Louey's Journal

Yeah, going for a managed with a 100mb port. I've just been put in touch with some the guys at knowenhost and they're going to walk me through it.

I'm going to try pursuing Reddit as a traffic source and if it works out, I'm going to need all the bandwidth I can get.

Someone here posted a little bit about monetizing reddit traffic. One way they found to increase stickiness was to make it clear you knew they were from Reddit... so send them to a specific "HI Reddit and thanks for visiting page," maybe give them a special offer, and definitely slap that alien logo somewhere on the page.

Someone here posted a little bit about monetizing reddit traffic. One way they found to increase stickiness was to make it clear you knew they were from Reddit... so send them to a specific "HI Reddit and thanks for visiting page," maybe give them a special offer, and definitely slap that alien logo somewhere on the page.

Great point mate. I'll keep that in mind when I start to push that angle.
UPDATE: And then it all went to shit...

I'm not sure what's happened over the last month, but things have gone to shit.

My traffic has dropped steadily from 2000 visitors per day down to 1100 and my conversion rates have plummeted as well. They're down by about 30%.


Luckily, traffic usually takes a while to convert to workshop sales so there's still money coming in from them but not anywhere near as much as I'd like.

So, here's the plan.

I've just finished redesigning my site and the thing looks hot. I'm guessing that front end optin rates should roughly double (to about 3.5% - 4%) (I have no evidence to back this up, it's just a hunch given that the site will actually look like the kind of site that people want to visit rather than a cheap piece of shit).

I'm rewriting the email autoresponder to bring it more in line with the current angle of the site and hoping that it maintains a similar, if not slightly improved conversion rate to sales (was converting 12% of email subscribers prior to this month).

I'm also moving away from SEO as my primary traffic source and focussing on referral traffic. The surge I got from Reddit has resulted in a steady stream of relavant referral traffic and it's converting better than I expected (0.5% - 14% depending on the source page). The comments on the Reddit thread that lead to the spike in traffic show that the people there are open to the ideas I have so it's worth a try. I'm also going to start going after other sources of referral traffic to see how it converts.

Relying on Google is killing me.

That's all for now. I'll post the conversion rates of the new site design as soon as I have statistically significant data (to be honest, if they're good, I'll probably post something before I have statistically significant data because I get excited about that shit).
This is the second journal that I've seen that actually went somewhere. Subbed. Going to read through it when I have the time.

As for the traffic, check the date. If it doesn't coincide with any known updates then it's just algorithmic and should be possible to fix easily.
See what pages the traffic dropped on, what keywords etc., find where the problem lies before giving up so easily. Depending on the problem and the amount of traffic lost, it might be easier to fix it than replace that traffic from other sources, which you should start doing either way after you fix this.
Yeah, it hasn't coincided with any updates and it's been a steady and gradual decline so I think it's algorithmic. It will be easy to fix if I can find a reliable source of niche specific links.

Traffic is still over 1000 visits per day so there's plenty of people to run conversion testing. I'm not going to focus on traffic too hard until I get the new site up and running. that will be the start of Feb so I've got a bit of time till then. I'm just going to get the site actually looking respectable and then I'll start to hit traffic again.

And for some reason, sales have just started to come back up again. I've changed nothing on the site but they're just magically reappearing. Not sure what happened but it's working.
Does anyone have expereince converting a content based blog into a free membership shit to boost conversions?

https://www.neilstrauss.com only lets you see part of an article and then you have to register to see the rest.

I've been thinking about this and wondering if anyone has tried it? If so, what issue did you find? How did it effect your readership and general site traffic? What happened with your onsite metrics? And what was the boost to your conversion rate?
Wouldn't converting to a free membership site be a horrible idea if you're still (largely) relying on organic Google traffic?

(Don't mind me if this was just a long-term idea.)
Yeah, it hasn't coincided with any updates and it's been a steady and gradual decline so I think it's algorithmic. It will be easy to fix if I can find a reliable source of niche specific links.

