Martin Grunin - Facebook Ads Fraud - Bank Fraud - mgrunin

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To me it looks like he admits to selling accounts and setting them up here... he just complains that facebook doesn't make it obvious that the sold accounts ran up bills that didn't pay...


Thats the point, it will be hard to go that route. "it was to easy and not clear" "but why you put such afford then in the identity theft?" "well, i wanted that accounts" "but that was the protection, there was no way to sell accounts possible to run with a high credit line without steal first someones identity. It was planed by you to get that high credit line."

If we would talk about sold accounts of all kinds then he can try that claim.
But obviously he targeted that high credit lines only.

He will be asked why and he has to explain why.
His problem is that he need to explain why he showed up all that knowledge and actions on the one side but then he complete forgot to think about that.

If they can nail him with the identity theft his overall argument position is such weak that the whole thing will come over him with a chance.

That is what people mean when they say facebook goes for blood here.
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its just laughable that he would think because he sold the accounts ( AGAINST TOS) that he would not be liable for the spend
Without the social derision, which some seem to think he shouldn't be getting here, it's almost as if there's an undercurrent suggesting this is and will be quite an advantageous chapter in the guy's life.

I'm not particular well versed in the bible but there's a lot of parables about the lost son, the lost sheep and the lost coin with the TL;DR being if I can recall my dreary R.S education properly, that God loves a sinner who repents more so than someone who never strays.

To me, this prevailing attitude is morally problematic and inadvertently encourages the normalisation of deviancy.

1. Kid has entrepreneurial flair, doesn't want a 9-5.
2. Begins to hustle. Realises is hard.
3. Embarks upon something criminal or shady to make money.
4. Gets caught, and in some kind of trouble.
5. Repents.
6. Comes out and applies hard work and drive to legally acceptable avenues.
7. Becomes successful.
8. Justifies all previous behaviour.

How many people's biographies have you read that have followed this pattern?

EDIT: Not sure what my point really is here, or what kind of moral debate or panic I'm attempting to summon. Basically society is weird, ya'll.

The failure to pay on the receivables is nothing. "Theft by deception" would be easy but unnecessary. A civil judgement for the $340K and then try and collect. The criminality relates to the ID theft and fraud, but it could easily get him 5Y, a portion suspended. My wife is a Fed atty and doesn't want to be bothered with this shit, but that's what she could get.

It will be cake to take possession of what is left of the cars. Auction and he's on the hook for the remainder.

The #2 train is going to be his new ride to WS. He is a leper; he will never be employable in any white-collar sector, so the IM better work for him.
You mean a smart exit plan like he executed in his trading thread?

I am pretty sure that Bernard Madoff is smarter as most people here.
You will not find any sane answers why he did what he did.

To assume that people act always rational is wrong.
And if you think about your life then there is a big chance you will find a point where you think today "man..."..

sigga wha? sigga who?
The automated system is up 2k guys, only $328,000+legal fees to go.

[ame=]May 22 w/ Automated Trading: $12,337 Balance - YouTube[/ame]
Without the social derision, which some seem to think he shouldn't be getting here, it's almost as if there's an undercurrent suggesting this is and will be quite an advantageous chapter in the guy's life.

I'm not particular well versed in the bible but there's a lot of parables about the lost son, the lost sheep and the lost coin with the TL;DR being if I can recall my dreary R.S education properly, that God loves a sinner who repents more so than someone who never strays.

To me, this prevailing attitude is morally problematic and inadvertently encourages the normalisation of deviancy.

1. Kid has entrepreneurial flair, doesn't want a 9-5.
2. Begins to hustle. Realises is hard.
3. Embarks upon something criminal or shady to make money.
4. Gets caught, and in some kind of trouble.
5. Repents.
6. Comes out and applies hard work and drive to legally acceptable avenues.
7. Becomes successful.
8. Justifies all previous behaviour.

How many people's biographies have you read that have followed this pattern?

EDIT: Not sure what my point really is here, or what kind of moral debate or panic I'm attempting to summon. Basically society is weird, ya'll.


Most who succeed do so through a persistent edge or leverage. Gates had a monopoly position in OS, Buffett ran a PE/HF for over half a century in which the Dow gained 40-fold. Both smart guys. Virtually all the super-rich PE guys (organically or OPM) let it ride on the next deal. Going "all-in" with a persistent edge will either result in abject failure (variance) or dynastic wealth.

Grunin's edge wasn't intellect. I am a bit curious if he suffers from a learning disability after viewing his utube videos. His edge was the larceny. Unfortunately, $350K isn't enough to leverage without a legitimate edge. He couldn't have hoped to walk away with the titles to the cars... his best-bet was the don't pass at the craps tables at the Borgata. You can learn to count cards in a weekend and play single-deck at Caesar's. Conditional prob is an edge, but he doesn't possess the wits.

The lesson learned (moral objections aside) from the pathology relates to blowing it on the bimmer and R8. There are a lot of mofos with ill-intent, but he had no plan to parlay. He will walk away with nothing in the internet-era where a google of his name will result in shit for decades.
A year in the pen for crimes against Facebook. Gotdamn. But you know ... there might be a way out for Grunin.

He can request a trial by tennis.

Facebook must accept the challenge or drop the charges, it's an ancient law still on the books in New York.
:rolleyes: this made me think of the recent game of thrones ep. trial by combat.



facebook lawyer:

oh were you thinking...
One quick anecdote. I ran my undergrad investment club and we did really well. I parlayed that to a money management gig in grad school. I was LPOA on a dozen account and had roughly $6MM in AUM (all outside funds). One of the investors could not open an US equity account (foreign national) and asked me to personally hold $900K, which I was happy to do.

