Looking for compelling content that converts? Hire this native-English professional.

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Feb 19, 2011
London, UK
Rating - 100%
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If you need quality copy that really builds sales, then you’ve clicked on the right thread.

I’m a professional copywriter, based in London, with many years experience of writing for big clients. I’ve written for MTV, The British Army, Viacom International, Nickelodeon, and many other famous names, gaining experience across web, print and TV.

One company paid hundreds of thousands to put my words on TV again and again. Why? They converted, and generated a substantial return on investment. If you’ve been annoyed by a direct response TV ad in the UK in the last 5 years, there’s a decent chance it was one of mine. If you’ve ever bought a product or used a service because of one, there’s an even bigger chance that it was down to me.

Simply put: I sell words that make money, and my words can be put to work for you, too.

I’m currently on sabbatical from my job as a conceptual copywriter in a big London agency. I’m taking a year off to enjoy being a new father and support my wife, who sadly can’t afford the luxury of a long career break. I really want to keep my hand in (daytime TV is killing me! Too many of my old ads!) but the terms of my contract prohibit me from taking up any freelance work while I’m away. I think they won’t mind me hammering out a few thousand words for you guys though, just so long as I’m not doing work for their competitors.

I’m going to charge a little bit more than the other people in this forum. My price is $3.00 per 100 words.

Now, before you spit out your coffee, think about what you’re getting: a 1 to 1 service with a professional copywriter who would usually charge a day rate of £200 or more. For $30, you’ll get 1000 words of truly compelling content. Content that draws the reader in, pushes them to keep reading, educates, informs, entertains and, most importantly, CONVERTS INTO SALES!

If all you’re looking for is words to fill space, my service isn’t for you. There are loads of people on this forum who write content for a penny a word. Use them. God knows they do a fantastic job considering you’re paying them almost nothing for their time.

But if you need content that’s a cut above, content of a quality that you wouldn’t even expect to find on this forum, then use me. I assure you that you won’t be disappointed.

I won’t fuck you around on deadlines. If I say it’ll be a day, it’ll be a day. If I say a week, you know when to expect it. If I’m too busy to do it at all, then I’ll be totally straight with you. I’m looking to build some nice relationships here, so it’s in my best interests not to fuck with your shit. If I do screw things up (we’re all human) I’ll put it right ASAP.

Native English speaker? I AM English. We invented the language. ;) (I can do US English too, of course)

I might be more expensive than any others on the site, but what you’ll get is fantastic value for the price. In fact, as my reputation and workload grows, so will the price. You’ll be getting a bargain if you act fast!

Of course, I also give BIG discounts for big orders. (And even some small discounts on small orders, if you seem like a nice person.)

I know you guys don’t know me from Adam. I could just be some kid who can’t string two words together, so of course I’ll be offering 5 free review articles of 500 words each to well established WickedFire members who are prepared to write a timely and honest review of my services.

I’ll write anything, about anything. Articles, reviews, headlines, taglines, creative content like short stories, etc. etc. I also offer discounts for topics I’m interested in, or topics that I already know a bit about.

Payment terms are half up front, half on completion, unless you’re a super established WF member. For you guys, the work is done first and you pay when you’re happy.

Any questions or comments, feel free to PM me, email me at charliecontent@gmail.com or post in the thread.

Looking forward to working with you soon.


I would like a review article please. I am a writer, and I'll be able to judge the quality of your content accurately.
I look forward to reading your work.
Hi there wanna-succeed.

I appreciate you offering to help, but getting a review from one of my competitors doesn't seem like very good business sense to me!

Just to clarify, I'm looking for reviews from buyers, not sellers.

Hey I would be interested in a review copy. Your choice: an article like "5 reasons to buy a widget" or widget Press release....

Just to clarify, I'm looking for reviews from buyers, not sellers.


Haha, you're right, but ask around, I haven't been providing any services for a while, I am simply too bussy.
I have been outsourcing my work for weeks now.
So, if I could receive that review article great, and if not, not a big deal. You choose. I just mentioned I was a writer because I can write a decent review, not a 1 liner...:thumbsup:
Hi wanna-succeed. Like I say, I appreciate your offer of help, but I'm looking to build my own business rather than receive outsourced business from other writers. Thanks though, and good luck! :)

Hi Drake, you can expect your review article tomorrow.

4 left guys.
Also, I just wanted to add that a lot of the guys selling content here seem to have a problem with writing adult/gambling content.

I love sex and gambling, and not only am I prepared to write about those topics, I'll actually offer a discount for most assignments covering them. What can I say? I'm corrupt. :D

I would request a 500 word article in {brackets like this|a spun way like this}. Can you deliver?

Would be MORE than happy to leave you a detailed review. Let me know, I think I would be considered a senior member with my iTrader. I have a few projects going on and need a content writer on the regular.

Not sure if I class as a established member - probably don't, but it's worth a try. If I do, drop me a PM :)

I can all-ready tell you aren't some Indian trying to sell me a bunch of random words strung together from your post.
Hi TheKoenigGroup: I'm not really comfortable with that type of writing to be honest. I've never done it before. I'd rather leave it to the people who specialise in it than deliver something I didn't feel was a good reflection of my abilities. Sorry about that.

Hi Jake. At this stage I'd be happy to provide you with a review article if you're a prospective client for paid stuff. I'll PM you now.
Got my review. Turnaround time was withn 24 hours (with a hiccup in the email but not his fault) and the article is good.

Gave him a subject to write about to make it so that the reader within this niche would go out and use a product. It flowed nice and gave several examples. Did not notice any spelling errors and all points were taken. Overall a great article and one to use on a money site.

Will use again as part of my team!
I got the review article in about the expected amount of time. Communication was good and accurate about when it would be delivered.

I like the article and think it is interesting to read and had interesting short sentences that most people dont mind reading.

The topic was covered well and I would use it for any site. It was made for a particular client of mine that is quite particular and I think they will like it with possibly one change.

I had asked for US English and the flow and majority of the words were US in tone. There were no instances of obvious British English like "keen". There were 3 word that when dropped into Microsoft Word with localization set to US English it said were spelled wrong. ised instead of ized. Two "L"s in a word instead of 1. Other than that no localization problems.

The article had a good amount of keywords in the article. I dont think you could add much more without having it sound bad. As it is, it sounds great. SEO wise I think it will work well.

I liked the article very much and recommend him highly for your important projects.
Hi Bigtay,

I do prefer PayPal but I'm open to suggestions about payment methods. How would you prefer to pay me?


I do press releases yes. It would depend on how many words you need it to be, but right now you're looking at a turnaround of around 3-4 days.
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