Looking for some comfortable footwear, my crackers!

Ar Scion

New member
Oct 27, 2009
I want em to be comfortable.

I don't wanna have to spend 40 minutes a week dealing with shoelaces. Tuck em into the shoe and go!

Good grip in snow/ice would be a plus, if there is such a thing.

Price range: Under $250

What are you guys wearing?


Globe - Castro United

Like $50 or something. I love these dang shoes. Not exactly designed for snow/ice, but...still.
Should have stipulated no crocs in my post lol.

are those Globe Castro United shoes durable? How long have you been using em?
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Globe - Castro United

Like $50 or something. I love these dang shoes. Not exactly designed for snow/ice, but...still.

I've got a pair of these without laces and have worn them regularly for at least 2 years now - great shoes.

Been rocking these shoes for 4 years now (they last about 2 years a pair, depending on your usage). It's light weight, no lace, and gay (Yay!)