Louey's Journal

LESSON LEARNED: Less is more

A couple of months ago, I read a massive article on ViperChill on the future of blogging. One thing he talked about was how the way articles were being written was going from being short, 'getting you thinking' kind of articles to full blown 'this is the last piece of information you'll ever need to read on a topic' size articles.

I decided to try it out and see what kind of an impact it would have on social shares, organic traffic, direct traffic, time on site, sales, bounce rate, etc...

My normal posts are between 700 and 1000 words resulting in an average of 4 mintues on site 4.5 pages per visit, a bounce rate of 7%, a 1% email subscription, and a 10% conversion rate from optin from sale.

I wrote a series of 4 posts over 2 weeks that were between 3000 and 6000 words. Instead of the usual articles that just reframed the problem and presented a new way of thinking about the solution. They were long, indepth articles that not only covered what was normally included in the shorted articles but also covered the full, step by step solution that guys can normally only find in the ebook that's for sale.

The difference was pretty amazing.

Social shares stayed the same, average time on site dropped to 3:20, pages per visit dropped to 3.6, front end conversions stayed around 1% but sales dropped to 2.5% of optin. That's a 75% decrease in sales for all those who're shit at maths.

After trialing this for two weeks, I saw just how pointless it was and took action. I removed the long posts from the blog and posted a series of 5 short, punchy articles.

I made 4 sales in the last 18 hours (I normally make 1 per day), and things look like they're back on track.

The big take away I got from this is that if you give people everything they want, they don't have any need to either return to your site or buy your products. But, if you just give them enough to show them that you have the answers they need but don't tell them what that answer is, then they're MUCH more likely to take the next step you want them to.
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I bought a dropped domain a few months ago and only just developed.

After putting a few pieces of content on it, it jumped immediately to #2 for 18k and 11k exact match terms as well as #3 for a couple of 5k terms (CPC around $1.40). It's currently getting around 2000 visitors per month.

I want to monetise the traffic but I cant think how. It's all city specific art related traffic. Things like:

(city) art museum
art in (city)
(city) arts museum

Any ideas for affiliates I could go after? I was thinking maybe tourism?

I know that art.com has an affiliate program that offers a 20% commission and a 30 day cookie. With the price point of art being what it is, you may be able to make a program like this work out for you.
I know that art.com has an affiliate program that offers a 20% commission and a 30 day cookie. With the price point of art being what it is, you may be able to make a program like this work out for you.

Thanks for the heads up mate. I'll check it out.

I've gone with Groupon for now to see how that works out but I'll look into art.com
I bought a dropped domain a few months ago and only just developed.

After putting a few pieces of content on it, it jumped immediately to #2 for 18k and 11k exact match terms as well as #3 for a couple of 5k terms (CPC around $1.40). It's currently getting around 2000 visitors per month.

I want to monetise the traffic but I cant think how. It's all city specific art related traffic. Things like:

(city) art museum
art in (city)
(city) arts museum

Any ideas for affiliates I could go after? I was thinking maybe tourism?

Where did you find the 'old' domain?
UPDATE: 1 Week Trial Test

I've just finished the latest round of conevrsion rate tests. This one involved making 20% of my coaching program available for free with a conversion email on the back end to try and get the subscriber to continue with the program.

In the 1 week it was available, I had 138 people subscribe and 4 converted to the full program. That's a 2.89% conversion rate.

The current conversion rate is 2.0% so this is a 44.5% increase in conversion rate. Winner!

The only hole in this test is that I was only able to see how many people signed up for the free trial, not how many participated in it. Given the reluctancy of of most people in the market to take any kind of action, regardless of how good it is for them, I'd be willing to guess that less than 50% of people who signed up actually took part in it but I can't prove it.

I'm not sure how I'm going to incorporate it into the sales funnel. I'm thinking that I might add it in as a secret bonus to the ebook purchase (the ebook is the 1st stage in the sales funnel and the workshop is the second) but I'm still thinking about it.

I'm just about to release an incentive to sign up to the full program to the guys who went through the trial (free, personal coaching valued at $187) and see if that pushes anyone over the edge.

I'm also going to play with the conversion email a bit and see if that gets people more excited.
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Something strange is happening...

My organic traffic has increased significantly over the last 2 months, despite there not being any significant changes in my rankings for any of the top level KW's I'm chasing.

