Miami Hyatt Regency

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Jan 29, 2007
just giving anyone who might be staying here for ASE. if you have not checked in already, change your reservations. This place is disgusting and they call it 4 star. They dont give refunds once youve checked in, even if youve booked through hotwire, orbitz, etc.

They are rude, the rooms suck, the bathrooms are so small you cannot eventurn around in them and its not 4 star. alll you see from every view of the hotel is construction, etc.

We checked in at 4 and are checking out tonight and charging back the card we used to pay since they wont refund the 2 days we booked. once of the grossest places i have ever stayed in and im not picky, heh

heads up

Yes!!!!!!!!!! I'll get my Continetal Cockaroacha Breakfast!

and im not picky, heh

No, but yer a princess!

This sounds like my type of place! That's why I'm staying there...

I never understand why people, this ain't directed at you Aden, get all torqued up if their hotel doesn't meet their expectations. Fuck... you are sleeping there for a few days that's it. If it sucks chalk it up and stay away from the place doing fun things the whole time. Life is too short to let that shit bother you.

I booked the Hyatt and paid $58/night... Sun & Mon. Was I happy with that price? Yes sir. Will I care if the place is a dump? Maybe... Maybe not... but shit happens either way and I'm not gonna let a cockaroacha running across my pillow ruin my trip.
Nothing will ever beat my stay at The Mosser in San Francisco. Your room has a futon and you have to share a bathroom and shower with your whole floor.
At least they are ~~ Hyatt roaches ~~

Complimentary Sauce to dip them in just for you and your guest :xomunch:
Interesting, I actually just checked in and was pleasantly surprised by my room, far bigger than I expected, but maybe I got a different one? But yeah, I agree on the bathroom, could be bigger, but hey, $65 a night ain't bad. Anyone care for pictures? :p
Man I am an American, but I think most Americans have got lucky with where they are born and what they expect.

Nice hotels are nice but such a waste of money.

On a recent trip to Hong Kong I stayed one night (for the experience) in this area:

Chungking Mansions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

O and in a another unnamed country my hotel was embarssingly bad. I was surprised the air conditioner and TV worked.

Get your passport and travel! Maybe you will even enjoy the USA more... Or less :)
Room seems decent.

Travel around the world more.

Once you've comlained about roaches and got a can of insecticide spray as an honest answer, you'll know what luxury feels like.

To be honest, as long as the bed is clean and I don't get crawled over by little critters I am fine. I normally do not intend to stay in the room when traveling, anyway.

the photos you see are taken at an angle to make the rooms look as they are not. we are on the 6th floor facing costruction.

I am like white trash dont get me wrong, but i dont like white trash when i pay for it. I paid 100 a night for this when intercontinental is 119 a night. we were supposed to stay until sunday then going to intercontinental. I went there last night to pick up my business cards and the place is hot.. so we are leaving here and going there.
I really had no agenda when taking those pictures ;)

But honestly, complaining about construction is a little weird, considering you will have the problem all throughout downtown. The room itself *is* good.
the room is good.. but the bathroom sux, the service sucks and staff is rude. I did have a veggie wrap at the bar that was AMAZING and they got stella artois on tap so were suckin it up one more day, gonna go out again tonight and jet skiin this afternoon, psyched, its hot a hell out!
i'm at the 16th floor at the hyatt right now and i am a bit surprised that all i see is construction, but then again, i dont plan on staring out the window all day...:D

i'm always up for a trip to the outlets! when are you going?
I'll be there at the Hyatt tomorrow. Look for the big goofy guy hanging out with the gangsterlookalike.
Daphne, I was actually thinking about going to the Sawgrass Mills one, so if you are up for it, we could split the cab bill? Or did you rent a car?
Flycell, I was actually thinking about going to the Sawgrass Mills one, so if you are up for it, we could split the cab bill? Or did you rent a car?

You guys are going shopping???? Jesus, you are bigger princesses than Aden.

BTW, how is the bar in that dump?
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