Miami Hyatt Regency

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the rooms look nice. i agree with the person about traveling outside the usa. i just took a trip to europe and the freaking hostels (you share the room with 10 other people and bathroom with the entire building pretty much) are almost $40-$50/night...

the rooms look nice. i agree with the person about traveling outside the usa. i just took a trip to europe and the freaking hostels (you share the room with 10 other people and bathroom with the entire building pretty much) are almost $40-$50/night...
Where did you go? I don't know where you went in Europe that charges $50 to share a room with 10 people that makes no sense. You sure you wasn't paying to be involved in a gay orgy in Romania or something?
Well London is a different game than Europe, tourists would pay £20 for turd in a packet therefore you guys get ripped off. Remember though $48 is £23 and its your currency which makes that seem like a lot.

well originally i did say $40-$50 not £40-£50..

anyways i paid 50 Euros for a private room in an apartment in Estonia... bathroom was shared...

but my point was for $59 its really nice.. try getting a room in NYC at this time thats even half as nice as that one..
Yeah, prices in England/London are ridiculous. I was there two weeks ago, and paid $110 for a hole to have my own room & bathroom. And Germany really isn't any cheaper, the place I staid at before my flight was $100 ..

So really, you should do a trip to Europe, and then complain about a <$100 Hyatt :p

By the way, anyone at the Hyatt right now and want to meet up?
Yeah, prices in England/London are ridiculous. I was there two weeks ago, and paid $110 for a hole to have my own room & bathroom. And Germany really isn't any cheaper, the place I staid at before my flight was $100 ..

So really, you should do a trip to Europe, and then complain about a <$100 Hyatt :p

By the way, anyone at the Hyatt right now and want to meet up?

Ya, we be in the lobby in 5-10 minutes ubt then going to hard rock ;)
switching to intercontinental around noon then chilling till they give us a room,.

i had an amazing time last night for those of you i got to meet and hang out iwth, you guys were great!! had a blast.. but the hangover is killing me
At the Hyatt now and I'm ready to start pounding beers. Anyone else in or drinking now? Pm me.
checked into the intl. from what i read in the thread glad i booked here. I am pleased with intl.
I´m a bit jealous of you guys. Anybody put some photos in here?No matter what...conferences,freetime activities...anything...well,except photos of any gay orgy or something.
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