Mac or PC?

Mac or Pc?

  • mac

    Votes: 94 43.3%
  • pc

    Votes: 123 56.7%

  • Total voters

I use a PC, but plan to get a Macbook Pro in the future. I doubt I'll ever go solely Mac though, I'm mainly getting it for some development I need one for.

It won't be long now though until the inevitable arguments and foaming at the mouth starts up again.
Terminal and Panic - Coda - One-Window Web Development for Mac OS X
...and many more

I also prefer a user friendly interface, which is why I don't like linux distros...also I like how mac apps all have a standardized interface, makes using programs more efficient if they all have the same interface style.

right now I only use Mac, but will be adding a Windows machine soon, after I get a 27" iMac though.
I own both and use both. I'm happier with PC. The Mac tries to think for you and hide all the details. If you don't know computers that can be a good thing. If you know computers it is much easier making a PC do what you want it to -- not what Apple thinks you should do.
if you did a search, you would have seen there was a mac vs pc debate, even recently.

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
I own both and use both. I'm happier with PC. The Mac tries to think for you and hide all the details. If you don't know computers that can be a good thing. If you know computers it is much easier making a PC do what you want it to -- not what Apple thinks you should do.

I would like to know how long you've been using a mac, because I feel that everything is easier to use and do on OS X...but that's what I prefer, and what you prefer is different. At first I didn't really like how OS X was structured and setup compared to I love it.
I've been a PC guy my whole life, but last year I got a 13" macbook and fell in love - I just got the new Core i5 15" Macbook Pro, I'm putting my desktop in storage and headed off to travel the world and work from my laptop - Which I've been trying out the last few days to make sure it would work - and I think I might be even more effecent on this laptop then my 3 x 22" monitor setup.
Used Windows since 3.1. Then in college, I sold advertising for the school paper. One day I come in to work and everyone has a brand new 20" iMac at their desk. Cool, I thought, might as well give it a try. I was sold on it within a week of using it. Fuckin love Macs now.
I use a PC at home and a MacBook Pro 13" on the go.

I try to leave the heavy Photoshop kind of work for home because I don't use a mouse for my Mac.

Love my current combo.
i probably should have mentioned that I was looking at responses geared towards laptops.
Definitely a PC. How is a PC better for me? Where do I start? I use both PC's and Macs and I'm certified to repair both, but if I had to make a choice between Mac and PC, I'd choose a PC any day. You have so many more options with a PC. The world is made to run on a PC. Mac's are so much more expensive. If you know how to install and run an antivirus program, PC's are just as fast and stable as Mac's. Mac's look nicer, but that's just about all they've got going for them. Not worth 3x or 4x the price IMO.