LPLockdown - If You Like Giving Your Pages Away

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So, was the dickroll for general traffic or just affiliate IPs? If it really was getting traffic and that was for everyone, I'm sure they appreciated it. "Get Justin's Abs by getting fucked in the ass."
Signature jpg stuffing tactic.
Then wouldn't that list also include some useful bots such as adwords ips and pretty much every account manager in the industry?
Plus that still seems like an awfully high number considering thread view counts.
The list was probably made from his sig on wf (which he posted about), his blog, and cakes chat. So to make it more narrowed down and not have the bots and stuff. It would be registered users on WF, posted comments on NickyCakes, and people on #cakes.
Plus that still seems like an awfully high number considering thread view counts.

Probably high count because the majority of broadband users in the US are on a dynamic IP address and are constantly being reassigned new IP's.

Blocking 150k+ IP's just seems like you are doing more harm than good when IP addresses are always changing. If they were all static it would be way more effective.
Isn't this kind of like the whole Shoemoney thing?

Oh noes the product doesn't work!!1!!1! Or in this case the product just has some flaws to it. Obviously the product isn't targeted towards those of whom know more advanced ways of hiding their sites and protecting them - it's meant for the noobs who have no clue how to protect their pages and Nicky's tool is better than nothing.

Like a previous poster said you can reverse engineer a lot of things to find LP's. But in the end what it comes down to is your traffic, your money, your conversions. And stealing others landing pages isn't going to teach you how to write copy and succeed the conversions of the sites of which you jacked.

It's a zero sum game. In the end you gain nothing but an initial cash burst (maybe). Focus on skills like copywriting so you don't have to worry about always stealing someones LP.

Initial post was clearly made out of spite, maybe deservedly so. Outing the LP wasn't cool, just say what the problem is and how to find LP's and people will figure it out if they want too. Anyone can just go and get the cached version.

Anyway, whatever. Nicky will make a lot of money off of it, maybe not from the more knowledgeable guys, and noobs will still fail over and over.

No big deal.
Actually, the majority of our accounts are guys who are extremely knowledgeable.

I meant knowledgeable as in not knowing better ways to hide their LP's and protect them - doesn't directly coincide with income, PPC experience, or success.

Maybe was the key word anyway.
if you're running a campaign hard, anyone with half a brain is going to realize you're cloaking.
Everybody kept wondering why John Chow was at Nicky's ASW party, until now. duhn duhn duhn!

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