Louey's Journal

For any new guys who don't have a lot of cash and are wanting to know how to get high quality links for free, check out this method: The Ninja Guide To Broken Link Building

Really smart stuff.

It's time consuming but really solid and will eventually result in some really nice, white hat link juice.

I know my opinion as a noob means shit but I've had quite a bit of luck myself utilizing broken link building the past few weeks.

It definitely is way too time consuming for most of the people on here (or perhaps not) but it can be automated, although I have a dramatically higher rate of success when I'm sending personalized emails.

This post has actually inspired me to start my own journal about my very first IM project I'll be starting tonight/tomorrow (depends on if I have to keep a comitment tonight or not). Thanks for that, it's going to be a rocky road for sure but I'm looking forward to it.


I know my opinion as a noob means shit but I've had quite a bit of luck myself utilizing broken link building the past few weeks.

It definitely is way too time consuming for most of the people on here (or perhaps not) but it can be automated, although I have a dramatically higher rate of success when I'm sending personalized emails.

This post has actually inspired me to start my own journal about my very first IM project I'll be starting tonight/tomorrow (depends on if I have to keep a comitment tonight or not). Thanks for that, it's going to be a rocky road for sure but I'm looking forward to it.


Hey mate,

Just because you're new, it doesn't mean your opinion doesn't mean shit. Often, new guys come up with great ideas because they aren't entrenched in the standard way of thinking and come up with new ways of looking at problems.

Glad it inspired you to start your own journal. It'll help you get heaps of feedback on what you're doing and how you're doing it as well as helping you get through confusing issues.

Well worth the time and effort.
If any of you 'Big Brand' guys out there are adding phone numbers to your sites and need voicemail messages recorded for them, you can't go past this chick: record a professional voicemail greeting - fiverr

$5, and the quality is pro level.

I've used her for two of my sites and I'm blown away by how good she is every time I listen to her.

Do yourself a favour.
LESSON LEARNED: One quality link from an authority domain > 1000 low quality links

The result was a jump from an average of 1100 visitors to an average of 1500 visitors - that's a 34% increase. Not bad for one link. Can't wait to see what happens when I unleash the rest of the network on it!

So the results are in.

I've added links from 5 other sites in my private blog network and traffic has gone from 1500 visits a day to 2200 a day. Fucking money in the bank. And, once again, it's all from long tails.

In total, since I started building the blog network, traffic is up 41%. Fucking out of this world.

If anyone is questioning whether or not they should invest in a blog network, do yourself a favour and start it today.

Yes, there's a lot of work in getting the hosting, setting up the sites, adding quality content, etc... but it's worth it.
I'm looking or historical Google SERP's and I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's even possible to find them.

I'm looking for a site that used to rank for a specific term and I have no idea what the URL was... I've tried Googling any keyword that it used to rank for but I have a feeling that it's not hosted any more.

If I can find historical SERP's then I can find this site's name and look it up on archive.org.

So, anyone know if it's possible to find historical SERP's?
If anyone still hasn't gotten their head around the importance of page speed, have a read of this: How I Grew Quick Sprout From 121,311 to 244,923 Readers in 30 Days

It's an article by Neil Patel on how he shaved 0.7 seconds of his site load time and increased his traffic by 2,000 visitors PER DAY.

It's also got a list of changes he made that you can make as well.

Well worth the 4.5 minutes it'll take you to read through it.
Ok, it's time to revive this journal.

If you've been following this journal, you would have noticed that there haven't been too many posts of real substance over the last year or so.

I've been busy building a different business which has consumed most of my time, but as we've recently been able to add more staff to the team and I've got better at managing my time and the time of others, I've got a bit of time on my hands that I'm able to dedicate back onto my own projects.

So, here is the plan moving forward:

1. Hire more staff

I've got a personal VA and a content writer on board (Hi J, if you're reading) and I'm adding a marketing manager.

The manager's job is going to be managing and implementing all of the little stuff I want done so I can free up my time to focus on bigger picture stuff. I've got interviews today and tomorrow and I'll have someone locked in by the end of the week.

