Louey's Journal

LESSON LEARNED - URL impacts your click through rate

I changed the URL for one of my major KW's from sitename.com/how-to-be-a-keyword to sitename.com/keyword and my total site traffic dropped by 25%. The meta title (I think this is what it's called) stayed the same. There was no movement in SERP's. I still held #2. People just stopped clicking through.

I changed it back and traffic is back up again.

Lesson learned.

That's a fucking cool lesson!! Did you have "how to be" etc in the title?

Also nice of Google to be so kind with those 301s :)

LESSON LEARNED - Less is more

If you want to convert your traffic at a higher rate, give them just enough to make them want to know more then tell them to opt in to find the answer.

For the last 4 years, I've been giving visitors a complete answer and then telling them if they like the philosophy, to download my free book.

Waste of time.

I'm just testing some of my money KW's and even though they're just in the early stages of testing, the results are pretty staggering.

Page 1
Full content - 1 conversion from 142 visits
Short Content - 6 conversions from 136 visits

Page 2
Full content - 2 conversions from 28 visits (Not a bad rate)
Short content - 6 conversions from 29 visits!

It's only early days yet and 60 visits is hardly statistically significant amount but it's looking good so far.

Motherfucker. That's awesome!!!!!!!
I just opened up my webmaster tools and found the kiss of death sitting there waiting for me. This is not good.

6 weeks till I come crashing down.

Oh dear.
I've checked over the rankings as there's been some drops already. Mostly only KW's that were ranked with ALN to start with. Now that such a HUGE chunk of their network has been deindexed, I think the KW's ranked with it have suffered.

I still haven't seen the big drop yet (the KW's that dropped off were only bringing in roughly 20% of traffic) so I have nothing else to report yet.

I'll keep you posted with any big changes.
Just got the slap... I think.

Most of my major KW's took a dip but they only dropped 5 or 6 spots. The two big ones that I was really worried about are still on the first page.

I'll be intersted to see if this is the BIG drop or if there's another one on the way.
Same for me today... Must be the new Panda rollout. 2 sites still in first page for most KWs, seeing drops of 1-9 spots. Other site, all KWs off the first page. Hope this is the big one and it ends there...
LESSON LEARNED - Not all traffic is created equal

In the last 3 weeks, my site has been smashed by google. Traffic is down from a peak of 2400/day to less than 1000/day. Interestingly, my conversion rate has also dropped by 50% so I'm now down 75% on daily conversions (optin).

Interestingly though, my sales have only dropped by 30%. That means that the conversion rate of subscribers to purchases has increased 3.08% to 5.43%

That's 76% increase.

Not all traffic is created equally. Some will convert higher, some lower. Just because you're not getting as many front end conversions, doesn't necessarily mean disaster for your back end. Don't treat all traffic the same because it's far from it.
Income's down by about 50% at the moment but it's not really reflective of how the drop has effected things. I've had my workshops offline for the last month and the income is just reflective of ebook sales and workshop trials.

I'm just about to put my first workshop back online and my second workshop kicks off on Monday so I'll know more about the impact in a month.
Here are the original keyword ratings:

Primary anchor:
Current rank 212 (27,000 exact match monthly searches, 11 mil competing pages)

Secondary anchors:
KW#1 -> 3 (1,900 searches, 5 mil pages)
KW#2 -> 10 (1,600 searches, 2 mil pages)
KW#3 -> 14 (2,900 searches, 200k pages)
KW#4 -> 245 (1,600 searches, 200k pages)
KW#5 -> 265 (1,600 Searches, 2.3 mil pages)

from noob to noob

Where do you get these statistics?
from noob to noob

Where do you get these statistics?

From the google keyword tool. Just google it and it'll come up.

Make sure you set the search criteria to 'exact match' otherwise you'll just end up with a whole lot of useless data that will cost you money.
LESSON LEARNED - The easiest way to create a sales page is to look for 'inspiration' from the guys who're already selling what you are effectively.

I've been trying to write this f*&king sales page for about three weeks till I had a brain wave -- why try and reinvent the wheel. Just go look at the sales pages of guys who're already successfully selling the same thing I am and take all the best parts.

