Alright, alright... Despite my heavy workload right now launching something my ears caught fire today and apparently answering this thread is the only way to douce them out.
First of all, THANKS JON for posting the transcript here. It was extremely eye-opening to see that Karples is not only NOT on the lamb, but is in fact taking large doses of Valium and sitting around wondering if anyone noticed he shut down the business. Simply unbelievable.
lol yeah the cat thing was odd "look i'm not madoff, I have a cat right here"
That bit made my eyes roll so hard they still hurt. All the pieces are coming together now and they paint Karples as the most incompetent idiot on the planet. Mr. Bean would be jealous.
My official opinion on this matter is that Gox is 100% dead now, and no amount of capital on earth could revive it with such a
hated, incompetent nincompoop running things. The name Gox is likely too tarnished to ever float again too. I wouldn't be surprised if Karples doesn't have an 'accident' soon... You don't just do this to so many hundreds of people and walk away scott free, no matter how stupid you are.
This will be a long-running soap-opera watching people try to recover those coins. I bet they'll forever be known as "Goxcoins" and the term will become synonymous with a curse of incompetency.
"Hey Jerry, you finally get your wife pregnant yet?" "Nah, my dick is so goxcoined I stopped trying."
Oh btw bye bye bitcoin.
RIP Bitcoin 2014
Um, Not quite. It's come back $200 since then. Lulz.
When are you people going to understand the Bitcoin is ANTIFRAGILE?
Anyone else get some of those low-$400 coins? Yummy.
lol. Coins aren't lost, but we don't have them and don't know where they are. Sure sound lost to me.
Well, to be fair, we don't know how lost they are. His extremely shoddy program that he falsely called his "Cold storage" was apparently leaking the coins he claims to have lost though TxMal. So the question comes to mind; where'd they leak too? I don't think this was hacker theft; not on that level. (If it was he would have reported the theft a year earlier!) Sounds like some theft was going on here but it'll be hard to prove.
Andreas had a lot of good points on the matter in this post:
Statement on Mt.Gox | Andreas M. Antonopoulos
What I find funny about the whole situation is that fans of bitcoins claim that one of the benefits is that is unregulated but when shit hits the fan the first thing they do is run to regulator.
No we don't. The media created that snippet, not bitcoiners.
Watch this Bloomberg inteview with Eric Voorhees, who lost over a hundred coins on Gox:
Is the Boom Over for Bitcoin?: Video - Bloomberg
That's just how bitcoiners roll, bro. The most common attitude you'll find among us.
Also is there actually any entity right now independently auditing Btc actors?
Yep, it's called the blockchain.