Traffic is still over 1000 visits per day so there's plenty of people to run conversion testing. I'm not going to focus on traffic too hard until I get the new site up and running. that will be the start of Feb so I've got a bit of time till then. I'm just going to get the site actually looking respectable and then I'll start to hit traffic again.

And for some reason, sales have just started to come back up again. I've changed nothing on the site but they're just magically reappearing. Not sure what happened but it's working.

Weekend perhaps?
There is always a reason. Get better tracking or learn how to analyse it properly if you have it already.
Different keywords are ranking higher maybe, which are higher converting than the ones that fell off? The market doesn't change just like that and neither did you change anything on your site, so if the spike isn't normal for weekends, I really recommend you take a deep look into your organic traffic. Once you find out the reasons, it will be totally worth the time. You then know what sort of keywords are converting better.
LESSON LEARNED: Plugins effect WP page load speeds

I just cut 40% off my page load times by changing social sharing plugins I'm using. 40%. If you're pages are loading slowly, might want to check which plugins you can ditch and which ones you can replace.
LESSON LEARNED: Plugins effect WP page load speeds

I just cut 40% off my page load times by changing social sharing plugins I'm using. 40%. If you're pages are loading slowly, might want to check which plugins you can ditch and which ones you can replace.

What social sharing plugins did you use?
I was using 'slick social buttons' but now I'm using AddThis.

I'm still not exactly happy with it. I'm still looking for one that floats on the left hand side of the page but also converts to the top of the post when the page size gets below a specific size.
LESSON LEARNED: Facebook Feature Image Matters

A little over a month ago, I realised that the facebook page my ex-business partner set up didn't have a feature image on it. I made one, set it up, and decided to test what kind of an impact that had on signups.

Without doing ANYTHING else to increase traffic to the page or use any other tools to prompt people to sign up, signups increased by 27%.

Turns out this shit is important.
LESSON LEARNED: Facebook Feature Image Matters

A little over a month ago, I realised that the facebook page my ex-business partner set up didn't have a feature image on it. I made one, set it up, and decided to test what kind of an impact that had on signups.

Without doing ANYTHING else to increase traffic to the page or use any other tools to prompt people to sign up, signups increased by 27%.

Turns out this shit is important.

What kind of image, people or something else?
This is a good journal Louey and I'm glad you still update it from time to time....

That said, I really just keep coming back for your avatar :love-smiley-086:
What kind of image, people or something else?

It's a banner that I made with hot chicks on it. I run a dating and relationship site so it contextually appropriate.

I've attached a copy of it here so you can check it out.
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This is a good journal Louey and I'm glad you still update it from time to time....

That said, I really just keep coming back for your avatar :love-smiley-086:

Haha.. Yeah, she's beautiful. I don't know who she is or where she came from but I'm glad that she's part of my life.

I'm going to be updating this much more in the next few months. My site redesign is basically finished and after that, I'm going to get into serious conversion testing so it's going to be a busy time.
LESSON LEARNED - Just because people aren't commenting, doesn't mean they don't like your article

I put an article up about a week ago that I thought was killer. When 3 days went past and I only got 5 or 6 comments, I was pretty bummed. I thought people were going to get excited about it and it was going to be a big deal.

Then, I checked the social media stats and it turns out that it got more social shares and clicks in a week than any other article I've ever written.

Just because people aren't commenting, doesn't mean they're not engaging and enjoying your content.
EXPERIMENT: Facebook likes increase through promoted post

I added a meme to my personal facebook page recently that for some reason, got more shares and a bigger exposure than anything else (13 shares, 18 likes, and 1300 views vs and average of 2 shares, 10 likes and 300 views).

I decided to see if I could generate an increase in page likes by promoting this post that people obviously enjoy.

I put $5 into it which would give a boost in exposure to between 3k and 5k to see what would happen. I'll report back when the stats are in which should be in 3 - 5 days.