and thanks for being honest, I do agree that in the past I have created some work, basically lost interest in it and then sold it off which did obviously have an overall effect on the people who bought the software.

However if I do get into a service related to this and begin creating a bunch of things, it won't have the same effect as before and the reason for that is because once a flash player is built (This is what I love) it can remain in working condition and be useful for a few years to come, however if you want to change up the player in the future then you very well could by adding a few more lines of code, anyone with some real Actionscript could do that, will I do it? Probably not because if I do enter this business then I will probably place a 15 or 30 day revition period on what the user buys, which means they can get free tweaks and support for that period of time, and after that if they want to change something down the road it'll be a maintiance fee.

The real thing with flash players though is that once built they do remain stable for a very long time, again this depends on if you want more features down the road but they will remain stable nonetheless.

But as you can tell by this post I'm still doing some business research into this and related things and have already told you all too much about it so you'll have to wait and see what I decide to do about it. (Less compeition is always better).
Ok here are some updated screenshots of what the player will more closely resemble when its all done, the first one above was during development but this one is almost the completed project.


In this above shot you can see the pink is what position the player is at, the blue is how much loaded and the light blue is just the background bar for the loaders, now you can see the share button and the timer on here as well.


This is a shot of what you'll see when you click the share button however when its done you'll also see the other videos being displayed as well.


And finally this is what you'll see when you click the embed button code but when its fully done you'll also be able to manually select the embed code just in case the copy to clipboard function somehow fails the user and again it will display the videos at the bottom, this is also the screen the user will see when the video is done playing except that it will not say "Back To Video", instead it will say "Replay Video" and finally the image CuteSexyWomen.com is a button so when they click on it they will be brought back to my site.
Aequitas is gonna be ballin

You are brilliant man. I think that you won the n00b challenge. :)
Well, Yesterday marked the end of my 30 days and I come out of it with a couple of bucks in my pocket (literaly) and a ton of new knowledge. This has been a great learning experience and an even better motivator.

One thing that would have netted me more cash would have been to 1) not have 4 adsense adds on the page. Since I changed this my clicks have gone from 1 cent a piece to about 15 cents a piece. 2) to learn more about about traffic generation. This will all be applied to my future endevours.

I would like to thank SEO_Mike for lighting a fire under my ass with this thread and everyone else for contributing a great wealth of knowledge to it and this forum in general.

Thanx again!
Hey Notius,
how many adsense ads do you have now (getting the 15 cent clicks)?

On my most profitable page I have one adsense (728x90) unit with 4 ads in it to match my color theme. Here's my stats for this particular ad unit.

Impressions: 559
Clicks: 60
Page CTR: 10.73%
Page eCPM: $15.50
Earnings: $8.66
Avg. Earnings per Click: $0.144333

I also have another unit averaging $0.20/click and many others averaging over $0.10/click.
I have Three ad units on the index and 2 on the single pages. I just feel stupid about it now because I would have had some more cash by now. =)
Aequitas, that flash player thing is awesome. How did you learn to do stuff like this? You said you don't know anything about Actionscript but yet you managed to do it! I want to be able to program my own little problem solvers instead of relying on the hand outs of other peeps - grrrr.

Oh, and while we're on the subject of goals I reckon I've made about $2 but yet I've learnt chuffing craploads of information - now I'm putting all these crazy ideas into practice and it won't be long before I start seeing an increase in revenue - but hey you gotta start somewhere.
I'm guessing it was a WEB site. :eek:

Lol. Bastard.

Aequitas, that flash player thing is awesome.

DBWebDev is right the work you are doing sounds like pure genious. :bowdown:
I did not realize it was posssible to use your own player for another sites vids. When it comes to coding stuff I am more of a hacker then a programer but I would love to take a crack at this. Did you find some resources on how to build this or is there any information you found that helped in make this?
I've made about $19 in November.

I couldn't figure out where it came from, it showed up in my amazon affiliate section.
I have several times used amazon affiliation links when I mention books or other things that someone could buy from Amazon, but I've only ever used one tracking id.

As it turns out, I'm pretty sure the money came from a site I set up a while ago and forgot about accidentally-on-purpose. I sunk about 16 -20 hours of development into, and rather than chase my tail and not make any money on it I told myself to hold off until it saw some profit.

When I did the development on it I didn't know about changing my referral code in amazon. Now tracking the hits from that site is going to be easier, but the traffic seems to have dropped off again.

ps. oh and the income was all from one specific brand of laser toner. I got hits for 10 sales of laser toner. Go figure. I've never hawked laser toner on a blogsite, so I had no clue where it came from.
I made $2.48 from the time I joined in this challenge (Oct. 17th) until Oct. 31st. Plus, in November I've made $45.02 and counting. So that's a total of $47.50 so far.
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