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Hey I want to run this and proxy finder off another server to free up my desktop connection more and keep comcast off my back. What sort of server configuration would you recommend. Want to be able to run at least 50+ threads.

Cool program. Bought it today.

Can someone tell me the risk involved of using no proxies? I'm running pings on 2,000 links today with 100 threads, 1 sec delay, using no proxies and the speed is just fine for me.

Great product!

One more there a way for the program to look at the failed list and generate a report or new list that ranks failed ping services? A list that would include the failed ping address, along with the actual number of failures, ranked in descending order by most number of failures at the top?

Would help us more easily scan the most failed ping sites at a glance, then eliminate them from the main ping list.

Am I making sense?



Great product!

One more there a way for the program to look at the failed list and generate a report or new list that ranks failed ping services? A list that would include the failed ping address, along with the actual number of failures, ranked in descending order by most number of failures at the top?

Would help us more easily scan the most failed ping sites at a glance, then eliminate them from the main ping list.

Am I making sense?



Good suggestion, it's not really possible to filter out the dead ping sites.
Anybody else notices that megapinger doesn't close the process once you exit the program? Running it on WSH (2k3)...
Sorry to be a dumbass but I just bought this and have no idea how to use it. Do you have any instructions you could send me? Thanks!
Used this today and initially OK ... got 32k in successes file but now its failing on every ping attempt - the failed file is now 368k - so I've stopped. I've checked the proxies in use and all are working OK. Any ideas?
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