2. Dating site optimisation

I've just done a complete redesign of my main dating site to try and increase conversions. It was getting around 2000 uniques a day but only 0.31% of them were opting in.

I launched the redesign yesterday and the optin rate is currently sitting around 0.59% which is a HUGE improvement, but still well below what it should be.

The goal is to hit 3% by the end of the year.

This is going to be done by adding two more optin forms as well as optimising the forms to maximise conversions.

At the moment, the site has three optin forms - homepage, sidebar, and bottom of post. The ones I'm going to add in are a time activated lightbox and a scroll activated lightbox based on the recommendation in this post: In Defense Of The Popup

The form optimisation will be done using Visual Website Optimiser. I've signed up for the Conversion XL conversion course so that should help me design and execute the tests.

I'm also going to be doing some conversion testing of the subscriber email sequence. Last time I checked (which was about a year ago - but the sequence hasn't changed since then), the conversion rate from subscriber to customer was roughly 10%. The goal is to push that to 15% by the end of the year.

One other thing I'm going to change on teh site is decrease the page load times. Before the redesign, it was sitting at 19 seconds (according to Google Analytics) and teh redesign has dropped it to 13 seconds. My goal is to get it down to 5 seconds. I don't currently have anyone who does this so if anyone reading this knows a good WordPress speed optimiser, then please let me know.

3. Review site growth and optimisation

I purchased a product review site off a friend more than 3 years ago and haven't touched it since then. It still has his affiliate links in it! When I bought it, it was getting around 100 visitors per day but that's dropped to around 10 per day...

The optimisation of this site is going to happen in two stages:

a. Increase traffic

I'm going to do serious research into product review KW's with little competition and use my private blog network to push this site up the SERPS. The goal is to get the site to 10,000 visitors per month which given my vague knowledge about this niche, it should be very achievable.

b. Conversion optimisation

I have no idea how the site currently converts so until I have that data, it's going to be very hard to make any commitments to increases in conversion rate but the goal is to be making $2,000 per month by the end of the year.

I'll be doing this through VWO once again based on what I've learned in the conversion course.

4. Niche micro site

I've also started dabbling in my first micro niche site. I've done the research and built the site, now it's just time to see how well my PBN can push it up the serps and how much money I can make from it.

I've never done anything like this before so it'll just be a bit of fun but if I can make enough cash from it to cover it's costs and pay for a VA or two, then I'll be happy.

So, that's the plan.

If you have any comments, ideas, tools, or gifs you want to post, shoot away.

Otherwise, I'll just update this any time something relevant comes up.
Holy shit... I'm just going through my dating site's analytics and I've found something that seems mind-blowingly shit.

81% of visitors to my site spend less than 10 seconds on the site.

Is this the same for the rest of you guys? Is this common? Or is my site especially shit?

EDIT: And 50% of my traffic is mobile. Who knew?
Holy shit... I'm just going through my dating site's analytics and I've found something that seems mind-blowingly shit.

81% of visitors to my site spend less than 10 seconds on the site.

Is this the same for the rest of you guys? Is this common? Or is my site especially shit?

EDIT: And 50% of my traffic is mobile. Who knew?

My AVG session duration is 72 seconds, with a 83% bounce rate.
Holy shit... I'm just going through my dating site's analytics and I've found something that seems mind-blowingly shit.

81% of visitors to my site spend less than 10 seconds on the site.

Is this the same for the rest of you guys? Is this common? Or is my site especially shit?

EDIT: And 50% of my traffic is mobile. Who knew?

No. That is incredibly shit.

But.. these might be interrelated.

Step 1 - People leave because the site is shit on mobile
Check your site on mobile devices. (Outside on 3G or less is key)
Does it work at all?
How does it look?
How fast does it load?

Step 2 - People leave because the site is shit
Check your site on a computer
Does it work at all?
How fast does it load?
Does it look attractive?
How can it draw the visitor into the site, and entice him to stay longer?

No. That is incredibly shit.

But.. these might be interrelated.

Step 1 - People leave because the site is shit on mobile
Check your site on mobile devices. (Outside on 3G or less is key)
Does it work at all?
How does it look?
How fast does it load?

