You dont prove your point. the concept of proof is completely beneath you. Everytime someone has a legit argument you say "bahaha youre so stupid, you can go research that for yourself - im better than you because i know the blockchain and a couple similarly minded people who believe just as i do". every time someone says something you dont like, you go "lol dumbassery, i hereby threaten you with banhammer"
1. Hoarding is profitable enough; I don't need to trade at all.
I think he's being nice to you but that doesn't make him any less wrong.Interesting comment. I wonder what Luke has to say about this.
Referencing the chart (posted again below) I did not try to make a comparison between bitcoin and the top 10 companies in any way, shape or form. TheSEO1 made a statement about the 450k Western Union offices, so I responded with: "Bitcoin moved more money yesterday than all those offices combined did" -Talking about WU offices, not companies. The chart clearly backs that statement up:wrogo wayn3 said:Did you just compare the thing that you believe replaces currency to the top 10 companies trading in currency of which each deals with a very specialized piece of the pie? and it only made 9th place?
Setting aside the fact that bitcoin is a network protocol, not a business (Yay! Another Twofer!) There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that a bitcoin has to be JUST a currency or a payment system like paypal. In fact this duality is indeed one of the most famous special attributes that makes bitcoin bitcoin!wrogo wayn3 said:you have to decide whether bitcoin is a business dealing in currency or a currency itself. it cant be both.
Except... I am a programmer. Derp.wrogo wayn3 said:we are all programmers. except you. we know what programs can do.
Bro you are so far up your own ass, you think you can impress anyone by naming the rhetoric devices i use. If i was going to own you on a rhetoric level, that would different. You're nitpicking. I don't care about you trying hard to find reasons you want to ignore more. The function exists. Use it. All the good luck in the world to you.
But you've proven nothing. Maybe that I don't express myself precise enough to make my words code of law worthy. Go ahead. Have a good time. I won't quit telling you when you Fuck up. Ignore or not. Because i am that nice
And i don't appeal to authority. I appeal to your ability to accept that you are not an authority on anything you speak on. Everything you say is based on assumption. You don't even know a thing about what a proof consists of. You try to school me on math, where ive clearly shown multiple times that that's just retarded. Quit being that arrogant about things where your only distinction is that you've Googled them. Science wise, the bitcoin project is so far over your head, you can't even grasp how little you know. You are the guy who wonders why a ball rolls down a slope but had a theory that just explains everything by just thinking a bit outside the box.
You just don't GET science.
You think you've programmed. I told you very clearly. As clearly as i can tell someone who doesn't do math, why you are wrong about every aspect of bitcoin. You don't read it, your problem. Go ahead. Get into really deep trouble. I pity you.
Go show me up. Which rhetoric devices was it this time? I use them because that's how grown ups speak. Pointing them out doesn't make you smart. It makes you the guy who thinks is smart but is just Captain Obvious to everyone else.
Nobody agrees im a dumbass. They agree that I'm an asshole. That I'm smart isn't up for debate. I show that off every day. You want it to be different because you put in so much timeon things that I've seen so often in my life, i know them inside out from just a glance.
You're just mad. In the truest sense of the meme. You're mad and you want to get rid of me because it hurts when someone is right about your world being flat.
What i do is, i imply lots of things. Things that are obvious. I assume to not be talking to autistic shitheads who need to take every syllable literally. Everyone but you gets what I'm saying. So you're either trying to be a know it all or you're just genuinely stupid. Since your return i haven't been mean to you. Not once.
your dumbassery has finally earned you a place next to pewep on the ignore list. Not like you weren't warned.
Lurn moar about bitcoin before replying about it again on you'll wind up with wayn3.
It was getting kind of painful to read his responses to bitcoin infact, an issue I warned him about in advance.
This is hilarious. What's with the warnings? You make it sound like the ignore function carries some major consequence.
***ALLEGEDLY***Luke, are you ready to take up that bet that I proposed on Facebook, about you thinking the USD would be completely destroyed by next year?
That's exactly what happened; I am in no way trying to make a case that bitcoin is already larger than western union overall... The # of transactions WU does daily is still 10x bitcoin's.but you don't take in account how bitcoin as a currency is moved in large numbers by very few individuals compared to WU. I'm betting most people who rely on WU send way smaller amounts of money ($50-200 per), hence it'd be so much harder to convince the majority of them to switch to bitcoin or even bother with understanding it.
You didn't even try to prove me wrong, and then in the face of my winning the bet you say he's not a dumbass but he's just getting under my skin?Yeah Wayn3 really doesn't come off as a dumbass to me either. He can be an asshole, and that's what is getting under Lukep's skin.
You gotta understand, I haven't had a problem with wayn3 for years, never before on any other subject really... But bitcoin has made him into some kind of troll-monster so I had to do something for the sake of my own sanity... Here's hoping he finally gets the message this time.This is hilarious. What's with the warnings? You make it sound like the ignore function carries some major consequence.
If that were so, wouldn't my posts be among the shortest (or non-existent even) rebuttals? I rebut more than a freaking union of plastic-ass surgeons!I can't help but get the feeling that Luke doesn't really read rebuttals even when you aren't on his ignore list.
And you missed my point.I'm sure I answered this one in an obvious manner with my two scenarios.
No, we're not. You are missing my point. Probably because you have no idea what you are talking about.For this one, I know just what you mean, & I know that you are correct when we're talking about all centrally-controlled currencies.
You continually avoid speaking in specifics. Why is that?But this is really the crux of our difference on bitcoin. You keep trying to make me see something that I have fundamentally unseen. You keep trying to convince me that technology can't solve the underlying problem when I know that it can.
Understanding economics is not "old world knowledge". It's just knowledge.You're a smart guy, one of the smartest on this board; but you won't dive in deep into this amazingly large & complex subject and you keep basing your opinions/judgements on old-world knowledge without knowing the facts about what's possible now.
2 minutes in, and again Stefan is a disaster when it comes to talking about economics. Strawman, strawman, strawman.this is the latest bumped bitcoin thread, so I won't create a new one and instead will just post this here.. thought some would be interested in seeing what molyneux thinks, uploaded today.
So far it's very likely that this is exactly what will happen: This Senate hearing is a Bitcoin lovefest
See, this is what irritates me about you. You're a dilettante.