I just checked my analytics and for some reason, the amount of KW's I'm receiving traffic for has increased from 4,500 to 9,100.

Anyone expereinced this before? And have an explanation as to why this might be happening?
LATEST UPDATE: (SEO isn't dead)

At the start of July, I sat down and did some forecasting for the next financial year (July to June in Australia).

My targets were a 10% increase in traffic every month, a 0.2% increase in optins every month, a gradual increase over the year of optin to customer conversion rate from 5% to 10%, and maintaining the back end conversion rates of 20% and 15% respectively.

So far, things are going well.

Over the first three months of this financial year, I've either hit or exceeded a 10% traffic increase with this month looking like I"m going to hit a 20% traffic increase.

The optin to customer conversion rate has doubled from 5% to 10% (I'll explain what I did further down).

The backend conversion rates appear to be holding strong (but it's too early to actually tell given the low number of conversions).

The only part I'm not hitting is the front end conversion rates. They're haven't moved just yet but I haven't actually done anything to try and move them.

What I've done so far
SEO activities are holding pretty consistent with niche relevant blog commenting, web 2.0's, and press releases. Whilst it doesn't seem to have had an effect on my rankings for the money KW's I'm chasing, as I said above, the number of long tail's I'm pulling traffic for has jumped from 4500 to 9100 in 2 months.

I've also just been blatant and started asking my customers to link to my site as well. I can't prove that this has had an effect but the number of sites I'm getting referral traffic from has jumped from 600 to around 900 this month.

The massive jump in conversion rate from optin to customer (ebook purchase) is down to two things:
1. I rewrote the sales page to be more in line with the company philosophy
2. I raided the multi media cupboard and added a whole bunch of audio, video, and coaching manuals in a bonuses.

What I still need to do
I think one of the reasons that my front end conversions are appaulingly low is that my site is ugly as shit and doesn't reflect the message or brand at all.

It simply doesn't inspire trust.

I'm redesigning the site, creating a new logo, and adding a whole bunch of trust signals into the site. I think that will have a huge impact on conversion rates. I only need to maintain my back end conversion rates and get a 3.8% double optin on the front end to be making mid 5 figures a month so it's definitely not unachievable.

I'm also creating a new product to fit in between my ebook and workshop that will work really well as an upsell on the book and a great lead in to the workshop. Hopefully it will have an impact on the conversion rate between the book and the workshop but I won't know till I try it.
To help improve lp conversion rates check out optimizely. You can get tests up and running in minutes and is pretty cheap for lower volume sites. Using it on a high volume ecommerce site and its great
Yeah, thanks for the tip. I've heard of it before. I'm definitely going to check once the redesign is done and I've dealt with the major problems facing the site.
If anyone is looking for a quality logo for just $5, check out this guy: Ei8htz will design 2 unique, high quality, professional logo totally vector and i will give you the source files for $5, only on fiverr.com

I got him to whip something up for one of my sites and the quality is out of this world. It's in the same league as what I've gotten going through 99 Designs and it's 1/60th of the price.

Sure, you only get 2 concepts and no revisions but even if you paid for three rounds of revisions, it still only going to cost you $20.

Well worth it.
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Interesting. Gave him a project just to see what he comes up with.

Missed you on Skype the other night lover, ping me. xox
Gave the guy a shot as well. Tried two other guys and their work was not even worth the fiver.

Only given him the current logo which I whipped up in paint in a few minutes, along with a few pointers. Interested to see how it turns out, thanks for the tip.
If anyone is looking for a quality logo for just $5, check out this guy: Ei8htz will design 2 unique, high quality, professional logo totally vector and i will give you the source files for $5, only on fiverr.com

I got him to whip something up for one of my sites and the quality is out of this world. It's in the same league as what I've gotten going through 99 Designs and it's 1/60th of the price.

Sure, you only get 2 concepts and no revisions but even if you paid for three rounds of revisions, it still only going to cost you $20.

Well worth it.

Thanks for the tip, +rep.
For anyone who's interested in conversion rate optimisation (which you ALL should be), check out this video: 30 Ideas in 30 Minutes | MarketingSherpa

It's only 30 minutes long but it's crammed full of conversion rate techniques from 3 experts in the field that could make a huge difference to your bottom line.