Louey's Journal

Louey, I've followed your thread here since joining WF. Thank you for your time and effort in showing us your success and failure. Keep up the good work!

I'm firing up my own offer and I need someone a little dodgy to process it.

The product isn't illegal, it's just frowned upon (think natural herbs that get you high but in the tech niche). I've been turned down by Plimus, Revenue Wire, and I've heard of RegNow even turning it down.

They don't have to have an affiliate system as I planning on running all my own traffic (though it wouldn't hurt if they did), they just need to process payments.

Does anyone know of any dodgy payment processors that will run less than glamorous offers that have a traditionally high (10%) refund rate?

Try e-junkie.com.
The name isn't inspiring but it has been used by a lot of solid businesses and startups
Try e-junkie.com.
The name isn't inspiring but it has been used by a lot of solid businesses and startups

Cheers for the tip. Through a few dodgy connections, we managed to get on board with Plimus so we'll run with them for now. If they pull the plug, I'll check out e-junkie.
If anyone's looking for a good and free uptime monitoring service, try Free Website Uptime Monitoring - Uptime Robot

You can have up to 50 URL's in there and they'll email you any time the site goes down.

Just found them and they're awesome.

I've been using UTR for quite some time and found them very reliable. More recently I have started using StatusCake which has a lot of useful performance related features and a great free tier of service. The paid options look realy good too and it is only a matter of time before I give that a go as well.

LESSON LEARNED: It's not the technique that matters, it's the execution.

I've just been running some split test using Market Samurai's Scarcity Samurai plugin (fucking awesome plugin and it's still in it's early development phase).

The first test I ran resulted in a 50% decrease in sales (from 1.3% to 0.60%). Obviously not what I was hoping for. I hypothesised that there was too much pressure and people were getting put off.

So, I changed the banner to make the site's colour scheme, put more time on the timer, and ran a second test. Right now, on a limited sample of sales, it's showing a 100% increase in sales (1.5% to 3.14%).

It's not the technique that matters, it's the execution.

If a tool is working for someone else but not for you, stop, have a look at what you're doing, what you can improve, and test the fuck out of it.
I love scarcity samurai. It's been really effective for me. I saw you mention CRO above, if you want any help with it just holler. I published a post a month or two back about my favorite CRO tools.

Check out mouseflow.com (opensource options also exist). This in conjunction with crazyegg/clicktale and Optimizely (or opensoure sixpack) is killer
Check out mouseflow.com (opensource options also exist). This in conjunction with crazyegg/clicktale and Optimizely (or opensoure sixpack) is killer

Awesome mate. Thanks for the tip. I'm using viberspy at the moment and it does a good job. For $50, it's great value.

I'm using Visual Website Optimiser at the moment as well. Fucking so surprising all the shit I'm learning. Just about every assumption I've made has been proven completely wrong. Blows my mind.
Just made an executive decision: I'm only going after niche related and white hat links.

No more fat link packages from generic link farms or anything like that. I can't afford to get slapped again. Google is starting to get very clever and I don't want to have to start from scratch every time a new update comes out.

So, if anyone is reading this and has links for sale on dating, relationship, self confidence, or Masculinity sites, hit me up.


How's this working out for you snow white?
Very well, actually. That site hasn't been slapped in WEEKS! I'm doing very well...
Lesson learned: Track visitors to your blog network sites

I just added all my blog network sites to a WordPress management tool that happens to have analytics built into it. I didn't even think about this as I assumed that all my sites were just empty dropped domains with no real value. Oh, was I wrong.

I just checked the analytics for the first time and one of my blog network sites got nearly 2000 pageviews... on Wednesday!

It doesn't track unique visitors but given that the site only has 5 pages of content on it, I'm guessing that it's not getting more than 3 or 4 pages per visit meaning there's a bunch of traffic that's going wasted at the moment.

The worst part about this is that this is a site that I've had for years without ever monetising the traffic on there.

Looks like it's time to start.

So, if you have a blog network made up of dropped domains, make sure you have some kind of analytics tracking on there otherwise, you could be missing out.
Great share. You mentioned about "Wordpress management tool" to manage your blog network sites. Can you recommend couple of them? I have tried ManageWP but not happy with results.
Great share. You mentioned about "Wordpress management tool" to manage your blog network sites. Can you recommend couple of them? I have tried ManageWP but not happy with results.

I'm using ManageWP at the moment and love it. What issues did you have with them?

The only one I've found so far is that if you have a popup on your wordpress site that checks if you're human before letting you log in, it means you can't autoinstall the ManageWP plugin from their interface. But you can get around it really easily by just installing the plugin manually.
LESSON LEARNED: One quality link from an authority domain > 1000 low quality links

I started getting tired of all the poor quality links on the BST threads so decided to build my own high authority blog network. I'm setting up one site at a time and decided to send one link from one of my more juiced up domains (PA67 DA62) to one of my old money sites to see what effect it would have.

I hadn't tested links of this calibre before so had no idea what results I'd see or when I'd see them.

The result was a jump from an average of 1100 visitors to an average of 1500 visitors - that's a 34% increase. Not bad for one link. Can't wait to see what happens when I unleash the rest of the network on it!

The really interesting thing is that it had a brand name anchor text and the increase in traffic didn't come from any one KW. It was all long tails that I just started ranking higher for.

So, if you're trying to increase your search traffic and you're about to purchase your 5th 1000 web 2.0 package, stop for a second and think about whether you really need 1000 links or just one.
Just learnt a great trick to get your hands on free stock photos.

Put this in your search bar: inurl:fotolia.com -site:fotolia.com KEYWORD

Obviously replace KEYWORD with whatever kind of pictures you want. A lot of people buy stock photos but don't rename them before they upload them. It means you can get high quality stock photos without having to pay for them.

And yes, you can replace fotolia.com with any of the big stock photo websites.
For any new guys who don't have a lot of cash and are wanting to know how to get high quality links for free, check out this method: The Ninja Guide To Broken Link Building

Really smart stuff.

It's time consuming but really solid and will eventually result in some really nice, white hat link juice.
Sad story. But great that you are seeing the positive side and taking action. Wishing you all the best. Champions are not people who don't fail. Champions are people who know how to turn failure into success, how to turn a mistake into an opportunity. You are a champion my dear.

Keep keeping on.