My Dispute With Hydra Network - Resolved

We settled on and paid the OP a mutually agreed amount that we and the OP agreed was fair given the situation.

It's not a true statement that the advertiser said his traffic was fine.

Nor is it a true statement that the OP flopped after a few days. The original thread started in April.

It's not appropriate that we reveal details of one of our affiliate's private business dealings in a public forum. But I will say this: We never could have built Hydra to the size that it is by not paying affiliates who drive traffic in a legitimate manner.

Refereeing between 350+ advertisers and 11,000 affiliates - as you can imagine - we sometimes face unreasonable demands and they can come from either side. In these cases, we try to do what's fair and then some.

Anyway, if you need to know more, you can call your Hydra affiliate manager or me. My number is all over the thread.


You seem like a stand up guy. I hope in the future Hydra lets/encourages you to help defuse situations.
I am all complacent and shit cuz i can't fucking think/see er think fuck yeah

Whoa oh black betty bam buh lam..........................
Way back when I was caught doing something I shouldn't have been doing. When charged, I was more agitated that I got caught and not so much that I had committed a crime. I downplayed the charge and it went away, however certain circles still to this day remember every detail of what happened. I lost one job because of it, got another job that launched my career, and now I'm calling the shots over a LOT of the folks who earlier sought to put me in the grave.

Maybe Hydra should have come in earlier, or maybe the douche OP should have told the truth, or maybe we shouldn't have taken up pitchforks.

Point being the OP is a fucking douche for calling Hydra out. Hydra is run by a fucking pussy who let a fire spread among a LOT of potential affiliates. WE'RE all a bunch of wankers for reading these two threads and not working on shit that makes us money. And Wickedfire has a continued reputation of being the place to go to get information, attention, and results.

I hope Hydra has a LOT less WF affiliates because of this AND I hope that affiliates do the right thing and work more closely with networks to AVOID this sort of meaningless drama.

Well if I remember right, at around the same time people where jumping ship from Hydra after the co-founders or whatever left. It was an unstable time. There was lots of doubt about Hydras stability and business practices.

They also told people they where aware of the thread but it was policy to not respond.

What the fuck are we going to think?

Hydra get your shit straight.
Cease a desist from hydra. No doubt about it.
Funny thing is, the rest of us can keep this GREAT publicity going on behalf of our good friends at hydra until JON closes the thread...which by my count, is coming soon...

Why would I close the thread? I didn't close the other one.

Honestly, Hydra is no longer what they once were just 3 short months ago before the changes started to happen. I just think they were hit with a 1-2 blow and are tetering on being KO'ed now.

Kinda crazy and sad to watch all that happen so quickly too, the near demise of Hydra that is. I say near because in spite of what many people around the industry have been saying, they are still alive and kicking, and not dead in the water with no hope left of being salvaged. They'll eventually return and regain their strength I think. Zac isn't dumb, and he's done some pretty amazing things with Hydra since they first came onto the circuit some years back.

But yeah, with the departure of pretty much everyone I know that used to be at Hydra except Zac now, and the really bad press they sorta forced upon themselves here, its resulted in a tremendous loss of revenue coupled with near total affiliate confidence loss, that will be very tough to regain.

Even so, sometimes the sweetest success comes from the harshest failures. So I hope they do regain what they've lost and continue to stick around for a long while.

+ everything Smaxor said.

Mason leaves a reasonably good impression on me for clarifying the situation. Fair play for setting it straight.

What I didn't appreciate was my "verification phone call" from Hydra a month or so ago. I had some chick who quite obviously didn't want to be on the phone speaking to me. She disappeared mid-call to have a conversation with somebody else, was pretty damn rude, and said she'd get back to me within 24 hours. Never did.

I guess I got rejected by them. But with the attitude of the woman I spoke to, I can't say I care.
Mason leaves a reasonably good impression on me for clarifying the situation. Fair play for setting it straight.

What I didn't appreciate was my "verification phone call" from Hydra a month or so ago. I had some chick who quite obviously didn't want to be on the phone speaking to me. She disappeared mid-call to have a conversation with somebody else, was pretty damn rude, and said she'd get back to me within 24 hours. Never did.

That is bad. I am going to look into that one.
Why would I close the thread? I didn't close the other one.

Honestly, Hydra is no longer what they once were just 3 short months ago before the changes started to happen. I just think they were hit with a 1-2 blow and are tetering on being KO'ed now.

etc etc

Hey Jon I am glad you didn't close the thread. It's giving us a chance to repair the ill will from our previous radio silence. Thanks for the forum!

And you are right, we are definitely a changed company. And the change has been challenging, I won't lie. But good things are going to come of it.

However, we aren't exactly "on the ropes." We did lose ground, staff, affiliates and volume with the change to be sure. But we've turned that around. Even at our lowest point, we were still one of the largest networks on the block. And now sales are moving back up. Our staff of 80+ is growing as we continue to hire and invest in the future. We still get 50+ affiliate applications per day - OK true some of those are from China, but still...

But you don't have to take my word for it. We're going to work hard to prove to you that we will continue to be a great place that helps affiliates grow and make a whole lot of money.

And if you have ideas of things you would like to see that would make us better at doing it, please do share.
Hey Jon I am glad you didn't close the thread. It's giving us a chance to repair the ill will from our previous radio silence. Thanks for the forum!

And you are right, we are definitely a changed company. And the change has been challenging, I won't lie. But good things are going to come of it.

However, we aren't exactly "on the ropes." We did lose ground, staff, affiliates and volume with the change to be sure. But we've turned that around. Even at our lowest point, we were still one of the largest networks on the block. And now sales are moving back up. Our staff of 80+ is growing as we continue to hire and invest in the future. We still get 50+ affiliate applications per day - OK true some of those are from China, but still...

But you don't have to take my word for it. We're going to work hard to prove to you that we will continue to be a great place that helps affiliates grow and make a whole lot of money.

And if you have ideas of things you would like to see that would make us better at doing it, please do share.

post bank info with spoon or GTFO

I say that in a little while we'll be seeing Hydra banner ads on WF (paid placements)....just my 6 cents.
Mason - now that we've gotten this dispute settled can we please get to the real question at hand: who are those hot blondes I always see at your booth at AdTech ;-)
Yes, that's right and we changed our policy. So now we are being more communicative and transparent. Is that a bad thing?

I just feel bad for all the assholes that all of a sudden give you guys credit. You weren't transparent before and you deserve to be piled on.

I look at a number of networks (just to name a few, copeac, advaliant, motive, A4d , C2M) and honestly I'm not going to just roll over like some of these jokers. You made you bed in this and you have to deal with it. I think every person who just passes this off is wrong outright in the situation (considering every one of them was condeming you).

Whether what I say reaches anyones ears is irrelevent to me, but WF has had standards and still does. We are use to networks that will spill the bean full out for us. Just because you guys have had a change of heart (no less because your reputation is now fucked) doesn't mean I'm going to roll over.

You had your chance now get fucked.