Add them all together an viola! Instant sales page!
From the google keyword tool. Just google it and it'll come up.

Make sure you set the search criteria to 'exact match' otherwise you'll just end up with a whole lot of useless data that will cost you money.

Thanks mate, kind of knew that already but you know. Complete noob here.

Journal is very interesting, I've read it all the way through so far. Keep it up
I'm new to this shit. Really new.

I was half of a partnership that provided relationships and dating advice to guys looking for a deeper and more real experience with women. My partner and I had been doing this for a few years. He was looking after the business and marketing side of the business. I looked after the coaching side.

This was until I found out at the start of this year that he'd been spending company money on bars, speeding fines, car repairs, and groceries. A lot of money.

So, he's gone and I'm on my own. I'm now learning how to do all this shit from scratch.
Just made an executive decision: I'm only going after niche related and white hat links.

No more fat link packages from generic link farms or anything like that. I can't afford to get slapped again. Google is starting to get very clever and I don't want to have to start from scratch every time a new update comes out.

So, if anyone is reading this and has links for sale on dating, relationship, self confidence, or Masculinity sites, hit me up.

Just made an executive decision: I'm only going after niche related and white hat links.

No more fat link packages from generic link farms or anything like that. I can't afford to get slapped again. Google is starting to get very clever and I don't want to have to start from scratch every time a new update comes out.

So, if anyone is reading this and has links for sale on dating, relationship, self confidence, or Masculinity sites, hit me up.


Very good idea
I'm moving away from generic link packages and I'm looking for high quality links on niche specific quality sites.

I can write guest posts if needed, happy to do audio interviews or videos as well, or I can just pay you to link. Either way, I'm happy.

My site is a dating advice site for guys focusing more on the self-improvement and self-confidence side of things rather than the Pick Up Artist stuff but it's all relevant.

If you have a site in this niche and are linking from it, please PM me with site URL's and cost and we'll see what we can work out.

If you want to go more down the guest posting / interview side of things and want to know more about what we do, just PM me and I'll flick you my URL.

Post Penguin traffic has settled at around 700 visitors/day so things are looking ok. It's less than a third of what I was getting before but if I can get close to the conversion rates I'm looking for, then it should be more than enough to bring in a good amount of money.

My back end funnel is very strong and converts at 20% (to a $400 product) and 15% (to a $1500 product) so it's still just the front end conversions I need to work on.

LESSON LEARNED - Scarcity Sells

Previously, you could sign up to my $400 workshop whenever you wanted. This did OK but I decided to try a different experiment.

Instead of letting as many people in as possible, I capped it a 10 at any one point in time. As the program runs for 5 weeks, this meant that only 10 people could join at the start of the 5 week period and if someone missed out, they would have to wait.

This pushed demand through the roof and allowed me to do some fun stuff.

Firstly, when I launched the program, it sold out in 5 hours. Normally, it takes a week to sell out. Also, I had roughly 30 guys put their names down on the priority access list to get priority access next time it goes on sale.

This is where I got to do some fun stuff.

I set up an email autoresponder so that when someone filled out the priority access application, they would recieve a personal email from me asking what they were looking to achieve through the program and blah, blah, blah.

I did it guessing that the ones who were really keen to sign up would respond and the ones who just wanted to get on the list for shits and giggles would ignore the email.

When someone did respond, I'd let them know that I just had someone put their place on hold so I had one place to spare. And they could have it if they wanted or they could wait another 5 weeks to get in.

About 50% of guys who signed up took the place.

And, as there's no way for them to check how many people are in the program at any one point in time, there's no way for them to know it's oversold.

The other great thing this does is allow me use the power of the list to put extra pressure on guys. I can say there's 100 guys who've signed up for the priority access list and onyl 10 spots. If you want one, get in fast.

So, in conclusion, scarcity sells. If you've got a product you're trying to move, find some way to limit the amount of time / quantity of them and it should do wonders for your bottom line.

I realise this is one of the oldest marketing principles but there's a big difference between knowing something and putting it into practice.