Step 2 - People leave because the site is shit
Check your site on a computer
Does it work at all?
How fast does it load?
Does it look attractive?
How can it draw the visitor into the site, and entice him to stay longer?


haha... Ok. That's good to know at least.

The old site wasn't responsive and so was pretty hard to work with on mobile. The new site is responsive and it renders properly on mobile and desktop.

Load time is definitely an issue. The site has always been slow and clunky. The new version is much faster, despite the fact it's pretty image heavy, but it's still not what it needs to be.

I'm putting up an ad for a WordPress speed optimisation freak today so I hopefully should have the speed issue sorted by next week.
Like a fucking BOSS


Yesterday was 0.85%, today it's 0.91%. That's 3 times what it was on the old design.

(NOTE: The 2 days before the design change don't count because I was checking landing pages and doing the move and extra signups appeared and others weren't counted)

Really interestingly, the 92% of all signups are completed in the optin box at the bottom of the each post. The home page accounts for the other 8%. No-one has signed up through the optin box at the top of the sidebar.

I'm guessing it's because people now really want to find out what your content is about and whether or not you're worthing signing up to before they optin rather than the old days where you could just put a sweet eBook on the home page and people would line up for it.
Fuck, I was SO wrong.

I thought it was a bit strange that no-one had used the sidebar optin so decided to do a bit of digging to check what was going on. It turns out that I didn't have the tracking URL set up properly in analytics and it wasn't that no-one was opting in, it was that I wasn't counting them.

That means that the 0.85% conversion rate doesn't include sidebar optins.

So, I went through the stats, checked out the convesion figures, and it turns out that the sidebar is actually where most people are opting in.

After adding those figures into the total conversions, it turns out that my conversion rate for the last two days is actually up from 0.31% to 2.36%!!!!!!!!!!!

That's a 7.5x increase from 3 days working on a new design. Holy fuck. It just makes me wonder why the fuck I didn't do this earlier.

LESSON: Fuck, always check your tracking URL's.
Congrats on the great results!

One thing I want to try that you might look into to increase subscribers is an "unpop box."

getunpop.com |

Annoyingly, it's currently not available, but I think the idea is cool and I've seen it used a lot on Penguin Magic.

It can be annoying too, however ... but looking at their videos, they have all kinds of options, such as delayed appearance and so forth.
Ok, next step is website speed optimisation.

I've been reading a lot about how much of a positive impact it can have on all your website metrics - search traffic, time on site, bounce rate, pages per visit, and optin rate - and it's time to find out if it's going to work for me.

I've found a dude on oDesk who looks like the boss of website speed optimisation. It's costing $150 but he thinks he can cut 60% off the page load time. REALLY keen to see what he do.

Here's a screen shot of the current website speed:


And website metrics:

Congrats on the great results!

One thing I want to try that you might look into to increase subscribers is an "unpop box."

getunpop.com |

Annoyingly, it's currently not available, but I think the idea is cool and I've seen it used a lot on Penguin Magic.

It can be annoying too, however ... but looking at their videos, they have all kinds of options, such as delayed appearance and so forth.

Thanks for the recommendation. There are a couple of popup companies that do something similar.

I'll chuck it on the list of things to check out.
Hey Louey,

Been following this thread, some awesome stuff here.

Anyway, looking at your site metrics and page speed stats surprisingly resembles one of my sites too (almost identical..almost). So, it would be interesting to see what effects it has on your site metrics once you've upped your page load speed.

One thing I don't get with GTMetrix stats is that my page seems to be loading much slower than yours (4.71s vs 10.56s - mine) but I seem to be getting better "Grades". My page size is smaller 1.2mb (vs yours 2.12mb) and I have lower requests too 74 (vs yours 128). I guess grade wise it isn't based on page load speed but rather the criteria's they've set. In the real world, the actual page speed is what matters, no? Hmmmm...

Also, thanks for the share on Topsy! Awesome tool. The first search I did has already given me a lot of ideas. Would be a great tool to find content to share on my social media pages too.

Keep it up - looking forward to future updates!
