LPLockdown - If You Like Giving Your Pages Away

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I had nothing to do with collecting IPs, for those thinking that.

And uber had no intention of dickrolling anyone. Hurr-durr.

And, as far as the noobs comment, I meant keeping the noobs from seeing your LP, not saying the product was just for noobs.

cached version of an old post by nicky:

He has also used:

<img src="" border="0" alt="" />
I'm also a little pissed about a mod abusing his powers of seeing IPs from WF for financial benefit, if that's what happened. Where do I get my money back? haha

Who gives a shit? He doesn't get any value from this. The fact that anyone who cares to get around his landing page protection, can, makes his spray and pray list of ip addresses even less useful. Looking at risk/reward, you're redirecting a few moron wannabe marketers from the page while unintentionally redirecting hundreds of thousands of moron non-marketers who may convert on the offer. Additionally, as someone stated, you're bringing more attention to the fact that you're likely a successful affiliate marketer whose landing pages would be worth stealing.

The theory behind this tool is fine, but you could never accurately pinpoint affiliates to block on a scale necessary to make it work. Think about it- you have 5,000 users behind a proxy working for some government agency with nothing but time on their hands. They're all coming out of the same ip address. One person tries to find ways to make money online and clicks a link to a thread with your pixel in it. You just blocked 4,999 other users, most of which are likely online all day trying to figure out how to get sexy abs or looking for free samples of a teeth whitening solution.

Even ignoring the holes above, why would someone give an affiliate marketing celebrity $50 a month to inject his code into their sites and centralize the management of it all on his own box? You fuckers don't trust Google who is making many billions in profit each year, but you're going to let Big Brother Nicky in on all your campaigns? HTML Obfuscater? He probably obfuscates his pixels into your page too so he can track your campaigns.

Nothing against him though. We're all here to make a buck and sometimes we have to get a little clever and bend ethics. If people are willing to open their wallets, fuck it - take it to the bank.
I'm just spit ballin here, but it seems to me that LP Lockdown isn't supposed to keep people from jacking your pages, it is supposed to help you profit when people jack your pages.

The incentives seem to me that for $50 a month I would want my landers to get jacked by as many marketers as possible, so they could run free traffic for me. That's the stealth feature of let them run your lander for awhile, and then jack it later.

If I tried to actually run real traffic to my protected landers, how do I know my keyword and traffic data isn't being mined? Right now trust is really low in this program and how it gathers its data.

I wonder if there has been network affiliate cookie stuffing on this forum since apparently there is funky image stuff going on?

Either way, disappointing to find out about the WF data mining. Another reason to spend less time on forums and more time producing.
cached version of an old post by nicky:
Happy Birthday NickyCakes! - WickedFire - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster SEO Forum

in his sig at the time of the google cache:
notice the domain the hidden pixel is grabbing from?

eli, please remind me to hug you 24/7 and never piss you and Slightly Shady SEO off.

thx *hug*

PS: Data-Mining on WF? Well, there are a few good reasons why you would want to keep wickedfire users away from your site. Starting with the fact that many morons in here go snitch to google and other networks about cloaked pages because they cant get shit through themselves. kindergarten stuff
PS: Data-Mining on WF?
That is exactly what it is. A list of affiliate IPs is data, and collecting it on WF is data mining on WF.

Well, there are a few good reasons why you would want to keep wickedfire users away from your site.
Ends are irrelevant. The issue here is the means.

Someone should check Dullspace and Circa's old sigs. Probably Sumit as well. Everyone's viral favorites have probably been in on it.
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