The investor died 18 months later and months went by without a peep from any estate administrator (he was a widower). A hair under $1.1MM in my account. Of course I ruminated on keeping the funds. Slam dunk. Even if the admin came to me it would've been nearly impossible to disgorge.

Anyway, I gave it back after some leg-work. It took a while to locate next of kin. I was compensated for my time and effort, and it turned out to essentially make my career through the family contacts and I met my wife through the family.

Life could have been very different had I kept quiet about the mil. Who knows if a forensic audit would have been done, but one good deed was worth more than the easy cash.
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/rant from someone who slings rebills and doesn't have a moral high ground to cast stones from.

Thank you.

Pretty much everyone here is a cunt. Scamming a million old ladies out of $10 is just as morally reprehensible, if not more so (but their relative fuckedupedness is unimportant), then scamming a single wealthy entity out of the sum. Log into any affiliate network and 90% of the offers are trash built on deception or lies or fraud/rebilling or false promises.

These are the most common delusions of our industry:

1. The Rationalizer -- "I'm just doing it to build up seed capital" and "I'm just doing it because I'm broke" and "It's not that big a deal -- it's not like I'm arms trafficking"

2. The Toddler -- You're an idiot who thinks that things are morally right or wrong because they are legal or illegal respectively, or socially accepted or not accepted.

3. The Monkey -- It is less morally wrong to fuck over people who are not similar to me than it is to fuck over people who are more similar to me because my brain evolved to live in a tribe of a certain size and to trust those who are similar to myself and to fear outsiders and I am incapable of personally evolving past that.

4. The Nihilist -- There is no proof that any of you actually exist outside of my head. Life as we know it may simply be a figment of my imagination, 'we' may really just be my oh-so-very alone self, and perhaps none of this is real. So get fucked, mate

5. Mr. Monopoly Man -- You say things like, "It's just business. Business is cutthroat." I remember once reading the quote of a politician who said something like, "I refuse to believe that the goal of humanity is to maximize gross domestic product." Think about it. Your life is probably $mea,nin,

6. The Nuremberg Defense -- "I'm just driving the traffic, the offer is up to the advertiser." or alternatively, "I just work here on the media buying team."

7. The Capitalist -- "If you want to stay competitive, you've got to ... (do something unethical) ... otherwise people who do the bad thing are just going to be able to pay more for the same traffic..."

8. The Bill Gates -- This is when you actually fool yourself into thinking that, once you've made enough* money, you will make up for your sins with your good deeds and God** will change his mind and let you into heaven. (* Enough = just a little bit more, ** God does not exist)

9. The Compensator -- You secretly feel like shit for rebilling people so you become a vegetarian and give money to homeless people. People call you "generous." The homeless people are not fooled and secretly they suspect that you are usually a piece of shit.

10. The Soprano -- "I do it to provide a better life for my family." This overlaps with The Monkey.

11. The Lawyer -- "Oh no, your Honor, I don't owe those people any money. My company owes those people money. I closed my company."

12. The Office Space -- This is when you think it's okay to screw over a corporation or entity because they are so large they lose their humanity and, understandably, your brain can't find any relevant empathy. This is sort of a subtype of The Monkey. It's like when you try to imagine the space a billion dollars in pennies would fill. You know it's a lot, but on some level it's just not possible to give a shit if Facebook loses $350k.

Whatever your personal favorite explanation for your diagnosably antisocial behavior, you sound like a child to those of us who are not living a lie. The ignorant may be better people than the arrogant but nearly none of those who claim ignorance through the above delusions are truly ignorant. You just sound like the dumb kid who thinks everyone around them is too stupid to figure out what he's doing.

Those who have accepted who they have become -- "I know that what I'm doing is not right but it allows me to live the lifestyle I want and I choose that over living a more moral life." -- are truly Gods among cunts.
There are many here who do far scummier things and do all sorts of posing, yet suddenly they team up to play the Pharisee and lecture us all on McGrunin's moral shortcomings?

Bitch, please. Half of you are 10 times the scumbag McGrunin is. This kind of kicking a man when he's down makes me sick.

The difference with guys like Grunin, Eagle, etc is how much they flaunt everything they've purchased with fraud-dollars. There's guru-style branding, and then there's being completely obnoxious (check his or Eagle's Instagram). Ya most of the people here fraud/scam consumers but they're not getting articles published in their college newsletter coining themselves as the Wolf of Wallstreet. The animosity here isn't against what Grunin actually did, it's against how he flashed it to the world posing it as legitimate profit.

It's just another case of a young chap stumbling on an affiliate/online goldmine and thinking they're a "chosen" business-tycoon-genius that is only going to get richer. I went through the same thing and got kicked in the ass when I tried to build a real-world retail business.

Grunin has the moxie, just has to apply it towards something legitimate and seek help from those with real world experience. OR has to get much, much better at blocking his identity if he wants to fraud his way to the top.
contrary to widely held belief here, it's easier for crooks to target big entities than small ones and get away with. According to Malcolm Gladwell's Goliath, Big companies have big blind spots and are slow to respond, allowing the Davids of the world to take advantage of this. Martin stole 330k and is a free man. Steal 3 dollar trinket from a small store and you may be in jail.
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